All People Genesis: Beginning Binding God Simulator

Chapter 29 The Super-Breeding Beetle Eats Up The World

[Early third era: The Haitianniu family is a hybrid product, with a very petite body and reduced destructive ability. 】

[But under the mutation of the blood, the large sea-tianniu no longer crawled on all fours, but learned to walk upright. Although the movements were very strenuous, they still managed to do this. 】

[Also, different from the original species of longhorn, these sea longhorns are more intelligent. Although they don't have extraordinary creatures to sit in, they have learned to use tools such as stone tools and flames, which pose a great threat to surrounding creatures. 】

[Middle of the Third Era: There is constant friction between creatures, and their strengths are steadily improving. 】

[As insects, the Tianniu family reproduces hundreds of times faster than other races. The total number of their tribe exceeds 2,000, and the number of Haitianniu tribe exceeds 1,000. (Disputes continue to start)]

[But you found that the resources of the two races that have increased in number have become less and less enough to satisfy their appetites. Large areas of ocean and land have been destroyed by the two races, and the world is showing a declining trend for the first time! 】

[The Dapeng clan flying high in the sky ignored the actions of the Tianniu clan, but the two clans led by Taotie and Jiatanjiehe could not just sit idly by. Enraged, they ordered the pursuit of the two clans. The killing order, vowing to exterminate the family! 】

[Late Third Era: A large number of longhorns and Haitianniu were slaughtered. The lord of Tianniu, who had a sense of crisis, humbly found the leader of Haitianniu, apologized to him, and hoped that the two tribes would let go of their prejudices and unanimously speak out! 】

[The leader of the Haitianniu also has a deep understanding of the fact that the whole world is now targeting it. It readily agreed to the proposal of the lord of the Tianniu, and began to teach them to use tools! 】

[Early Fourth Era: After the alliance, the strength of the two races increased dramatically. Relying on the unparalleled reproductive ability of insects, they killed more and more, and the more they killed, the more they could not finish. 】

[And after being able to use tools, the two races even worked together to develop primitive bows and arrows, making it impossible for many races to get close to them, so that the reproduction of the two races continued to accelerate, and the total number exceeded 5,000 in a straight line! 】

"I feel like I'm going to explode." Bai Ze wiped off his sweat.

He forgot that the reproductive ability of insects is hundreds of times that of other races.

With the talent of accelerating reproduction, not only other races will accelerate the reproduction, but even the beetle family will also accelerate the reproduction.

The accumulation of little makes a lot, and now I want to wipe it out, but I can't finish it. The difference in numbers is not usually large.

"Could it be that they are relying on numbers to destroy that second-order world?" Bai Ze suddenly had a flash of inspiration.

He continued to look down, wanting to confirm his point of view.

[Middle of the Fourth Era: The world is in ruins, where the beetles pass by, there is no grass growing, covering the sky and the sun, as if the end of the world is coming, even the sun, moon and stars will be eaten up by it. 】

[The diameter of the land in the world began to degenerate, reduced to 100 kilometers, the ocean degraded to 300 kilometers, a large number of creatures died under the attack of longhorn beetles, and the species of creatures dropped to 200. 】

[Late Fourth Era: Realizing that the two clans were unable to eradicate the longhorn beetle, and the world was destroyed by a large area, the Dapeng clan finally took action! 】

[Unfortunately, the total number of cattle alliances today has exceeded 10,000 in a straight line. With more than one hundred rocs alone, even if they have a stronger air superiority, they cannot be completely wiped out. 】

[Early Fifth Era: In the world, the three races with extraordinary abilities united for the first time and decided to launch a crusade against the longhorn! 】

[The mighty extraordinary army marched forward, because of the joining of Taotie and Kunpeng, the Tianniu clan was directly cut in half, blood rained from the sky, scorched earth piled up, and the ocean was dyed red, as if the world was crying! 】

[In the process of fighting, plants and creatures died in piles, the land was barren, unable to produce new life, and the diameter of the land degraded to 50 kilometers. 】

[In a small space, food resources are in short supply, and creatures form a scene of trapped beasts fighting. Even extraordinary creatures cannot save themselves. 】

[In the end, the energy of the mother star declined, the world became silent, and the creatures completely perished. 】

[This simulation is over! 】

"Pests are indeed pests, they are really fierce." Seeing this, Bai Ze couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

It was exactly as he thought.

Ordinary insects are petite, so even if they are greedy and multiply, it is useless.

However, the beetles estimate that a single beetle can be 5 to 10 meters long.

Then it is possible to destroy a second-order world by rapidly multiplying and stacking the number of people.

"Hmm..." Bai Ze thought for a while.

In this round, he probably figured out how destructive the Chu Tianniu clan is.

If you still want to use them, this small planet of yours is definitely useless, and you must bring spiritual energy to revive it!

However, these beetles can't be launched at the beginning, or they will destroy the world before the spiritual energy recovers, which is useless.

【Ding! Based on all the above data, in this simulation, the host obtained a total of 2000 creation points. 】

"It's okay, the next step is..."

【Ding! Please keep the host, the items that need to be obtained for this simulation! 】

[Beetle Race, Sea Tianniu Race, Xiong Da, Xiong Er, King Jiji...]

[Note: If the host chooses to keep the longhorn or sea longhorn, the long-horn longhorn era in his hand will disappear, and it is impossible for two creatures of the same origin to appear in the world! 】

Bai Ze nodded, he had already expected this.

But at the beginning, Bai Ze didn't plan to choose the longhorn family, because there were too many of them.

And the beetles produced in the beetle era were initially more than a hundred, no more, no less, just enough.

"Do not keep any items." Bai Ze said.

【Ding! Ask the host to choose one talent to keep. 】

Bai Ze glanced at it, he felt that this biological fusion was a bit interesting.

It can actually make the original big and rough tianniu clan crossbreed and fuse into a sea tianniu, which is relatively petite, but has intelligent life forms.

"That's all, biological fusion!"

【Ding! The talent is saved successfully, and the simulation ends. 】

[Cooling time is 50 minutes! 】

After cooling down, Bai Ze returned to the main world.

At this time, Taotie, Kunpeng, and Gatangie have been reborn on each plate.

All of them looked around and were shocked to find that they were not dead yet!

The same scene as last time, this time must be the mighty power of the gods!

"This is the power of the gods, the new life bestowed upon us!"

"Sing praises to the great god!"

"Praise the great god!"

Looking at the worship scene below, a voice came from Bai Ze's ear.

【Ding! Host faith value +10. 】

After thinking for a while, Bai Ze suddenly asked: "System, besides being able to exchange it for creation value, what else can this belief value be used for?"

【Ding! In the system mall, some items cannot be purchased with Genesis Points, but can only be purchased with Faith Points. 】

"System mall?" Bai Ze's eyes immediately lit up when he heard it.

With such a good thing, why did you tell him now?

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