All People Genesis: Beginning Binding God Simulator

Chapter 31 Biological Hybridization, The Birth Of The Cosmic Dinosaur Jayden

Suddenly, two options popped up in front of Bai Ze.

After thinking about it for a while, this should be the divergence of fate that the system said earlier.

There is no doubt that it is naturally the second option.

Bai Ze's goal this time is to create the ultimate life form with both wisdom and strength!

Ordinary creatures are either wise or super powerful, but these are all flawed after all.

Only creatures with both wisdom and strength are worthy of being called true ultimate life forms!

"I choose two!" Bai Ze didn't hesitate at all.

【Ding! Choose success! 】

[Middle of the Second Era: Your silhouette appeared in the Beetle Clan and issued an oracle to them. 】

[Tell them the cruelty of this world, and tell them the direction of development, not just advocating strength, but also have enough wisdom, both, in order to survive in this land! 】

[After hearing the oracle, the tianniu clan realized your existence for the first time. The lord of the tianniu was overjoyed. He brought many tianniu to worship, and vowed that he would not disappoint the expectations of the gods! 】

[Host belief value +1. 】

[Late Second Era: The aura of the world has increased by 500 times. Relying on the lord of the tianniu, the tianniu clan still dominates one side, and with a steady stream of aura, the speed at which the world is destroyed is greatly reduced. 】

[But in the process of reproduction, Lord Tianniu couldn't figure out what wisdom means? They have a strong body, and they are not lacking in strength, but this also makes them not like to use their brains and lack wisdom. 】

[At the end of the Second Era: By chance, the lord of the longhorns discovered creatures of other races, and the newborns born from hybridization also became an opportunity for him to have a flash of inspiration! 】

[As long as one's own clansmen are also hybridized with some kind of highly intelligent creature, wouldn't the newborn have so-called wisdom? ! 】

【For a moment, Lord Tianniu figured out what wisdom is! Hybridization is wisdom! By this means, they gain wisdom while lying down! 】

"Really..." Bai Ze laughed awkwardly.

Although the purpose is achieved, their brain circuit is indeed novel enough.

Next, let's see if the product of hybridization is what Bai Ze expected.

[Early Third Era: Lord Tianniu led many clansmen to worship and interbreed. Through this method, many deformed creatures were produced in their clan. 】

[Although these creatures are ugly in appearance, their IQs are indeed very high. They can not only use props, but also teach the original beetles to use weapons. The only disadvantage is that these hybrids are petite and do not have much strength. 】

[But Lord Tianniu deeply remembers your warning, you must have both strength and wisdom. Strength or wisdom alone is not enough to truly dominate one side! 】

[The beetle lord who couldn't think of a way decided to continue to try hybridization. This time, it changed its strategy and let the clansman it hybridized continue to hybridize with other creatures, constantly adjusting bloodlines, and constantly trying to evolve! 】

[In the middle of the third era: the concentration of aura has reached 1000 times. At this time, countless creatures in the world have advanced breakthroughs. Taotie has entered the high-level warrior level, Kunpeng has broken through the middle-level warrior level, and even their races have made considerable breakthroughs. . 】

[Among them, after Gatanjae also advanced, the Tuosite squid family under its leadership also undergone super transformation collectively! 】

[The body has grown dramatically, with more tentacles, and the skin has changed from dark gray to light blue, which is closer to the color of sea water, and the camouflage ability has been greatly enhanced! 】

【Ding! The extraordinary race, the Water Emperor Clan, was born! 】

"The third extraordinary race? It's indeed a revival of spiritual energy, and the speed of biological development is fast." Bai Ze was very happy.

With each additional supernatural race in his hand, Bai Ze's confidence in this initial test will increase.

After all, he had heard that the world he had to deal with was jointly created by top universities.

Its internal strength cannot be underestimated.

"You have to guard against..."

[Late third era: The diameter of the land exceeded 200 kilometers, the concentration of spiritual energy reached 2000 times, and the number of biological species exceeded 2000. The world presents an unprecedented prosperous scene. 】

【Ding! The world area has reached a fixed threshold, and the system has automatically solidified the host! 】

[On the other hand, because the beetle family is studying hybridization, the reproduction speed is greatly enhanced, but they find that the surrounding plants can't be eaten up. Today they eat 1 meter, and tomorrow they will grow 10 meters. They are simply surprised. ! 】

[However, during the hybridization experiment, an ideal creature really appeared. It is not only huge in size, but also learned to walk upright, and has the wisdom of a cow! 】

【Ding! Extraordinary creature, mutant beetle was born! 】

【Soon, this mutated beetle gradually replaced the position of the lord of the beetle and sat on the throne of the leader of the beetle clan! 】

【It bears in mind the teachings of the old leader, Lord of the Beetle, and uses its own wisdom to lead the clansmen to build statues, temples, and altars to praise your greatness. 】

[Host belief value +10. 】

"The faith value has really increased this time." Bai Ze said quite satisfied.

As explained by the system, once you have a media, your belief value will increase dramatically.

It's a pity that only intelligent creatures can create such a thing.

It is still too difficult to mass-produce it now.

But then, what Bai Ze expected finally happened.

[At the end of the third era: the concentration of aura continued to increase, reaching an unprecedented 5,000 times. From the outside, the gray plate of the mother star was almost completely occupied by green, and even the ocean plate appeared extremely prosperous. 】

【Ding! The land extends to 250 kilometers, and the ocean breaks to 750 kilometers! 】

[Almost at the same time, the mutant beetle was baptized by the aura storm, and the various blood vessels in its body began to boil and blend, prompting it to undergo a super transformation! 】

"It's coming, it's coming!" Bai Ze became excited.

His eyes widened, staring at the scene in the forest.

【Ding! Biological distortion launched! 】

[The mutant beetle has a perfectly upright body, has grown hands and feet similar to humans, has increased in size dramatically, and has a yellowish-black skin overall. 】

【Ding! Warrior-level extraordinary creature, cosmic dinosaur, Jayden was born! 】

【Ding! The beetle race was affected, collectively advanced, and the star bug was born! 】

【Ding! The extraordinary race, the starry sky Zerg was born! 】

"Extraordinary race, yet another extraordinary race?!"

I really didn't expect that there was an unexpected harvest this time.

Originally, what Bai Ze wanted to create was only the cosmic dinosaur Jayden.

Unexpectedly, with its appearance, even the extraordinary race was born.

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