All People Genesis: Beginning Binding God Simulator

Chapter 317: The Blade Of Extreme Cold, The Six Sons Of God Announce Their Alliance!

"Don't panic, hit it directly."

Accompanying the creature's arrival was a loud voice.

After that, a big black fireball smashed straight into the forest.

With a 'boom', a large crater opened on the forest floor, and black flames ignited.

Nearby frost melted and trees burned.

And the ice Qilin who was hit, the ice crystals on his body were instantly burned into water stains.

Just as Mu Han was about to organize a counterattack, he saw that the meteorite worms had already made an emergency landing.

In the entire forest, waves of explosions were set off, like meteorites hitting the earth.

The Ice Qilin were knocked and fled in all directions, and a large number of compatriots were submerged under the storm.

Only then did Mu Han realize that it was Bai Ze who came!

"Haven't you been looking for me for a long time?"

"I'm coming now."

Seeing that he was attacked by Bai Ze, Mu Han became furious and became even more manic.

"You bastard, how dare you sneak up on me."

"But since you're here, there's no need for me to hide."

"Let's go, Blade of Extreme Ice!"

Mu Han clenched his fists and roared sharply.

And following his voice, the completely devastated forest suddenly shook again.

From the depths of the ground, through the canyon that was hit and cracked, bursts of threatening cold air emerged.

Then, without waiting for the many biological reactions on Bai Ze's side.

A blue slash soared into the sky, causing range-shaped damage, and a large number of meteorite worms around were cut in half instantly.

The Universal Worm Emperor retreated urgently to avoid being hit.


Bai Ze quickly raised his head, facing the scarlet sun of the hell planet.

A long knife stood in the sky, following the cold air just now.

It came from the cold pool of the abyss, and its body was covered with cold air. The sword energy that soared to the sky just now was released by it.

[What the hell? a knife? 】

[No, can this also be counted as a creature? Isn't it just a weapon? 】

The barrage scrolled quickly, while Mu Han clenched his fists and showed an insolent smile.

"Open your eyes, Blade of Extreme Ice!"

As the voice fell, the blue knife in the sky began to shake violently.

After that, an extremely wide range of cold air spread, covering the forest and extending to valleys, hills, plains and many other places.

The creators who still left a layer raised their heads together, staring at the blue particles falling from the sky, feeling a burst of heart palpitations.

But at this moment, a dark blue eye opened on the handle of the knife!

The powerful cold air is as unfathomable as the Nine Abyss, making everything tremble.

"This thing has eyes?!"

Bai Ze showed a look of astonishment, but he obviously missed the point.

The audience in the live broadcast room have already noticed the problem.

[Half-step to lead the pinnacle! 】

[Mu Han's creature actually has a half-step command of the pinnacle! 】

[This is the Eastern Division. I have seen the strongest creature so far except for Bai Ze. 】

[Who questioned our son of God just now, this kind of strength is definitely the top in the country! 】

In the game scene, Mu Han also showed an excited expression.

Half a step to rule the pinnacle, which means that it is only half a step away from being promoted from a high level to a pinnacle!

"No, Bai Ze get out of the way!"

Xia Yinyue spoke immediately, but it was too late.

After the Blade of Extreme Ice opened its eyes, the blow that had been accumulated for a long time suddenly burst out.

It was a blue slash, accompanied by a deep cold air, as if it wanted to freeze the space.

"No need."

"Isn't it just a sword fight, Death Scythe Jaden!"

Bai Ze spread his big hands, and a cloud of black mist rose behind him.

Death Scythe Jayton crossed his blades in the black mist, and a bright black lotus bloomed, shining like a star, and the light cut out.

The two offensives converged and confronted each other in the sky above the first floor of the hell planet.

The ground was shaken by this blow, the sky fell apart, and the entire layer of the hell planet was shaking.

Even the world wall was overwhelmed, and an imperceptible gap opened.

[It's so shocking, is this a match between ace and ace? 】

[I feel now that as far as the level of the hell planet is concerned, even without other members, the two of them can easily handle it. 】

[However, the strongest creature on the surface should be the pinnacle of Bai Ze's command. Is there a higher one? 】

Amidst the discussions, the two offensives had already been decided.

The powerful shock wave shook the Extreme Ice Blade far away and slammed into a mountain.

The death scythe Jayden above the smoke screen waved his twin scythes, showing a proud gesture.

Obviously, this collision, it won.

"Xiaobai, are you not injured?" Xia Yinyue's creature rushed over.

"It's okay, his creatures can't hurt me."

"It's you, I arrived in time."

Seeing this, Xia Yinyue chuckled, "It's very timely."

"But if you are later, your cute little girlfriend will be dead."


The two met and had a private conversation.

On the other side, Mu Han, who was seriously injured after being defeated, had extremely ferocious eyes.

How could he lose?

He is known as the strongest son of God in the imperial capital!

He should have been the most legendary figure in recent times under the Goddess.

But now, it was overshadowed by Bai Ze.

He refuses to accept it!

But at this moment, Mu Han received contact from the other sons of God.

"What's going on?" He snapped angrily.

Acted very impatient.

On the other end was Hong Yan's voice.

"Mu Han, stop yelling, if my guess is right, you should lose too."

When Mu Han heard this, the veins on his forehead immediately popped up.

"I'm not defeated, I'm now..."

"Mu Han, although I don't want to admit it, Bai Ze is indeed stronger than me."

"That's right, the two of us joined forces, and we are not the opponent of his creature."

Next to Hong Yan, the person speaking was Zhu Wei.

They fought with Bai Ze's army of meteorites and were almost crushed.

Thanks to Bai Ze's order, Hai Pajton was only allowed to break through, and there was no fierce battle.

Otherwise, they are likely to be completely annihilated.

However, the ace creature in their hands has not been used yet.

If it is used, it should be able to last for a while, or escape or something.

"Mu Han, don't think too highly of yourself, we need to work together."

"It is undeniable that I am not capable of defeating that guy."

At this time, Ye Hui and Liao Liang also got in touch with Mu Han.

Listening to them telling about the tragic situation of their conquest of Bai Ze, Mu Han was slightly surprised.

Unexpectedly, Bai Ze's other creatures are also so powerful.

Not only are there many mythical beasts present, but there is also a well-known dragon god.

Representing life and nature, it is even nobler than Yan Yan's Zixiao Thunder Dragon!

"We're heading towards you now."

"We have lost, but the emperor cannot lose."

"To be honest, my goal was to challenge the Goddess, but now I can't even win against Bai Ze."

"So I decided not to challenge, and directly helping the goddess is equivalent to helping our imperial capital!"

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