All People Genesis: Beginning Binding God Simulator

Chapter 396 The Last Battle With The Boss, The Ace Who Came To Interfere

The headmaster of the imperial capital was muttering, with a nervous expression on his face.

However, as he thought, Bai Ze's battle was not over yet.

After a burst of shouts, the contestants returned to reality again.

Although he defeated the six god sons, the points on Bai Ze's body were still not enough to overtake the imperial capital.

Moreover, within a short period of time, the points of the entire province of the imperial capital have increased tremendously.

It's not the previous 25 million, but the current 26 million!

Among them, there are still imperial capital players participating in the conquest of the boss.

Some of them died, some were injured, and some of them gained points in order to make the province's points reach this number.

"The gap is still a bit big. The difference between us and the imperial capital is about four million."

"It's too difficult, but it's okay, you look at the Western Conference, it's almost saturated."

"Next, the increase should not be very fast."

After the decisive battle in the Eastern Division, the Western Division attracted the attention of many people.

Except for the imperial capital players and some of the top fighters from other provinces, almost all the players are watching the show.

The tiny number of 200 people in the imperial capital, together with those contestants, was only about 250 people.

Such a small number of people is simply not enough to fight against the demon emperor.

Bai Ze fought for so long, and they lost a lot of people before they could cross 20% of the Demon Emperor's blood line, let alone behead him.

"Damn..." The headmaster of the capital panicked.

Immediately, the line of sight turned to the Eastern Division again.

In the main battlefield, Bai Ze faced Hypagedon, who had released the death scythe.

"How are you doing?"

Looking down at the first place, Hypagedun's body was covered with signs of corrosion.

"No problem my lord."

It swayed its body, revealing a proud look.

Therefore, Hypageton's steps were shaken, and he rushed down immediately.

It came in front of the demon emperor, facing him.

This is the last thing Bai Ze will do in the second stage of the competition.

Whether it can turn the tide and overtake the imperial capital depends on this battle!

"Ji Jie Jie!!!"

But at this time, countless small demons stopped him.

While most of them were sunburned to death by radiation, the Demon King was able to summon demons all the while alive.

Therefore, the current number of demons has hardly decreased, and is still more than one million.

With such a huge number, coupled with the serious injuries on Hai Padjeton's body, the only option is to give it a go!

Otherwise, when the demon army with a unit of 10,000 reacts later, there will be no chance at all.

"Happageton, get rid of these guys first!"

With an order, Hypagedun immediately made a move.

Several Black fireballs are thrown out, hitting the demon and causing an explosion.

In an instant, a large amount of Black coke fell from the sky.

"Seize the opportunity and directly attack the Demon Emperor!" Bai Ze ordered again.

Hypagedun swung the pair of pincers, and the two blades flew out in an arc of light.

After crossing the gap of the demon army, he hit the boss's chest head-on, and a burst of sparks exploded.

In an instant, the blood volume on the head of the demon emperor decreased by 0.1%.

Seeing this scene, the headmaster of the imperial capital felt as if he had been hurt, and his breathing stopped suddenly.

However, Hypageton continued to output.

It released its skills again, and played several rounds of long-range skills in a row.

Many demons were wiped out, and the demon emperor was beaten to only 0.57% blood.

"It's about to succeed, just a little bit, just a little bit!"

"As long as Bai Ze successfully wins the boss, it means that our province has a chance to win!"

"That's right, work harder Bai Ze, it's only 0.57% away!"

With the discussion of Su Lin's provincial players, Bai Ze is about to start again.

But at the same time, Zhao Qi, who had been in ambush for a long time, was finally freed from the siege of the demon army.

He shouted loudly, and General Sheng Hui flew out suddenly.

"It's now!"

Bai Ze turned his head, and a golden light flashed past him.

It's Zhao Qi!

At this moment, the audience widened their eyes.

Everyone in Su Lin province hurriedly sounded a reminder, wanting Bai Ze to stop him quickly.

Zhao Qi, however, had a smile on his face, with a smug expression on his face.


Who knows.

Just when General Shenghui's holy sword was about to stab the demon emperor.

A Gold aura barrier unfolded to block the demon emperor, and also blocked General Shenghui's attack.

With a bang, the barrier shattered, and General Shenghui was also bounced away.

Zhao Qi was stunned, and looked to the other side, and saw that it was the almost unscathed Shi Huang who shot!

"Fortunately, it scared me to death."

"I almost thought that the boss that I finally won would be robbed by others."

"However, Zhao Qi is still on the court, and his condition seems to be better than Bai Ze."

"In this case, does he want to snatch the boss?"

After Zhao Qi appeared, Su Lin felt a sense of tension again.

The most proud one is only the headmaster of the imperial capital.

It would be good to see someone come to stop Bai Ze, and maybe even take his final boss!


At the same time, it wasn't just Zhao Qi.

On the other side of the sky, there were bursts of flame explosions.

Across the horizon, stepping on a batch of demon corpses, the nine-turn fire phoenix appeared.

Bai Ze was shocked by such a scene.

It's Qin Xinlian!

How long has it been, hasn't this thing gone yet? !

It's really endless, do you have to keep chasing?

【My God, is that Qin Xinlian from Yangda? 】

【Not only Zhao Qi, but also Qin Xinlian are here, they want to reap the benefits of fishing. 】

[Then what to do, with Bai Ze's current state, can he handle these two? 】

During the conversation, balls of flames had rushed towards Bai Ze.

"is it necessary?"

"The radiation concentration is so high, you still have to keep chasing, aren't you afraid that all creatures will be wiped out?"

Qin Xinlian heard the words, and immediately responded: "So what if it is completely destroyed."

"What I say, I will do!"

Bai Ze frowned, he had nothing to say.

"My Creator, let me guard this place, and you concentrate on dealing with the emperor creature in front of you."

Shihuang clasped his fists, and then deployed a multifaceted barrier.

"Understood, then I will leave it to you."

After saying that, Bai Ze didn't look back, and quickly ordered Hai Pajedon to attack.

Seeing this, Zhao Qi was slightly flustered.

"No! The boss is mine!"

"General Shenghui, give it to me!"

Under Zhao Qi's order, General Sheng Hui jumped up with the holy sword in his hand, and rushed towards the barrier again.

Behind her, Qin Xinlian was not far behind, and immediately gave an order.

So, the fire phoenix spread its wings, plunged headlong, and sprinted like a rocket.

There was a loud noise in the air, and the two attacks hit the barrier formed by the aura at the same time.

After all, the first emperor only had the first level of command, and he was still a weak intelligent creature.

Even with the bonus of immortal energy, he couldn't face the attacks of the two high-level commanders alone.

He barely resisted, but the barrier began to crumble.

Then it will all be up to Hypageton.

The Demon Emperor must be taken down before Shihuang breaks his shield!

This is the only opportunity in Su Lin Province, don't miss it!

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