All People Genesis: Beginning Binding God Simulator

Chapter 413 Six Paths Of Gods Arena, Terrifying Competition Rewards!

This state continued until the afternoon.

At this moment, the sun is starting to set, and countless audiences are sitting in front of various screens, waiting for an exciting moment.

"It's about to start, it's about to start."

"The news about the third stage of the national competition, in half a month, the championship of this year's competition will be determined."

"Hurry up, hurry up, look, there is a picture!"

In the 24 provinces, in the branch headquarters of the Creation Building, the creators pointed to the screen and discussed.

Including those players who have left, they are also paying attention to this through various channels.

They were curious about the rules of the third stage, and they also wanted to see who could ascend to the top and win the championship in Legendary.

"Hey, hey, bet, bet!"

"It's a good relationship. I'll offer 10 million to Bai Xingwan."

"No, this year Bai Ze is definitely a dark horse, I bet 20 million Bai Ze."

"I also think Su Lin province will definitely do it this time, me and 50 million Bai Ze!"


In the center of the Imperial Capital, the Principal of the Imperial Capital has returned from Bai Xingwana.

He adjusted his clothes, mobilized the big screen behind him, and stood in front of the national audience.

"Every audience and contestants, I am the principal of the Imperial Capital Academy."

"This afternoon's ceremony can be regarded as a notification of the rules, and it can also be regarded as a brief prelude to the opening ceremony."

"So, I will still host it for everyone."

After all, the Principal of the Imperial Capital stepped aside and looked at the screen behind him.

"So without further ado, please look at the screen behind me."

For a moment, the screen emitted a blue light.

And in the center of the venue, a holographic projection is constructed, which presents a picture that resembles a world.

"What you see now is the third stage of the competition, the venue used for the competition."

"It is a simulated space similar to a simulated planet. Using holographic technology, biological confrontations will not actually die."

"It is worth mentioning that this venue is complex and changeable, and it is not possible to defeat the opponent simply by being reckless."

"On the contrary, if you make good use of the advantage of the venue, you can even defeat the strong with the weak!"

Seeing this, the contestants in the competition area had their eyes wide open.

Bai Ze stared ahead and couldn't help frowning.

The world presented by this holographic projection is, as the headmaster of the Imperial Capital said, very complicated.

Compared with the previous forest confrontation with Zhong Peng at Tianzhou Academy, it was hundreds of times more complicated.

The whole world is divided into six major plates, one magma, one ocean, one valley, one forest, and one desert.

And surrounded by these five terrains, the most central one is the mountain!

But it seems that the vicinity of the mountain peak is covered by thunderclouds, and thunder and lightning often fall, which is not very easy to advance.

"This kind of terrain, if used well, can indeed defeat the strong with the weak." Bai Ze nodded.

For example, his Gatange is an existence that is weak on land and invincible in the ocean.

If one can enter the ocean domain, one must be stronger.

It will be much easier to fight against the enemy.

"Okay, now that the game map is displayed, let's talk about the rules."

"In this third stage of the competition, electronic lottery will be adopted, one-on-one competition!"

"No rematch, or overtime, etc."

"That is to say, you only have one chance, if you fail, you will have to accept your fate!"

Speaking of this, many players felt tense.

There is only one chance!

And very likely, it is the only time in this life!

"As for the rules of the game, as I said just now, no overtime will be set."

"Every game will have a time limit. If you completely kill all the opponent's creatures within the specified time, you will win."

"If the time is up and both parties are still present, then we will judge from the degree of biological damage, whoever loses and who wins."

The rules are very simple, similar to the previous national competitions.

"The rules of the game and the venue of the game have been explained."

"Then the last thing I want to talk about is about the prizes of this national competition!"

The words of the Principal of the Imperial Capital instantly aroused the interest of the audience present.

Especially for the eligible contestants, a heart was raised in their throats.

They came to participate in the national competition, in addition to wanting to be famous, isn't it just for the prizes issued by this federation?

There are gossip that the prizes for the third stage of this year are beyond the reach of even those super-big aristocratic families.

This world is unique!

"finally come."

"A national contest prize."

Zhao Qi's eyes were bloodshot, and he couldn't help clenching his fists.

He wants to enter the semi-finals, the top four in the country, and also for the federal prize.

After all, the higher the ranking, the richer the reward.

At the same time, the god sons of the imperial capital who were still present were also quite interested.

"Hahaha, Mu Han and those guys can't participate in the competition."

"Wait until we get a good ranking, get the prize from the Federation, and strengthen our strength again."

"Then when the time comes, don't leave Mu Han and the others far behind?"

"This time, it's finally our turn to overwhelm them!"


The players in each competition area were in a state of almost crazy excitement.

The principal of the imperial capital clapped his hands, and the scenery on the big screen changed again.

"The number of participants this time is 256 in total."

"The participation award established first, as long as you enter the third stage of the competition, you will get it regardless of your subsequent rankings."

"Biological multiplication culture agent!"

After the voice fell, a group of audience looked at each other in blank dismay.

Rotating on the screen was a small bottle containing Gold's potion.

But the knowledgeable person saw something at a glance, and his expression was stunned.

[This... I seem to have a little impression of this thing. 】

[It seems to be the only one in the Federation. As long as a creature takes it, it will immediately rise to a small level! 】

As soon as this remark came out in the comment area, sparks exploded immediately.

Although it was only a small step up, it was immediate!

You know, like the peak of the leader is promoted to the monarch, and the monarch is promoted to the emperor at the peak.

The position of this critical point is very difficult to break through.

Need to rely on external force, or time accumulation, or enough combat experience.

With this thing, you can skip all of this, and there will be no side effects? !

"That's right, just as everyone guessed."

"Bio-increasing culture agent can indeed make creatures directly advance to a small stage, and lead the peak to the next stage. Duan Ye is applicable."

"However, it has a disadvantage, that is, it can only be used under the Divine Grade, and it will be invalid after the Divine Grade."

Listening to the speech of the principal of the imperial capital, the contestants are eager to try.

Despite this limitation, this kind of medicine is also rare.

At least it is unique to the Federation, the output is very small, and it is not sold on the market at all.

No matter how much money you spend and how much influence you have, you can't get a bottle.

"A reward for a participation award can be so rich."

"I really don't know how terrifying the rewards will be." Zhao Qi said silently.

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