All People Genesis: Beginning Binding God Simulator

Chapter 415 Breaking The Existence Of Common Sense, The Final Preparation Time

The magnificent voice of the principal of the imperial capital spread throughout the country.

Viewers one by one, looking at the picture presented in the center of the screen.

It was a mass of colored balls, dotted with things resembling lotus petals.

In the center, there is a humanoid, resembling a baby.

The whole body is wrapped in the streamer of rosy clouds, which is extremely gorgeous.

This is what the headmaster of the imperial capital said, and it is also the only thing in the world, the power of origin!

[The power of origin? Just by the name, you know it's a good thing. 】

[But I don’t know it. Is there any fungus to popularize science. 】

[I'm a history student, and I've never heard of this thing after so many years. 】

[However, its usefulness seems to be that Godhood can be constructed in advance, this function does not exist at all, right? ! 】

Amidst the heated discussion, the headmaster of the Imperial Capital gently closed his eyes, but a proud smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Guys, let me explain."

"This national competition championship prize has never appeared in the history of the federation."

"This is the only one, and it was discovered 18 years ago."

"And according to the test, this thing can be absorbed and fused by the Creator."

"The creator without Godhood can condense a Godhood in advance before reaching the Divine Grade, and inspire the field."

"With Godhood's Celestial Master, you can regenerate a Godhood after absorbing it."

"Double Godhood in the truest sense of the word in Legendary!"

As soon as this remark came out, the outside world was in an uproar.

One after another, brand new terms were introduced into the minds of the audience.

Condensed Godhood in advance?

Double Godhood?

What is this all about? !

Didn't it mean that before the Creator reached the Divine Grade, unless it was inherited by blood, he couldn't condense the Godhood?

Also, according to the federal authority, Godhood is something that every Celestial Master can only have once in a lifetime, without exception!

It is precisely because of this that so many geniuses who could inherit the Godhood of their parents and mothers are caught in a dilemma.

But now that the news came out, it completely broke all their previous cognition.

At this moment, many spectators, including the contestants, understood the true meaning of what the principal of the capital said just now.

If the effect is really like this, then it really surpasses common sense and breaks the rules!

At the same time, the eyes of the 256 contestants were blazing.

Condensing Godhood in advance is the lower limit, and it's not that scary.

But double Godhood, that's the upper limit.

In this huge federation, with so many Legendary characters, is there anyone who is a double Godhood?


So if they get it, and then inspire the second Godhood.

That is the federation to one!


With the advantage of double Godhood, he can even surpass the God of the Federation in Legendary, and rank on the top of the Federation and the top of the world!

This is the achievement that everyone wants to achieve.

However, thinking about this year's dark horse and internally selected players, they seem to have given up the idea.

It's as if this kind of thing is specially prepared for Bai Xingwan.

Speaking of Bai Xingwan, she was staring at the screen at the moment, her pretty face showing an unprecedented solemnity.

Even when fighting against the demon emperor, it never happened.

It was as if there was a raging flame slowly rising in the different-colored pupils.

It is different from protecting the honor of the imperial capital, but another belief.

Driven her, she must win this championship prize!


In the end, the headmaster of the imperial capital clapped his hands, and the scene on the big screen disappeared.

What appeared instead was the most original picture.

"Okay everyone."

"It is worth mentioning that, in addition to four special rewards."

"Other prizes are all stacked up."

"In other words, if you become the fourth strongest in the country."

"Then except for the special prize of the fourth strongest, the other prizes below, whatever culture agent, the planet will get!"

In a word, it caused the players to clamor again.

The prelude to the opening ceremony is now completely over.

Before closing, the headmaster of the imperial capital also added a mouthful.

"The third stage of the competition will start in seven days."

"The 256 contestants across the country must all go to the Imperial Capital Stadium on the same day."

"Your competition will also be held offline and displayed in front of national audiences!"

As he said that, the principal of the Imperial Capital waved his hand, and the live broadcast screen disappeared.

Only a group of contestants remained, unable to calm down for a long time.

There is no way, this reward is too powerful, and it is superimposed.

The higher the ranking, the more rewards you get!

Su Lin competition area, in the apartment of Bai Ze and others.

Bai Ze was thinking about something.

Seven days, this should be regarded as the final preparation time before the start of the competition.

In the second stage of the competition, he consumed too many hole cards.

In his spare time, Bai Ze actually has a lot to do.

The most important thing is to prepare a large number of item cards.

After all, the competition has clear regulations, the third stage is the individual competition.

A player can use up to ten prop cards in one match.

But now that he is penniless, where should he get the item card?

"Xiaobai, what shall we do now?"

"Just be ready."

Bai Ze interrupted his thoughts and responded with a smile: "It's best to accumulate more item cards during the seven days."

Hearing this, Xia Yinyue and Tang Qingcheng couldn't help feeling distressed.

Xia Yinyue was born as a commoner, where did she get the money to prepare item cards?

As for the item cards before, they were still funded by the school.

Similarly, Tang Qingcheng is similar, her relationship with her family is actually not very good.

Therefore, what the world knows most is her title of the Undefeated Queen of Su Lin Academy, not the title of Miss Tang Family.

Therefore, it is really difficult for her to ask her family for resources.


"Why don't you contact the two principals, maybe they can help."

cough cough.

Bai Ze thought of the operation of pulling wool again.

"OK, all right."

"But where are you going?"

The two women turned their heads and found that Bai Ze was about to go out.

"I have something to do. I want to go out for a trip. It should be to the headquarters of the Star Alliance."

"You should contact the principal first, I will be back soon, at night at the latest."

Looking out the window, the sun has set.

It seems that Bai Ze has to leave quickly.


The two nodded, and didn't do much to hold back.

After leaving the apartment, Bai Ze called Didi.

He was planning to go to the headquarters of the Star Alliance, partly because of that joke-like bet, and wanted to show off.

On the one hand, I want to know something about Bai Xingwan.

As for why it must be the headquarters of the Star Alliance, it is because although the headmaster of the Imperial Capital is close to Bai Xingwan, he has some hatred towards him.

The two principals have a good relationship with him, but they are far away in Su Lin and have no access to the affairs of the imperial capital.

So after thinking about it, among the many candidates, he has something to do with him, and he can also get in touch with Bai Xingwan.

It seems that Ouyang Hou is the only one left!

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