All People Genesis: Beginning Binding God Simulator

Chapter 42 War Fortress, I Forgot To Bring Resources And Supplies

Bai Ze's voice fell, and all the creatures began to roar.

"Fight for Father God, die without regret!"

"Conquer them, for the sake of the great god!"

Amidst the shouts, a total of 2000 extraordinary creatures started charging.

At the same time, this round of simulation officially begins!

[The first morning: After your impassioned speech, the fighting spirit of all creatures was ignited, and they formed an army and rushed towards the mechanical planet. 】

[At the same time, you told them about the central nervous system, and told them not to be too wary. Everything focused on rushing into the center of Tianshu City and destroying the control system! 】

[And let the meteorite worms with the strongest defense stay at the front of the team, and let the sea emperors who are not suitable for the land environment sneak into the nuclear wastewater and wait for an opportunity. Their Constitution is very strong, so they will not be nuclear. Wastewater erosion. 】

[With such a queue, the army came to the outer city of the mechanical planet. The first difficulty they had to face was a 50-meter-high iron wall made of pure iron! 】

[Under Hypageton's order, hundreds of meteorite worms formed an assault team, and they activated that special sprint state, rushing straight towards the iron wall. 】

[The flying speed was so fast that it turned into a meteor-like flame, directly smashing the impenetrable iron wall. 】

【Entering the outer city for the first time, this bold move also caused nearly hundreds of octopus mechanical monsters to revive in the city. They came from the ruins, and when they sensed the enemy, their sharp mechanical tentacles began to attack. 】

[A hundred meteorite worm assault teams stood in front of them. Their hard carapaces perfectly resisted the attack, and devoured groups of mechanical octopus to replenish the energy consumed just now. 】

[Noon of the first day: Under the meteorite worm's advance, the extraordinary army was unstoppable, and the mechanical birds hovering in the air were easily crushed by the Dapeng family. Their petite bodies could not bear the sharp claws of the Dapeng family at all. 】

[But this momentum didn't last long, the army encountered hundreds of low-level servant-level eight-clawed mechanical monsters, which were different from just now. They held a single-shot machine gun and had a majestic posture. 】

[Standing behind them, there is also a war fortress at the peak of the servant level! Its six huge mechanical legs supported the huge fortress on its body, with a giant muzzle erected in the center, and dozens of machine guns around it. 】

[After the meeting, before the army could react, the raging firepower came over. The meteorites spread out their iron armor, and the defense of the pentagon was indestructible, offsetting most of the damage. 】

[At this moment, the Universal Insect Emperor, the vanguard general, made a move. Its sharp claws were wrapped in white light, and it smashed into the army of eight-clawed mechanical monsters, setting off a storm, and countless mechanical damages were blown up! 】

[At the same time, the cannon on the chest of the War Fortress produced flames, and just as it was about to be launched, huge arms stretched out from the nuclear waste water not far away, entangled it tightly, and forcefully moved back pull. 】

[Because the legs of the war fortress are too small and the body is too big, the boy was dragged into the nuclear waste water. The light emitted by the cannon was also deflected and radiated into the sky, killing all the mechanical birds. 】

[The war fortress that lost its balance ability was quickly disintegrated and destroyed by the Sea Kings in the water. After this round of fighting, only a few meteorites were damaged, and the troops in the rear soon filled up. 】

[The first night: You were surprised to find that it seemed that because of the death of the War Fortress, some signal was sent out, and thousands of mechanical octopus monsters ranging from servant level to intermediate level were besieged. 】

"Thousands of extraordinary creatures?" Bai Ze became anxious.

"You can't fight head-on with them. You have to find a way to break through. Otherwise, if you win, the casualties will be extremely tragic."

After all, the gap in the number of people is still too large. We must first preserve our strength and deal with the central nervous system at the back.

Bai Ze looked down at the mechanical planet, and made a little route.

He decided to go all out, break through the outer city directly, and march towards the steel city that can go straight to Tongtian hub city!

[You issued an oracle and ordered the universe worm emperor to lead a hundred meteorite worm queens, and the Taotie will devour the black hole, try to absorb the attack in front to break through, and march all the way to the northwest position! 】

[The coalition forces got your order and started to break out. The feathers of the Roc clan turned into flying arrows and shot towards the ground continuously, causing a big blow to those mechanical octopus. 】

【The gluttonous devouring ability defuses most of the attacks, and everything is satisfactory. Just when the coalition forces are about to break through the siege, the accident happened again. 】

[Hiding in the ruins, a group of mechanical flying dragons suddenly appeared, leading by a warrior-level mechanical fire dragon! All the flames from the mouth blocked the road. 】

[Kunpeng saw this, and quickly led the Dapeng clan to launch a counterattack. In this situation where there are wolves in front and tigers in the back, you have no choice but to play the strongest trump card in your hand, Hai Pajedon! 】

[It flew up in mid-air, and after deploying the absolute barrier, all attacks were canceled out, and the dark fireball in its hand continued to bombard. In just a moment, countless mechanical octopus turned into ashes, large buildings collapsed, and the black flame lingered for a long time ! 】

[Kunpeng in the sky also fanned its wings, creating several tornadoes, and twisted the mechanical fire dragon into mechanical powder. After realizing that the situation was not good, the remaining mechanical creatures quickly retreated, leaving the outer city area empty. 】

[Seize the opportunity, you let Hai Pajiedun open the way, and quickly lead the army to the Iron City, wanting to go straight to Tongtian! 】

[Late at night on the first day: The army has already approached the Iron City. You counted the remaining number of people. Except for the Meteorites, which had more than 100 casualties, the rest of the races basically did not have many casualties. 】

[But you found that after nearly a day of running around, the creatures seem to be hungry? They were weak, especially the meteorite worms, who even gnawed on all kinds of stumps and waste, like wolves and tigers! 】

"It's over!" Bai Ze suddenly thought of something, and his face turned pale!

War needs food and grass!

Damn it, I didn't prepare any food at all, so I let the creatures charge.

You must know that in ancient wars, if the food supply was cut off, within a few days, the soldiers would either starve to death, or be unable to fight, their morale would be greatly reduced, and they would eventually be killed by the enemy.

But it’s hard to get here, if I go back to pick it up now, I don’t have enough time!

"It seems that this time the battle must be settled quickly." Bai Ze secretly made up his mind.

Originally, he wanted to fight steadily and approach Tianshu City step by step.

Without resource supplies, you can only fight fast-paced wars.

In other words, just one word, reckless!

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