All People Genesis: Beginning Binding God Simulator

Chapter 435 Bai Xingwan Reveals Her Heart, The Real Shocking Big Melon!

After Long Aotian ran away, the door of the room was slowly closed.

Bai Xingwan breathed a sigh of relief, and took advantage of the situation to leave Bai Ze, and sat on the edge of the bed.

"Thank you for what happened just now."

She blinked and thanked Bai Ze.

"it's nothing."

"That kind of thing should be rejected directly."

"It saves him from misunderstanding something and keeps harassing you."

"It's just that, letting him see what happened just now, it should damage your reputation."

After all, the Goddess of the Federation is a graceful and supreme existence.

If Long Aotian ran out and spread rumors, saying that Bai Xingwan was threatened by someone.

Otherwise, the headmaster had to come to the door in person.

"It doesn't matter."

"You said it too, to help me."

Bai Ze nodded: "All right."

"Long Aotian should leave now, with his courage, the probability of spreading this matter is not high."

"The next door is my room, I'll go back first."

Bai Ze waved, turned around and was about to leave.

But at this time, Bai Xingwan's words stopped her.


"You know I'm not her?"

Bai Ze turned his head and looked at the other party with some surprise.

"I know you have many questions, I can reveal a little to you appropriately."

Hearing this, Bai Ze suddenly smiled.

What a windfall.

"Indeed, there are many things I want to know."

"There are still some things that involve myself, and I don't think I can do without participating."

Bai Ze sighed, then unceremoniously sat beside Bai Xingwan.

He looked at this quiet and well-behaved girl from top to bottom.

"You should be the elder sister of the protagonist, Bai Xingwan, right?"

The other party nodded slightly, which was a default.

When Bai Xingran took over her body, Bai Xingwan was actually conscious and could hear the voices from the outside world.

Just like the Creation Building before, when Bai Xingwan took over the body and talked with Bai Ze, Bai Xingran could also see the outside world.

"Actually, I'm a little curious, what's your relationship like, and how do you switch modes?"

"Is it possible to negotiate with each other and switch autonomously, or do we need to fight for it?"

Bai Xingwan waved her hand: "Our relationship is very good."

"As you said, elder sister and younger sister have been like this since childhood."

"As for the control of the body, it should be considered as being able to switch independently."

"Actually, it's nothing. Even if you can't control your body, you can still see the external situation."

"However, there is one thing. When we control our bodies, we will consume divine power."

"Once the divine power held is exhausted, the body will naturally be transferred to another person."

"In the past few days, Xingran has been taking over her body and participating in the competition. She is a little tired now, so I will come out."

After clarifying the first thing thoroughly, Bai Ze nodded affirmatively.

"I have one more thing to ask you."

"You use suppression devices to prevent the fusion of divine power in your body."

"Is it because, after a divine power is fused, the corresponding person will also disappear?"

Bai Xingwan pursed her red lips and gave a light 'um'.


After proving the conjecture, Bai Ze continued: "Theoretically speaking, you are the main personality."

"Even if they devour each other, it should be you who devoured Bai Xingran as a possessed personality."

As soon as these words came out, Bai Xingwan did not reply for a short time.

But then, she smiled relievedly: "Some things are said too much, I'm afraid Xingran will blame me again."

"However, it is true."

"It's a congenital condition that's been there since we were born."

"The God of the Federation once told me that Xing Ran's appearance was just an accident."

"Don't worry too much, as time goes by, I will slowly assimilate her and reach the peak state."

Speaking of this, Bai Xingwan's eyes gradually became lonely.

Bai Ze was lost in thought.

It seems that that device should be used by Bai Xingran in order to protect himself.

But among them, there must be Bai Xingwan's approval.

After all, they have been together for 18 years and are as close as sisters.

Otherwise, Bai Xingwan really wanted her to die, what would the other party use to challenge her personality?

"I know, you regard Bai Xingran as a relative."

"It's a pity that this is not the way."

"As time goes by, there is always a day when the device fails."

"At that time, she can only be swallowed by you and turned into a wave of energy."

Bai Ze told the heart-wrenching truth, but Bai Xingwan smiled.

"Actually, that's why I'm ready."

"Xing Ran is one of my few relatives, I can't watch her die because of me."

"Besides, she's stronger than me."

"Knowing how to manipulate creatures and fight against people, this is everyone, and she is also the real goddess of the imperial capital in the principal's mind."

"So, I have chosen to give up as early as possible, leaving the hope of survival to her."

When Bai Ze heard this, his pupils couldn't help dilating.

"That means..."

"Actually, that device is to protect you from being swallowed by her?!"

Bai Xingwan didn't speak any more, but still nodded slightly, choosing to acquiesce.

This reversal was unexpected for Bai Ze.

Then comes the most important question.

"I think Bai Xingran seems to be very obsessed with winning the national competition."

"Apart from the imperial capital's expectations of you and some honors, the championship prize won't be of any special use, right?"

Bai Xingwan closed her mouth for a moment, she seemed to be hesitating, but also seemed to be in deep thought.

But she is not Bai Xingran after all, she is still willing to talk about many things.


"In fact, the power of origin is our companion god."

Bai Ze was shocked, new words and information invaded his brain.

"A companion god?"

"What is that?!"

"You should also know that we were conceived by divine power."

"At the same time we were born 18 years ago, this power of origin appeared with us."

"However, he was taken away by the God of the Federation."

"We didn't know until a year ago that the power of origin was placed in the national competition as a championship prize."

"And his superficial effect can construct godheads in advance and create double godheads."

"But for us, it's like breast milk that can save lives."

When Bai Xingwan said this, Bai Ze had clearly conceived a route in his mind.

Including the god of the Federation, why did you take away the power of origin and put him in the national competition as a championship prize.

"The power of origin can form a high wall to prevent the fusion of divine power."

"At the same time, it can also make up for the part of our missing godhead, allowing us to achieve a true symbiotic state."

"So, on the one hand, Xingran is for the honor of the imperial capital."

"On the one hand, I want to get back the power of origin that belonged to us in the first place, so as to save me who will be swallowed in the end."

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