All People Genesis: Beginning Binding God Simulator

Chapter 445 The Massacre Under The Dark Night, The Irrigation Of The Planetary Ocean!


There was the sound of galloping water.

The battleships covered in flames are crazily spraying water jets at each other.

But when water was poured on the fire, only a puff of white smoke rose, and the flame did not recede at all.

At this moment, the sky covered by the magic circle slowly dimmed.

It's not that the clouds cover the sky, or the sun is swallowed.

It's this magic circle that forms something similar to a shading layer.

Scarlet Night.

In addition to the scarlet flames, there is also a dark night.

Gradually, with the complete activation of the Godhead Domain, Bai Ze's troops also noticed something unusual.

The spilled water did put out the fire.

But under the cover of the domain, they will continue to rise again.

This is repeated, so the water jet will only form white smoke when it is sprayed, but the fire will not abate at all.

"Not good, the battleship is seriously damaged, the battleship is seriously damaged!"

"The power unit is damaged, we are falling rapidly!"

The fire eroded everything, and mechanized warships were burned.

Surrounded by flames, he began to fall straight to the ground.

Like a meteorite falling into the world, it draws beautiful arc-shaped lines of fire.

On the other side, the huge flying boat was almost unable to support it.

Multiple locations were damaged and the fire engulfed the entire upper level.

Artificial intelligence and robots are already struggling to put out the fire, but unfortunately the flames cannot be extinguished at all.

In the end, they also began to fall slowly, like a dying blue whale, uttering the last cry of life.

This is a desert terrain, dry and dry, and there is no water source at all.

The water source provided by the battleship and flying boat is limited and too small to have any effect on the successive fires.

They need lakes, they need rivers!

It's a pity that the place facing the ocean terrain in front has been completely blocked by the giant soldiers.

And behind, unfortunately, is the magma zone.

Because of the fighting just now, the volcano is erupting.

If it does go, the situation will only get worse.

"The area covered by the realm of godhood is really wide, and there is no way to escape."

"This time it's Tianke, all of Bai Ze's battleships have been burned."

The audience chatted a lot, and the faces of the principals were surprisingly serious.

Teleportation to the desert terrain is a big misfortune.

Not to mention the ocean, but any ice field terrain, Long Aotian's godhead domain is completely scrapped.

"My god, we can't last long if this goes on."

"If you don't break through and escape from this area as soon as possible, everyone will die."

On the swaying airship, Shi Huang sent a message to Bai Ze.

With a glance, even the Sword and Shield clan was on fire.

Fortunately, unlike the battleship Ark, they are made of precision machinery.

As long as it is burned or destroyed by something, the entire ark will stop functioning and fall into a fall.

"My lord, the sword and shield clan, is willing to be the vanguard and break through the opponent's blockade!"

Taotie also volunteered.

It is very clear that going on like this is not the way to go.

As long as the realm of godhood exists, the fire will never go out.

Then the opponent doesn't even need to attack again, they can consume them all.

"Wait a little longer, don't worry."

However, Bai Ze did not agree.

He waved his hand, looking relaxed.

Long Aotian was very happy to see the other side was engulfed by the flames and remained motionless.

As long as he keeps blocking the entrance to the ocean, Bai Ze will always be eroded by the realm of godhood.

His technological civilization is completely scrapped.

Bai Ze's only solution at present is to summon all the creatures that can be summoned.

Then in one go, break through the defense of his giant soldiers and enter the ocean terrain, in order to achieve rebirth from adversity.

Of course, this is what Long Aotian is willing to see.

Because through the domain, the world has become without any luster.

This is different from ordinary nights, even the brilliance of the moon does not exist, it is truly empty.

And the creatures that come here will be ignited with flames, and they will become marking points directly under the dark night!

On the contrary, Long Aotian's giant is hidden under the night.

The enemy is clear and we are dark.

Bai Ze's creature came, but it was just for death!

"It's not easy."

"In this state, Bai Ze doesn't have any creatures, so he can restrain the opponent."

"That's right, the only way to break through is to summon enough creatures."

"The most important thing is not the night, but the spontaneous fire, which is really annoying."

"You need to fight in the water to be effective."

The audience in Surin province were sweating for Bai Ze.

But where is the water in the desert?

There is an ocean ahead, but Long Aotian stops there, and he will definitely not let it go easily.

"Bai Ze, it's pointless for you to spend like this."

"There will be no water in the desert, and your water source will not be able to extinguish my divine realm."

"If you want my suggestion, it's better to summon all your creatures."

"Maybe a big surprise attack will break through my defense?"

Long Aotian made a sound to stimulate Bai Ze.

Hearing this, Bai Ze was silent for two seconds without replying.

After waiting for a while, he smiled leisurely: "With you, there is no need to summon all the creatures."

"One more race is enough."

Long Aotian frowned, his eyes were not friendly.

"You look down on me?"

"No no no."

"I just want to tell you that my water source can easily put out your fire."

"What the hell are you talking about!"


Before he could blurt out the words, Long Aotian's opened mouth suddenly froze in place.

Because he heard it.

The sound of running water? !

"No, where is the sound of running water?"

At this moment, the audience outside the venue also noticed something unusual.

Searching around, the desert terrain has not changed.

"Could it be that......"

"Look at the transmission channel!"

Someone stood up and took the first step.


Finally, the shallow sound of running water no longer concealed it.

Become galloping, turbulent, continuous.

A soaring water column gushed out from the transmission channel.

Then it forms a waterfall-like spectacle, falling vertically to the ground.


"Let the storm come more violently!"

Following Bai Ze's order, the entire connection channel trembled.

Then, there was a loud 'boom', as if a water pipe leaked, and the storm water hit the ground.

Scoured by the continuous falling water, the flames on the battleship airship gradually became much smaller.

Looking at such a scene, Long Aotian's stiff mouth still hasn't recovered.

Damn it.

Why did the water suddenly come out?

What happened on the other side of Bai Ze's connection channel? !

"You... what did you do just now?!" Long Aotian asked sharply.

"Nothing." Bai Ze shrugged and said with sharp eyes, "I just connected the transmission channel to my local ocean."

Long Aotian: "!!!"

Long Aotian was dumbfounded, and stared at Bai Ze with a look of extreme astonishment.


Native ocean? !

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