All People Genesis: Beginning Binding God Simulator

Chapter 47 The Situation Of Each Student Is Not Good, The Sky Explodes

【Ding! This simulation is over, please host to choose, the talent to be solidified in this round! 】

While thinking, three war talents suddenly appeared in front of Bai Ze.

After thinking carefully for a moment, Bai Ze made a hesitant decision, choosing to give this talent a desperate fight!

The chain of fire and rain is an indiscriminate attack. If you don't use it well, you will attack your own allies, so there is no need to think about it.

As for the blessing of the holy light, it is indeed possible to carry it without resource supplies.

But the last round was just a mistake, Bai Ze just forgot.

This round of Bai Ze specially mobilized a group of creatures with the ability to fly in the main world to continuously deliver resources and supplies to the army. Isn't this skill unnecessary?

"I've made my choice, let's fight to the death." Bai Ze affirmed.

This round didn't play its true role, it just gave Hypageton some endurance.

But what will you encounter in the next round of Baobuqi? It is absolutely right to bring it.

【Ding! The temporary solidification talent is successful. 】

[This simulation is over, the cooling time is 10 minutes! 】

"Is the cooling time so short?" Bai Ze couldn't help but ask.

However, he couldn't help asking more questions. Taking advantage of the cooling time, Bai Ze had to think about how to fight the next simulation.

After all, the known information is that there are a total of 10 central nervous systems in this world, and each of them is a high-level warrior.

I have to destroy them all, and those mechanical creatures will be paralyzed and win the victory.

But it can't cause too much commotion, otherwise, like the previous round, it will be surrounded by the coalition forces supported by the other cities and eventually wiped out.

"What should we do?"

While thinking deeply, the other students also triggered the nine beams of light one after another.

Under the beam of light, a dividing line seemed to have been formed, and a large number of students began to be dismissed, and the remaining ones who persisted on the field were the seed players of this year.

Coming to Xia Yinyue's side, her situation is not optimistic.

Unlike Bai Ze, she has resources and supplies, and plays very steadily. Although she didn't have any outstanding results along the way, the creatures in her hands survived a lot.

Even if she is surrounded by support troops, she can still break through with one-for-one exchange!

The rest of the students who were still on the field had similar movement trajectories to Xia Yinyue's.

In the viewing room of the Genesis Building, many creators were very nervous.

"Sure enough, I said that the world built by Pound Starsmith will not be that simple. I didn't expect that there is more than one central nervous system."

"When the students destroy one of the control systems in Tianshu City, they will definitely alert the other control systems and be surrounded by the support army, thereby greatly reducing their own staff."

"In this way, it will be more difficult to destroy the other nine central systems!"

"I have to say, this star craftsman Pound is worthy of being the number one star craftsman in our Su Lin province. He has a meticulous mind. I am afraid that this year, there will not be a new student who can win from the planet he designed!"

The Creators shook their heads, feeling a burst of regret.

With this trigger point, the freshmen who couldn't control their numbers in the early stage were overwhelmed by the support army.

The freshmen who survived will also suffer heavy losses, and it is difficult to have a chance to come back.

"I really didn't expect, Mr. Su, your precious student Tang Qingcheng was also surrounded by support troops. If she wants to break out, she will probably suffer heavy casualties."

In the preparation room, the corners of Teacher Zhou Qing's mouth rose slightly, and he said sarcastically.

Sitting next to her, the leading teacher of Su Lin Academy looked gloomy.

"Don't talk about me, it's all up to now, isn't there a freshman in your school who hasn't left yet?"

"Although there is no time limit for the test of the simulated planet, if you don't leave for a long time, you will be warned, or even directly disqualified from this test!"

Teacher Zhou Qing was taken aback by her words, and immediately glanced at the screen that was broadcasting.

Indeed, others have triggered the nine beams of light, but in Bai Ze's world, nothing happened.

This is obviously very abnormal!

"How could this be..." She felt a little puzzled.

Bai Ze is also a student she personally recruited to Tianzhou Academy. When watching him play in Nangao before, he was very confident.

The creature in hand also has great potential.

Therefore, she felt that Bai Ze was not a timid person. Why did he not make a move for a long time when it was the first test for freshmen?

"That's all, all right, Mr. Zhou, you don't have to think so much."

"It doesn't matter whether your student makes a move or not. After all, no matter how good he is, can he win my precious student Tang Qingcheng? Isn't it?"

She smiled casually and didn't take this matter to heart.

At this age, Tang Qingcheng, who possesses a commanding creature, is undoubtedly a figure of the times.

Any genius or evildoer standing beside her would appear to lose all light.

It's just a young student recruited by Tianzhou Academy, no matter what he does, he can't change the established ending.

【Ding! The cooling time has expired, and the host can start the next simulation at any time! 】

In Bai Ze's ear, the sound of the system sounded, interrupting his thoughts.

Opening his eyes suddenly, looking at the hazy mechanical planet below, the corners of Bai Ze's mouth were drawn, revealing a touch of confidence!

There is only one way to break through the ten central nervous systems without being surrounded.

Just let the soldiers in your hands spread out!

But the problem now is that the ten central nervous systems are all high-level warriors.

Although they don't seem to be strong, their army not only has to face them, but also fight against mechanical creatures along the way.

Therefore, Bai Ze had to devise a plan, let the fastest-flying Roc clan bring some meteorite worms to Tianshu City to destroy the first central nervous system.

When the other party becomes alert and sends reinforcements from the surrounding cities, the strength of the nine cities where the central nervous system is located will definitely be greatly reduced!

At this time, you can sneak in and destroy it without any effort!

"Just do it!"

"System, start this round of simulation!"

【Ding! This round of simulation consumes 3000 Genesis Points. 】


"Yes!" Bai Ze said without hesitation.

【Ding! The payment of the creation value is successful, and this round of simulated war officially begins. 】

[Please host, choose three of the following war talents! 】

A new round of ten consecutive draws was released, and I scanned around, except for the desperate fight of the previous round.

There is also an active attack skill that seems to be stronger than Fire and Rain Chain.

[Earth Explosion Star (Purple)]: One-time active skill, the ground shatters, and countless stones condense to form a huge ball comparable to a meteorite. When it hits the ground, it can cause a super-wide-range attack!

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