All People Genesis: Beginning Binding God Simulator

Chapter 500 Illusory Space, A Creature In A State Of Confusion

The world is crying, and the sky is crying.

The pouring rain was getting bigger and bigger, like falling from a bucket.

Mixed with the various medicines dropped by Bai Ze, the air was filled with a pungent smell.

Looking upwards, there seemed to be grimaces appearing in the mass of clouds.

Bai Ze's face was solemn, and he raised his eyes to look up.

The biggest opponent known in this competition is about to appear.

The power of the manic monarch, mixed with an extremely pure dark wave, challenged the gods.

Dizziness, nausea, and confusion filled the audience.

That was the first monarch to appear in this national competition.

It is also the only monster that has reached the realm of the monarch without any special means.


Its loud voice echoed in the battle world.

At this moment, the vortex was enlarged, and His other arm also stretched out.

The old days came in chaos, bringing despair to the world.

Staring at each other, whether it is off the field or in the live broadcast room, everything is boiling.

The audience panicked and covered their throats, and their throats rolled.

"It's disgusting, that feeling has appeared again!"

"I can't tell, I really can't tell!"

"Tentacles, slime, gods, those are the true gods I look up to!"

Even the audience fell into madness, perplexed, talking nonsense, and went crazy on the spot.

Looking around at the heart-piercing roars below, everyone in the referee's seat couldn't help but turn dark.

"Cough cough."

"Principal of the Imperial Capital, this is caused by your students, shouldn't you take care of it?"

"Yeah, the audience has become like this. If you don't care about the game, you can't go on."

Upon hearing this, the headmaster of the Imperial Capital stood up helplessly.


In an instant, his whole body exploded into an aura, glittering with gold and silver.

Then, with a big wave of his hand, this force dropped to the sidelines.

Those who were enveloped by Shen Yun regained their sanity in just a moment.

They looked at their hands in bewilderment.

On the other side, Jiang Tianyun and other players were not affected too much, but a little nauseated.

However, they were quite frightened by the appearance of the sleeping lord.

Only half of the huge body was exposed, and the power of darkness covering the world had already spread like this.

Even the Creator outside the venue was affected.

If their creatures had confronted them head-on, they would have died in confusion just now.

"It's completely incomparable. I lost too thoroughly." Jiang Tianyun said in a low voice.

There was a trace of decadence in him, and the arrogance on his body was gone.

The same is true for Qin Xinlian.

She believes that her nine-turn Suzaku is matched with the peak-evolved red lotus state.

It is also an upright monarch-level creature!

Not to mention defeating Bai Xingwan, at least it would be no problem to draw with her.

But the moment the sleeping lord appeared, this feeling disappeared without a trace.

All that was left was a trace of hesitation and helplessness.

Because just now, she was also disturbed by the power of darkness.

Although it was only for an instant, that sky-high energy stood in front of her.

As for himself, he was just a small group of flames, floating in the strong wind, as if he could be crushed by the other party at any time.

A group of seed players present were all shocked.

This is the real monarch, who doesn't use item cards, and doesn't use the realm of godhood.

The monarch born of nature is absolutely superior to any of them!

"Bai Ze, I've been waiting for this moment."

"Be obedient and accept your fate, your road has come to an end."

With the appearance of the Sleeping Lord, Bai Xingran replied directly.

Finally, the whirlpool couldn't bear the huge divine power of the sleeping lord.

A pair of long and narrow wings squeezed out from it, and the torn vortex collapsed.

The sleeping lord's wings flapped, and a storm surged, descending from a height of 10,000 meters into the deep sea.

In an instant, the waves rose to the sky like a water dragon, and it rained heavily.

The sleeping god, the whole picture of Cthulhu, the old ruler, was presented to everyone without reservation.

Horrified by His appearance, the audience, who had just recovered a little, trembled.

"There is only one transmission channel in the battle world."

"He was able to cross the transmission channel and enter the world in another way!"

"Terrible! This is the power to break the laws. Even the laws of the world can't contain this monster!"

Countless viewers were shocked, and the live broadcast room was full of barrage.

The sleeping lord took a step forward and stomped down hard.

Immediately, a wave of extreme darkness spread, and all the creatures touched flew backwards.

At the zenith, a dark barrier fell, covering the entire battlefield.

The deep breath of despair spread, spreading to every corner of the world.

In the center of the battle field, a crack broke out with a 'click', and then the whole body collapsed.

Unreal space!

That's right, this is exactly the ability of the Sleeping Lord.

The divine power penetrated the heaven and the earth, and all the creatures in Bai Ze fell into confusion after being exposed to this power.

The world was dark and dull.

What the audience outside the arena can see is that Bai Ze's creature on the big screen is still.

This blow, even the six commanders were not spared.

Although Kunpeng Taotie's wings moved, his eyes had lost their luster, and he was clearly indulging in emptiness.

In the world of nothingness, Kunpeng flutters its wings, and there is a deep void around it, and there is nothing.

It was anxious about the situation on the battlefield, and began to accelerate and fly forward.

At this moment, a giant figure in the shape of a human slowly appeared in the distance, piercing through the sky and blocking it.

Kunpeng was startled, raised his eyes and climbed straight up.

I saw that the illusory space suddenly lit up, and the scarlet eyes rolled out.

Tens of thousands of tentacles also began to descend, attacking it at the same time.

What stood in the way was none other than the huge Sleeping Lord.

Condescending, like a god looking down on all living beings!

At the same time, the other sides also encountered the same situation.

Taotie, Holy Spirit King Dragon, Aurora and other leaders.

And Bai Ze's family creatures were all pulled into the confused space.

Witnessing everything off the court, Bai Ze's face was solemn.

In a trance, his world collapsed, and a touch of chaos enveloped the world.

Even Bai Ze himself, as the creator, was affected by this illusory space!

The corners of Bai Xingran's mouth turned up, and he gave a chuckle.

In the next second, the situation on the battlefield changed suddenly.

From the perspective of the audience outside the stadium, it is incredible.

Needless to say.



The creature that was dragged into the void world exploded with strength.

But they were attacking indiscriminately, punching the air frantically, and releasing various skills.

The audience fell into chaos for a while, and Bai Xingran ordered the creatures to evacuate quickly.

Just like that, the Sleeping Lord stood between heaven and earth, and just by appearing on the stage, he controlled all living things in Bai Ze.

It's all over.

Seeing this scene, Xia Yinyue and the others shook their heads in disbelief.

When the creatures fall into chaos, Bai Xingran's creatures can take advantage of the situation and catch them all.

At this moment, it seems that even Bai Ze himself has fallen into confusion.

"This is how to do......"

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