All People Genesis: Beginning Binding God Simulator

Chapter 506 A Fireball Fell From The Sky, Haipajeton Launched A Counterattack

The tactful stream slips from the cracks and floats in the boundless universe.

The sky is round and the place is the center of the earth.

The border of the world forms a spectacle like a waterfall.

The turbulent sea water is being deflected by the constantly shaking world, and the flow speed is getting faster and faster.

At the same time, because of this phenomenon, the mountains and rocks in the border area were washed away and could no longer stop the water flow.

The area of ​​the world began to shrink, and rocks and mountains kept falling into the universe with the current.

After calming down a bit, the last drop of seawater drained from the connecting channels on both sides.

In the main world, Bai Ze's ocean has lost its former glory.

A magnificent underwater temple, exposed to the air.

A large number of creatures in the ocean are also stranded, and some are sunburned to death.

The sea was drained and there was no longer a drop of sea water to be seen.

The same situation happened to Bai Xingran.

But this is a simulated battle, so no one will care.

I saw that the huge tsunami after the impact had disappeared.

The only remaining ripples on the sea surface showed the intensity of the explosion just now.

Looking around, Bai Ze's leaders all disappeared.

Only the sleeping lord remained firm in the mist.

But think about it too, withstood such a big wave of offensive.

Either it must have been shot and flew out, or it fell into the deep sea.

But just as Bai Xingran turned his eyes and looked around, a gust of wind suddenly sounded in his ears.

She immediately heard that it was coming from near the Sleeping Lord.

To be honest, just now when the divine power erupted, the blow he made was really powerful.

But Bai Xingran doesn't think that Bai Ze is gone just like that.

"The wind is getting louder, is there something approaching at high speed?"

Feel the danger, but can't find the source.

Simply Bai Xingran gave an order to let the sleeping lord wave out the waves and create a waterspout to surround him.

At this time, outside the court, they shouted anxiously.

"Heaven, in heaven!"

"Look at the sky, something is falling."

"Look at the sky!"

Bai Xingwan's voice also echoed in Bai Xingran's skull.

"Ran Ran, heaven, quickly look up at the sky!"


Bai Xingran raised his head violently.

I saw that the tumbling clouds had been broken.

A large black fireball with a diameter of a kilometer is rapidly falling towards the sea.

The strong wind blew, and the sleeping lord was immobilized by the atmospheric pressure.

He tried to move his feet, and the wings on his back began to wave.

He was about to escape from the attack range of the fireball, but was caught by a purple beam of light.

"The legs were petrified?"

Bai Xingran turned his angle of view and saw Gatanjeh prostrate on the sea.

When the tsunami exploded just now, it took advantage of the trend and dived into the deep sea, barely suffering any serious injuries.

"No, the sleeping lord's wings have been petrified!"

"His feet were frozen too."

"Look at that fireball, it has already fallen!"

Wang Teng pointed to the screen.

Accompanied by the shouts at the scene, the Sleeping Lord, who had no time to dodge, was hit head-on by the falling fireball.

All of a sudden, all the surrounding waterspouts dispersed.

The flames enveloped his whole body, and the scales of Cthulhu's skin were melting at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The entire area formed a vacuum zone.

The rainwater from the sky can't get close to this place, and it will evaporate instantly just by touching it.

The ocean below was also forcibly torn into a large circle.

The sea water turned into steam, and the white mist gradually rose, gradually making it difficult to see the situation here.

Gatanjeh sank to the bottom of the sea one second before the fireball fell and was not affected.

At the same time, Hypagedon's figure appeared on the fireball.

It was unscathed from top to bottom, apparently avoiding the blow of the tsunami explosion perfectly.

Anyway, it is also a creature with teleportation and shields, so it is much more normal to think about it this way.

"Did the powerful blow just now fail to hurt this humanoid insect?"

"It seems that the illusory space of the goddess was also instantly broken by it!"

"If you lead the peak, you will have the power to fight against the monarch alone."

"I'm curious now, what kind of blood is this guy?"

"Even if it is a god-level bloodline, the blessing in battle is not so heaven-defying, right?!"

The entire audience was amazed.

Turning to the audience in the imperial capital, everyone's faces were tense, and they frowned even when they spoke.

Their expressions are very similar to those of the Principal of the Imperial Capital, because the other party is also like this at the moment.

"Xing Wan, you must not be in trouble."

"The status of the imperial capital for so many years depends on you to guard it." The principal of the imperial capital said to himself.

For thousands of years, when the federation was established, the imperial capital has always been the leader.

The glory of countless generations, the pinnacle of countless generations.

Having survived so many challenges, I never imagined that in today's peak generation, the generation closest to the peak,

There are so many god sons of the imperial capital, so many brilliant geniuses, and there are even six sons of the main gods.

Also, the legendary goddess Bai Xingwan who can lead the Federation into a new era was born.

Such an all-star lineup is already the highest peak in the imperial capital.

But in the hands of that person on the field, he was defeated time and time again.

The headmaster of the imperial capital couldn't help but lift up his fingers and jog on the armrest.

Suddenly, a voice woke him up.

"Principal of the Imperial Capital, calm down."

"The competition has just started, Xingwan won't have any accidents."

The headmaster of the imperial capital turned his head and quickly smiled: "You are right."

"Xing Wan, nothing will happen."

Staring at the star-colored mask of the god of the Federation, the headmaster of the imperial capital smiled even more.

Come to think of it, he is now fighting side by side with the Federation.

After all, even the god of the Federation was present for Bai Xingwan in person.


The game lasted for three hours and twenty minutes, when the Sleeping Lord was swallowed by a black fireball.

In the stadium outside, there were bursts of shouts.

"How could the monarch be defeated by the commander?"

"It's just a ball of flames, the Sleeping Lord breaks through it!"

"It's just a Zerg creature, just wanting to defeat the God of our Federation's new era."

"The blood of the old days is not so weak, the goddess will carry the banner for us!"

The audience raised their hands and shouted wildly.

Seeing them cheering for Bai Xingwan, Long Aotian couldn't bear it anymore.

He jumped up from his seat excitedly.

"Xingwan is my god."

"Avenge me, let that guy see how he lost."

"Our imperial capital is not something he can surpass!"

The others were startled by Long Aotian's roar, and Wang Teng looked at him with contemptuous eyes.


Long Aotian scanned the audience.

"Cough cough."

He cleared his throat and hurriedly sat down pretending nothing happened.

But the diffusion of these voices also resonated with other audiences.

Some people joined in, while others began to sing the opposite, shouting Bai Ze's name.

On the other side, at the entrance of the stadium, came a blue-haired boy.

When they saw him, Yan Yan and the others were shocked.

"Mu Han?"

"Where did you go before, why are you here now?"

Mu Han paused, walked up and asked himself: "What's going on now?"

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