All People Genesis: Beginning Binding God Simulator

Chapter 51 The Audience Was Shocked And Shocked, Mechanical Godzilla Activated

"Finally..." Bai Ze spoke weakly, and finally finished, "It's finally destroyed!"

"This time, there should be no more accidents, right?"

Bai Ze overlooked the mechanical planet. Countless creatures lay down on the ground in various postures. The scarlet light in their eyes disappeared. They should be dead.

With vigilant thoughts, Bai Ze tensed his face and waited for a while, waiting for the sound of the system's judgment.

But this time, it was almost the same as last time, and there was still no news from the system.

"What's going on? Haven't I won yet?"

"This shouldn't be. All ten central nervous systems have been destroyed, and the creature has also collapsed. Could it be that there is still a leak?"

Amidst Bai Ze's questioning voice, the system suddenly gave an answer.

【Ding! The creatures in the world are not dead yet, so there is no way to decide whether to win or lose! 】

"Almost the same lines!" Bai Ze's pupils widened.

He looked down again.


In the world, ten pure white beams of light shot up into the sky!

Bai Ze opened his mouth wide, not daring to say anything: "What are these beams of light? Those positions are..."

There is no doubt that the positions where the beams of light are emitted are exactly ten places where the central nervous system is placed.

Could it be that these central nervous systems haven't died yet? !

"No, they seem to be..." Bai Ze paused and said suddenly, "They are gathering towards a certain point!"

From Bai Ze's perspective, the ten soaring beams of light are slowly gathering towards the center.

Until a point overlaps, and then quickly lowers a beam of light, hitting a position on the ground!

Bai Ze can see that that location is the most central point of the mechanical planet, the closest to Li Tianshu City!

Off the field, it wasn't just Bai Ze who triggered this mechanism.

Tang Qingcheng, Wang Tiangang, Zhao Jinzhu and others all destroyed ten central nervous systems and triggered this mechanism.

And a huge figure gradually appeared at the position hit by the white light, and the entire mechanical planet trembled for it.

"Look, what is that?!"

"Okay, it seems to be a, huge... Huge dinosaur?!"

The major creation buildings were boiling, and the creators jumped up one after another, with shock in their eyes.

Even the creators who were in the midst of the plane war felt their hearts tremble.

It wasn't until the white light completely disappeared and a deafening mechanical roar sounded that everyone could really see clearly.

What kind of dinosaur is that?

That is an out-and-out commander-level creature, Mechanical Godzilla!

"Fuck! Commander-level creature! Mechanical Godzilla!"

"As expected of a planet made by Pound Starcraft, it's so ruthless! Even a commander-level creature dares to release it, this is to torture the newborn!"

Not only the various creation buildings, but the appearance of Mechanical Godzilla directly caused a sensation in the whole province.

Countless ordinary people were terrified when they saw this scene!

Even in the preparation room, the leading teachers all opened their mouths.

Teacher Zhou Qing next to him couldn't help but say: "Pang De Xingjiang, isn't this the good show you're talking about?"

"A leader-level creature, even if it is a beginner, no student can beat it. You are going to stop the test directly here."

Hearing this, Pang De Xingjiang only slightly picked his sexy mustache, and smiled excitedly.

"Don't worry, Mr. Zhou Qing, this is just the beginning, maybe some students can break through?"

Hearing his words, the leading teacher of Su Lin Academy became excited for a while.

She stared at her family's few seed players, especially Tang Qingcheng!

After all, people, but there is still a trump card that is useless.

This is what she is most looking forward to!

"My grandma..."

"The creature at the commanding level is still a mechanical Godzilla, does the person who wrote this question want us to die?!" The corners of Bai Ze's mouth twitched uncontrollably.

Everyone he saw was stupid!

But stronger than Bai Ze, he is still very calm, and he immediately sees the essence from the phenomenon.

Mechanical Godzilla did appear, but those mechanical creatures in the planet actually fell down.

Does this also mean that as long as he defeats this mechanical Godzilla, he will truly win?

"A leader-level creature..." Bai Ze said to himself.

The creatures in his hands are all in peak condition.

Among them, Hypageton has the ability to fight against the commander-level, and if they gather together, they may not lose!

[The second night: You issued an oracle and told the scattered creatures to quickly gather at the center of the mechanical planet to deal with the commanding-level mechanical Godzilla! 】

[The creatures heard it and knew the importance of this matter very well. They used the fastest speed and drove in that direction. 】

[At the same time, Mechanical Godzilla is also looking for your traces, and it seems to be equipped with a sensing device. It immediately uses the jet system under its feet to fly into Tianshu City, and encounters the Dapeng clan led by Kunpeng. . 】

[The battle is on the verge of breaking out here, without thinking too much, the few rocs organize a charge, but the huge mechanical Godzilla has amazing melee capabilities! 】

[Its arm is also equipped with mechanical joints, which can be stretched and ejected, and it can easily crush a roc to death with a single grasp. 】

[Kunpeng was very angry when he saw all his clan members fall! It flapped its wings and launched a large number of tornadoes, trying to tear Mechanical Godzilla apart by powerful splitting. 】

[But the effect is not great, the armor of Mechanical Godzilla is simply invincible, the splitting of the storm didn't cause even a little scratch to it, and it didn't even stop its action! 】

[Instead of being threatened, Mechagodzilla's missiles on both sides of the shoulders and back stretched out, aiming at Kunpeng, it was a dense rain of missiles. 】

[There are too many, Kunpeng is unable to dodge. After being hit once, his body is unstable and he is bombarded continuously, until he falls from a high altitude, causing fatal injuries and dying! 】

"It's still too reluctant." Bai Ze said with a sigh.

It is impossible to have a half-point chance of winning for the advanced level of the general and the junior level of the leader.

In addition, after Kunpeng's probing, Bai Ze was vaguely aware of it.

It seems that this mechanical Godzilla is a little bit stronger than ordinary commander-level creatures.

Its armor is too thick, not only excellent in melee combat, but also has long-range skills.

It's just a destructive machine born for war!

[When Kunpeng was on the verge of death, the subordinate races led by the other three extraordinary races finally arrived here. They felt the horror of the scene, and they were terrified. The entire periphery of Tianshu City was almost wiped out! 】

[As strong as Bai Ze, the third-ranked creature was easily crushed, and his life was in danger! 】

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