All People Genesis: Beginning Binding God Simulator

Chapter 522 Peeking Into God's Life, Those Dusty Stories

"From then on, I will be your sister."

The conversation ended here, Bai Ze watched the whole scene and came back again.

Not surprisingly, Bai Xingwan was not talking to herself just now, but was talking to Bai Xingran.

Thinking about it carefully, the memories recorded here are quite impressive.

In the first memory, Bai Xingwan officially became a goddess.

The second memory is that Bai Xingwan was still very young at the time, and it should be the first time she came into contact with those books.

The third memory, I don't know if it's because of pua, or if she really believed those words.

The fourth memory, talent test.

The fifth memory, the first simulated battle.

To be honest, I lived for eighteen years.

Bai Ze has heard of the kind of simulated battles that only rich people can afford.

So this sixth time should be the official meeting of the two sisters.

It was also at this time that the titles of elder sister and younger sister came into being.

Bai Ze continued to walk into new pictures.

Slightly blurred and distant scenes floated before his eyes.

There were shouts from all kinds of people, and praise from high-level officials from the federal government and universities.

There are also bits and pieces of the two sisters together, which are basically all trivial things in life.

It looks beautiful, but it seems so boring.

At least in Bai Ze's eyes, it's really boring, and it can't be compared with the previous scenes.

Walking out of a new scene, Bai Ze didn't know how long it took.

I don't know what the outside world is like at this time.

However, although the pictures are messy.

In terms of subdivision, Bai Ze can roughly be divided into two categories.

One is inside and one is outside.

The Goddess who is outside is an unfathomable and unparalleled shining new god.

She just stood there, causing countless Tianjiao to bow their heads and be overshadowed.

Inside, there are two goddesses, who are good sisters.

No one would have thought that the cold and elegant goddess who has never been calm can also laugh and play.

As Bai Ze thought about it, he had already stepped into a new round of drawing.

But this time!

It is different from the past, and it is a very big gap!

Bai Xingran sat slumped on the bed, his face pale.

She murmured something, weakly.

Observing from Bai Ze's perspective, one can see divine power swirling around the other party's body.

But this divine power seemed to be swallowed by something and gradually disappeared.

"Don't worry Ran Ran, you'll be fine."

Bai Ze frowned, with a strange expression.

In fact, he had noticed it just now.

I could actually hear the conversation between the two of them.

After a while, Bai Xingran regained his mental strength, and his little face regained its color.

Bai Ze followed suit and was teleported out.

It's just that the expression on his face seemed a little restless.

"Is it swallowing?"

Bai Ze guessed that this should be the time when the first devouring came.

I don't know what method Bai Xingwan used to ease the swallowing.

But from the tone of her voice, she looked tired.

Bai Ze continued to explore, and the next memory was almost the same as before.

Until the age of 16, another major incident occurred.

In the silver-white secret laboratory, Bai Xingwan stayed in the transparent cabin.

Bai Xingran screamed hoarsely, calling desperately.

At this moment, she has become very sensible, completely different from before.

However, it is of no use.

Bai Ze stood in the transparent cabin, unable to do anything, watching the exchange of godheads.

This scene should be the scene where Bai Xingwan said in the past, giving Bai Xingran the hope of surviving.

Just after watching the previous scenes, Bai Ze understood a lot.

Bai Xingwan was not as unbearable as she said.

On the contrary!

She is stronger than Bai Xingran!

Whether it is learning ability, combat ability, on-the-spot reaction ability, or adaptability.

In everything, she is much better than Bai Xingran!

She is what the people hope for, and she is what the principal of the Imperial Capital and many other high-level officials hope for.

But she transferred the precious chance of survival to Bai Xingran.

From a rational point of view, from a federal point of view, this is by no means a good way.

And at this time, the two sisters probably don't know that the accompanying fetish can save lives.

In other words, Bai Xingwan was indeed determined to die and was ready to go to hell.

The screen ends, and the transformation of the godhead is successful.

To be expected.

Bai Ze continued to walk forward, looking at new scenes of memories.

Here, earth-shaking changes have taken place.

Bai Xingwan's strength will be squeezed every time the devouring works.

Gradually, her strength became weaker and weaker, and she became a worthless waste in his mouth.

On the contrary, it was Bai Xingran who took the lead and became stronger and stronger.

Become the well-deserved goddess in people's mouth!

Until one day, the goddess was officially born and her identity was made public.

The imperial capital and even the whole country were sensationalized.

In the secrets of the Federation, such a monster was actually cultivated!

But after Bai Xingwan and Bai Xingran cooperated to defeat countless talented talents, no one doubted it anymore.

Bai Ze even saw the figures of Mu Han, Yan Yan, Long Aotian, and Wang Teng appearing in Bai Xingwan's memory.

Come to think of it, this is already very close to the present memory.

Looking back, the voice of the world is getting louder and louder.

People hold the goddess high and praise her in the name of the true god.

Regard her as hope, as a supreme treasure!

The Federation leads all creators, gods, and has been silent in the universe for too long.

There are wolves in front and tigers in back, surrounded by evil, and threats are everywhere.

Over the years, in order to ensure the stability of the Federation, countless creators and gods have been killed in battle.


On this day, the Goddess was born!

A claim that can lead the Federation to new heights.

A person who claims to bring the Federation and break the predicament!

Such a scene repeated itself repeatedly in Bai Xingwan's memory, even Bai Ze was shocked.

Looking at it, he thought it was almost the end.

The last one left, a slightly interesting memory, is about the national competition.

Bai Xingwan and Bai Xingran learned of their accompanying fetish for the first time.

It is also the first time that it can curb the phagocytosis disease and completely save them from life.

On that day, Bai Xingran was very excited, dancing and dancing, he didn't look like he used to.

On the other hand, Bai Xingwan was very calm.

It was obvious that it was difficult for her, but she did not show the slightest bit of excitement.

It's just that he comforted Bai Xingran brilliantly and said cheers.


The sound of the bell swaying rang in Bai Ze's ears.

Open your eyes, he is back.

Looking to the right, you have come to the end, the picture is all over.

After spying on other people's lives, Bai Ze felt somewhat mixed.

But unfortunately, he still didn't know how to get out.

"Oh..." Bai Ze sighed.

Suddenly, the surrounding space seemed to collapse!

He raised his head and glanced around suddenly.

The barrier disappeared, and what appeared instead was a black background board.

From the end of the darkness, a figure is walking slowly.

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