All People Genesis: Beginning Binding God Simulator

Chapter 532 Bound The Giant Gods Of The World, The Method Of Recreating The Godhead!

No matter what, even Bai Ze is very clear about it.

This is the last moment.

Bai Xingran offered sacrifices, and Bai Xingwan climbed to the top.

The double gods are out!

The middle rank of the monarch should be their biggest trump card.

The game will end here.

However, Bai Ze doesn't want to lose yet, and he can't lose!

Even if you are trapped in the swamp, you have to struggle until the last moment.


At this time, groups of black slime struck from the sea and the sky.

After nearly six hours of laying the groundwork, a lot of sea water passed by.

The water level dropped to four thousand meters, so large swaths of the ocean were filled with black slime.

Looking at it from above, one can vaguely detect patches of stirring black mucus.

The same is true for the sky, the world is getting smaller and smaller, and a depressive atmosphere spreads.

Beludora launched his defense, and the arc shot from his side.

With a wave of his hand, a large amount of mucus was torn off.

But then, facing the roar of the audience, Bai Xingwan raised one arm above her head.

Hao's wrist flipped in the air, and there was a loud 'dong', and the divine power poured down.

Jormungandr on the top of the cloud seemed to be called.

With a flick of his body, he swooped down, and the air current rolled into a ball.

In an instant, the world shook.

Just because of one movement, the earth cracked, the ocean roared, and the mucus on the dome was squeezed out.

The huge snake's head opened its bloody mouth, as if it wanted to swallow Peleudora in one bite.

The latter opened his hands and waved his back wings fiercely.

With a loud bang, the dust spread.

Got it!

Peleutora stood upright on the ocean, holding Yermungand's teeth tightly with both hands.

The wings on the back gave propulsion imperceptibly, making it barely able to compete with this giant god in brute force.

Bai Xingwan on the other side stared at the sky and the earth, the only trace of clarity was about to disappear.

In the endless shouting, she couldn't help feeling confused.

What she wanted never seemed to be these.

However, it is too late to regret now.

Moreover, she has no right to choose from the beginning to the end.

Bai Xingwan flipped Hao's wrist again, and Ye Mengjia had to break free from Beludora's shackles.

Its huge snake head penetrates into the clouds, and its body stretches among the clouds, like the Great Wall, vast and vast.

Because of its wobble, the world terrain suffered significant damage.

For a time, earthquakes, tsunamis, tornadoes, sandstorms.

There are also active volcanoes hidden under the sea, which also erupted along the way.

Under natural disasters, few creatures survived.

Seeing that a large number of hostile creatures were involved together with their own creatures, they were almost extinct.

The tree man king and the universe insect emperor spontaneously organized to resist the natural disaster.

But the creatures on Bai Xingwan's side were still relentless, ignoring death at all.

They rushed forward to interfere, making it difficult for Bai Ze to gather.

"No." Bai Ze murmured.

He knew that this must not go on like this, Bai Xingwan could not sink completely.

Otherwise, you will be finished.

"Bai Xingwan, can you hear me, open your eyes and see!"

"Your sister still has help, don't just kill me and win the championship!"


Seeing that Bai Xingwan didn't respond, Bai Ze pouted.

There is no way, the only way for now is to hold on first, and then talk to Bai Xingwan slowly.

Bai Ze issued an oracle, and the six leaders who had just recovered a little were summoned and forced to join the battle.

"If this continues, the entire battle world will be destroyed by this giant python."

"Don't let him succeed!"

After Bai Ze finished speaking, the six chiefs arrived together.

Above the sky, looking at the body that stretched like a mountain range, the leaders felt a headache.

But they can't control that much, and immediately organize an attack.

In an instant, the positions were dispersed, and various light waves struck from different positions.

Naihe is too small.

Staying in the water like Gatanjeh, looking up at the giant above the head.

The purple light beam emitted by the pupil takes a long time just to fly, and it is even more painless after hitting, it can only petrify a small area.

As far as Yemengard is concerned, it is harmless.

In contrast to the latter, just a flick of the desperate figure pushed the leaders a thousand meters away in just a storm.

Fortunately, Hypageton's death scythe form seems to be lethal to a certain extent.

With a wave of the twin sickles, it pierced through Yermungandr's snake scale from top to bottom!

In the first place, Peleutora is also supporting.

The golden light flew around, hit Yemengard's body in a circle, and exploded.

Suddenly, the latter was enraged!

The snake's head emerged from the clouds on the other side and rushed towards it at supersonic speed.

Squeezed by the huge airflow, the weak bodies of the leaders were unable to move, and were hit head-on by the huge snake head.

In an instant, they all flew upside down.

Taotie hit the mountainside, Kunpeng rolled into the deep sea, and Aurora fell directly from the back of the Holy Spirit King Dragon.

Only Death Scythe Jayton barely leaned on the barrier to stabilize his figure.

However, Yermungandr didn't give a chance at all, and attacked Peleutora again.

Facing the continuous arcs released by Beludora, Yemengjia seemed to be indifferent, and immediately opened his huge mouth, and stuck Beludora out in one gulp.

Under the stalemate, Peleutora couldn't support it, and continued to retreat!

The snake of the world is probably the only one who can bump a 4,000-meter behemoth backwards.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Bai Ze continued to speak.

"Bai Xingwan, please be sober."

"I know you don't want to fight like this."

"I have a way to save your sister, just pause for a moment!"

Bai Ze knew that Bai Xingran was Bai Xingwan's heart demon.

It was because of her absence that Bai Xingwan became what he is now.

Then, just go directly to Wang Zha.

Hearing this, Bai Xingwan, who had already sunk in front of her, actually showed a slight reaction.

Her eyes trembled slightly, and her eyes gradually turned to Bai Ze.

"Can not go back."

"I know better than anyone that the broken Godhead is an irreversible fact."

Bai Xingwan's voice was low, and after saying the last sentence, she closed her eyes as if accepting her fate.

Immediately, the giant python slammed up, and Peleutora was pushed back hundreds of meters, creating a storm in the sea.

"Who says you can't go back?"

"You have also done many impossible things, such as this worldly python."

"But at this critical moment, you say you can't do it, what are you afraid of?!"

After Bai Ze finished speaking, he immediately turned his head.

He lowered his voice: "The system, the godhead is broken, is there really no way to save it?"

Indeed, it's not just Bai Xingwan, in Bai Ze's perception.

If the godhead is broken, there is no cure.

But no matter what, Bai Xingran must live!

Even the law of reversal!

After a long time, the system gave an answer.

【Ding! Theoretically, if the godhead is broken, the soul will also perish. Without reincarnation, both body and spirit will be destroyed, and the soul will be scattered! 】

Bai Ze narrowed his eyes slightly, his expression became serious.

【but! 】

[If you have enough vitality, you may be able to rebuild your godhead! 】

The next sentence of the system caused Bai Ze's expression to change drastically.

"Is there really a way to save it?"


【Ding! That's right. 】

[It's not mending the godhead, but rebuilding it and giving it a new life! 】

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