All People Genesis: Beginning Binding God Simulator

Chapter 539 Congeal! Divine Power Came To The World, Representing The Godhead Of The Origin Of Life!

Bai Xingwan became anxious, and the audience couldn't sit still.

In an instant, under her command, Yemengard fired at full force!

The body danced wildly, and the storm swept the earth.

The snake's head and tail came from both sides at the same time.

They slammed into each other frantically, smashing against the halo barrier in an attempt to shatter it.

Ye Mengjia didn't care about it, and used the most frequent attack in his life.

However, this does not have the slightest effect on the Holy Spirit King Dragon.

In the next second, when the last light spot merged, the complete nebula appeared on the chest of the Holy Spirit King Dragon.

Accompanied by a 'boom' vibration, the green light guarding the Holy Spirit King Dragon's body instantly dissipated.

The scope is so large that it blows across the sky.

The heavy rain that had been raining for more than seven hours stopped.

Behind the Holy Spirit King Dragon, there seems to be a pair of wings blooming.

In the clouds and mist, green elements penetrate the atmosphere and fall from the sky.

It seems that God has pity on the world and sent down a gift.

They fell to the ground, and the sprouts grew at a speed visible to the naked eye, turning into big trees, grass roots, flowers, and vines.

Bai Xingwan looked around, her eyes widened in disbelief.

A world hit by a meteorite.

Actually reborn? !

But then, she sensed an extremely familiar aura.

It seems to be emanating from the body of the Holy Spirit King Dragon!

"That is......"

Bai Xingwan stared at the Holy Spirit Wang Long, her face suddenly full of astonishment.

"Divine power?!"

That's right, wait for the sound to fall.

Shocked outside the field!

"Divine power!"

"Look, that's divine power!"

A spectator screamed and pointed his fingertips at the Holy Spirit King Dragon.

Not only him, but more audiences jumped up one by one.

"There's nothing wrong with that."

"Although I'm not a god, it's not the first time I've seen divine power."

"This, this, this... this is divine power!!!"

"how so."

"Bai Ze has supernatural power?"

"Isn't he still at the god level?"

"No, no, this must be divine power!"

In an instant, the creators of the large film chatted fiercely, and the scene was very lively.

But in just a short moment, not only the battle world, but also changes outside the field.

Starting from the battle platform, a wave of pure green divine power swept across the venue like waves.

All the principals, Xingshuai hurriedly waved their hands to block them.

But their eyes were filled with deep shock, and they were so stunned that even their jaws were trembling.

"Divine power, like divine power, where did it come from?"

"It's a battle platform. To be precise, it should have appeared from Bai Ze!"

Under the screen, Bai Ze sat quietly in the battle room.

He looked serene, but the divine power in his body couldn't stop spreading, covering a large area.

And vaguely, someone even saw a green nebula spinning on Bai Ze's chest!

Maybe other people don't know it, but how can the principals present not know it?

Within sight, Principal Tianzhou and Principal Su Lin, their hands were shaking,

At the same time, Space Tear, Ice God, Vulcan, and Thunder Goddess.

Waiting for many high gods to arrive at this moment!


"I feel it, someone in the stadium is condensing the godhead?!"

As soon as they appeared, they shouted impatiently.

Immediately, everyone in the referee's seat reacted.

His eyes turned sharply, and he fixed on Bai Ze.

Isn't that green nebula lingering in his body the embryonic form of Godhead? !

"How, how is it possible?!!!"

The headmaster of the imperial capital roared.

"How did Bai Ze gather the godhead before he entered the god stage?!"

What was said on the stage was immediately heard by the audience.

"It's the god of ice, the god of fire, the mother of thunder and lightning, and several higher gods..."

"They're all here!"

"I seem to have heard just now, they said that Bai Ze is condensing the godhead?!"

"What? Bai Ze is condensing his godhead? Isn't the divine power just now..."

"That's not right! Bai Ze is only a third-level creator, and he has no inheritance. How did he condense the godhead?"

"Look at the nebula in Bai Ze's body, that is the prototype of the godhead!"

"Haven't entered the rank of gods, but condensed the godhead, it's simply unprecedented!"

At this moment, the audience was in an uproar, and the faces of the creators were all red.

A group of ex-players were equally sluggish.

Looking at the screen, Jiang Tianyun, Zhao Qi, Qin Xinlian and others were all extremely shocked.

Even the God of the Federation finally got up at this moment.

He stared at the condensing godhead, feeling a little dazed.

As calm as he is, there is only one sentence left in his heart.

how come?

In the battle world, Bai Ze was surrounded by warm green light.

The rich power of the origin of life, attached to the divine power, ascended to the sky!

Moisturize every muscle and bone in his body, making Bai Ze seem to be reborn.

He felt that the godhead is condensing, and it has the same root and origin as the holy spirit king dragon attribute!

The godhead representing the origin of life!

"God of the Federation."

"This fight, I finally won the bet."

Bai Ze looked up at the sky and murmured.

The aura was revived, and the Holy Spirit King Dragon absorbed the power of new life.

The two stars collided, and the dead creatures and planets all contributed a lot of vitality.

If in the end, the Holy Spirit King Dragon still can't awaken the godhead, then it's really game over.

But luckily, he won the bet.

Sacrifice the whole world.

Sufficient vitality really made the Holy Spirit Wanglong awaken the godhead ahead of time!

It has achieved the past and the present!

Feeling the flow of divine power in his body, Bai Ze couldn't help but speak.

"Bai Xingwan, a gentleman's words are hard to follow."

"I said it and I will prove it to you."

"Now this is the best evidence!"

On the opposite side, Bai Xingwan woke up from a trance.

There was a trace of fear and fear in the eyes looking at Bai Ze.

Not yet at the level of gods, condensing the godhead, it is simply amazing.

Even Bai Xingwan didn't understand how Bai Ze did it.

But obviously, she still has a chance!

"When the Creator condenses the godhead, it is the most vulnerable time."

"We still have a chance to interrupt him here!"

As soon as these words came out, Bai Xingwan's only remaining commanding creatures and family creatures arrived one after another.

It landed around the Holy Spirit King Dragon and surrounded it.

On the other side, Bai Xingwan sent down an oracle.


With a command, the snake's body was like Mount Tai, and it rushed straight to the Holy Spirit King Dragon.

The other creatures followed suit, all attacking the Holy Spirit King Dragon.

Unfortunately, it was already too late.

Bai Ze burst out laughing, the breath of life around him erupted like a volcano!

The surging divine power, in the form of silk threads, kept pouring into the godhead.

"It's late, Bai Xingwan!"

Bai Ze raised his right hand high.

The battle space, as the divine power continued to grow, was finally completely submerged by green light.

At the same time, the Holy Spirit King Long let out a long roar, and the dragon's chant shook for ninety thousand miles.

All creatures that attacked it were bounced away in an instant.

Wait for the last thread of divine power to wrap around the breath of life and merge into the light cluster.

The floating nebula has become stable, green in color overall, with leaf-like lines on its surface.

Inside, a blue and green crystal heart hangs upside down in the magnificent space.

this moment.

Godhead, condense!

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