All People Genesis: Beginning Binding God Simulator

Chapter 57 Real War, Strange Bai Ze

Bai Ze waved his hand, and a loud voice fell.

Immediately, the creatures in the arena started roaring and screaming, and the atmosphere reached a boiling point!

"Fight for God, die without regret!"

"For God the Father! Crush all those rotten irons!"

"Glory to the planet, victory to God the Father!"

【Ding! Host faith value +4. 】

This time it is a real plane war, so there is really only one chance.

Through the previous two rounds of simulated wars, Bai Ze summed up a problem.

It's just that I have too few creatures in my hand. I want to break through the army and destroy ten central nervous systems in a row, but also face the final mechanical Godzilla. It's a bit exhausting.

In the middle of the process, it is necessary to defend against the support troops sent by the cities, which cannot be avoided.

So the only way is to gather them together and annihilate them from one point!

"Happageton led the meteorite worms and marched west of the mechanical planet."

"Taotie and Gatanjae, lead your men to march eastward."

"Kunpeng enters from the front outer city, following the route planned by the commander!"

"But this time, make noise like crazy for me, and then all gather in the center of the mechanical planet!"

A sound of oracle came down, and although the creatures did not know why, they knew the supreme wisdom of their father god.

As long as you follow God the Father, you will never go wrong!

So, accompanied by bursts of sound explosions, the large army began to charge!

The three teams split off to act, the Dapeng clan hid in the clouds, and the Sea Emperor clan quickly dived into the water, following the Tianyi Tiger for support.

But this scene caused the students in the watching room to be puzzled for a while.

"What's going on with Bai Ze, how does he make the creatures under his hands diverge?"

"Theoretically speaking, after learning the information, wouldn't they let their creatures enter directly from the outer city, break through the steel city, and then enter the central city to destroy the nervous system?"

"Is this the fastest route?"

"Could it be that Bai Ze did this because he knew the content of the test in advance?!"

They showed deep doubts, so much so that they began to doubt whether Bai Ze knew the content of the test in advance!

But not long after, there were bursts of explosions on the screen!

At first glance, the east and west cities, including the iron walls of the outer city, have been completely pierced.

The mechanical creatures stationed in the three cities were awakened and activated, and began to resist the invasion of Bai Ze's army!

A large number of mechanical octopuses and mechanical beasts flocked to form wave after wave of offensives, rushing towards the army.

On the west side, the long-lasting black flames are like the fire of hell, burning everything!

Dongcheng was completely swallowed up, and the huge vortex in the sky seemed to be able to swallow the sun!

And the outer city at the front was not much better. The feathers of the roc flew out, denser than the missiles. Under the sky, there were only broken limbs and feathered arrows!

"The outermost periphery of the mechanical planet is the place with the weakest defense, and it is also the best place to break through."

"However, once these three places are captured, they will definitely be alerted and surrounded by support troops."

Bai Ze analyzed while talking to himself.

He guessed right, when the three outermost cities were razed to the ground.

The ten central nervous systems wrapped in it are transmitting electromagnetic waves to each other, whispering.

"The outer city, as well as the east and west cities have been captured, and the opponent's speed is very fast."

"Don't worry, we have the superiority in numbers, absolutely crushing, now quickly send mechanical crows to spy on their specific marching position."

"Then mobilize the troops of each city, organize a supporting army, surround them, and catch a turtle in a urn!"

Waves of electromagnetic sound spread among the ten central nervous systems.

In the sky, patches of mechanical crows flitted by, their scarlet eyeballs rolled, as if they were recording everything.

Seeing this scene, Bai Ze was not only not worried, but also extremely excited.

He immediately sent a message to the three parties.

"Happageton obeys orders, Taotie Kunpeng obeys orders!"

"Lead your own army, try your best to fight guerrillas and pull with the mechanical legion that came to pursue, and then gradually move closer to the center of the mechanical planet in a circle-like route!"

"Gatanjahe and the Water Emperor clan provide assistance underwater, and it is best to avoid large-scale conflicts!"

When Bai Ze gave an order, the four major ethnic groups responded one after another.

"Follow the will of God the Father!"

"Follow the will of God the Father, and I will start to act now!"

Immediately, the army that broke through the three outer cities did not continue to break through in the direction of the central nervous system.

Instead, it uses a circular marching route to gradually shrink until it reaches the target location in the center of the mechanical planet!

At the same time, the support army in the mechanical planet began to gather, counting down, each side has more than 5000 mechanical troops.

There is a lot of darkness, and the arms are particularly complete, with the War Fortress as the vanguard, pushing all the way!

On Bai Ze's side, there was a struggle. Relying on the continuous supply of resources, the army became more and more courageous and never tired.

Especially on Hypageton's side, the marching speed was extremely fast, leaving the support army far behind.

After checking, Bai Ze found that the aura in the mother planet had reached 1000 times, which was enough to support this efficient march!

But this scene, in the eyes of the students outside, made them dizzy again, and even Xia Yinyue was puzzled for a while.

She didn't understand, what was Bai Ze thinking?

At this time, the three outer cities have already been breached. Shouldn't it be to destroy the central nervous system?

Why is his army not only not advancing, but also constantly retreating to fight guerrillas?

Judging from the ratio of the number of people, this will only be exhausted, and it is not worthwhile at all!

"Bai Ze, what are you thinking..." Xia Yinyue hesitated.

A period of time has passed, and now there are less than 100 students left in the whole province.

The shots of Bai Ze and Tang Qingcheng never switched from the beginning to the end.

And Tang Qingcheng's side also reached a climax!

Mechanical Godzilla became half-disabled, the hard shell was blasted with multiple cracks, and countless mechanical parts were scattered all over the place.

In the air, the eyes of the dragon of order were as proud as her creator.

The hot craters on the ground, as well as the cracks created by the destructive beams, were all caused by it.

Although it cannot be said to be one-sided, it actually suppressed Mechanical Godzilla.

"It's finally coming to an end. Now, no one should be able to make it this far, right?" Tang Qingcheng said without any warmth.

She stared at the scene below with her unwavering beautiful eyes, and then issued the oracle again.

At this time, a pure white beam of light appeared in the mouth of the Dragon of Order, aiming at Mechanical Godzilla and shooting it out!

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