All People Genesis: Beginning Binding God Simulator

Chapter 59 One Move From The Sky, Breaking Through The 20,000 Mechanical Coalition Forces

The students, teachers, and creators from all over the province who came to watch the battle were all stunned and speechless for a long time.

Because the scene in the planet is too dreamy and shocking!

The mechanical army of 20,000 was originally impeccable.

Anyone who is present will end up in a disastrous defeat.

But unexpectedly Bai Ze used a prop card to successfully break the game, save the day, and counterattack and suppress the opponent!

It's incredible!

"One move, Tianyun, swept away the 20,000 mechanical army, the method is extremely terrifying!"

"It turns all of this was calculated by Bai Ze in advance. It was for this moment that he divided the army into three teams to attract mechanical creatures from all sides to encircle and suppress them."

"It's so good that the praying mantis catches the cicada, and the oriole is behind!"

While sighing, Pound Starsmith in the preparation room also stood up excitedly for the first time.

His slightly sloppy face was full of excitement.

"Good boy, this trick is really good!"

"These central nervous systems have strong algorithms, but they are not as good as humans after all. Their calculations are limited to intelligence. If there are uncertain factors like item cards, they will not be included in their calculations."

"This kid can catch bugs with precision and know how to use them in reverse. It's amazing!"

"However, to be honest, what's the matter with his item card? Why have I never seen such a powerful item card?"

After Pound was happy, he couldn't understand for a while.

This kind of powerful item card is already comparable to A-level.

Although in the simulated war, creatures and planets will not be damaged, but once the item card is used, it is really gone.

Dare I ask, no matter how rich you are, who would use an A-level item card with a market value of over 100 million for a simulated war?

"Pound Starsmith, I gave him this item card."

"There is no need to worry about Pound Starsmith. After all, in the freshman test, there is no rule that students cannot use item cards, right?"

Teacher Zhou Qing hurried forward to smooth things over, she naturally knew that the card was Bai Ze's own method.

However, the tree is big enough to attract the wind, destroying the enemy's 20,000 troops with one move, and making an extreme comeback, this is something that even Tang Qingcheng can't do.

It would be coveted by others, so she said this in an attempt to help Bai Ze hide the past.

However, when Mr. Zhou Qing was speaking, he always glanced at Mr. Su at the side from time to time, as if to show off to him.

The latter had black lines all over his face, and his cheeks were hot again, as if he had been slapped several times in a row, which made him very uncomfortable!

This wave of Bai Ze's operation completely overwhelmed the enthusiasm of her family.

Although there are item cards mixed in, this is still at their own level.

However, before Mr. Su could refute anything, Pang Dexing suddenly spoke again.

"Okay, okay, there's nothing to worry about about this kind of thing."

"However, even if this student from your Tianzhou Academy has strong leadership skills, he won't be able to make it to the end."

"Because the planet I made is not as simple as it seems."

"This year, I'm sure that no student can win!"

Starsmith Pound stroked his beard and said with a smile on his face.

After saying this, the two teachers immediately became excited.

Especially Mr. Su, who was motionless just now, quickly jumped up and said, "Pang De Xingjiang, what you said..."

"Actually, I still have great confidence in our family Qingcheng."

"Since you have said so, how about we make a bet?"

"I bet 10 million federal currency, betting that my family Qingcheng can win the provincial freshman championship, and break the legend of invincibility created by you!"

After saying these words, Mr. Su took out a card and placed it in front of the two of them.

He also turned his eyes unkindly, and turned to Teacher Zhou Qing who was on the side.

"How about Mr. Zhou, do you dare to play a game with us?"

"Or, do you think Bai Ze of your Tianzhou Academy can't win against my Qingcheng, and can't make it to the end?"

Hearing this, Teacher Zhou Qing's expression quickly dropped.

She knew that the other party was acting aggressively, and they were here to slap her in the face.

Unfortunately, she is not a timid person.

"Okay, then I will also offer 10 million federal currency to bet Bai Ze of our Tianzhou Academy to get all the grades you said!"

Teacher Zhou Qing did not show any weakness, took out an identical card, and put it on.

The two sides faced each other, and the atmosphere suddenly became anxious.

At this moment, Pound Starsmith spoke.

"Hehe, since this is the case, the old man also wants to play."

"This is a black card with 100 million federation coins, so let's use it as a betting chip."

"I'll bet that in this freshman test, there is still no freshman who can beat the old man's simulated planet!"

He laughed strangely, and the two teachers saw this, and a trace of astonishment flashed in their eyes.

Unexpectedly, such a large amount of money was spent, and 100 million Federation coins were directly thrown out.

Could it be that the simulated planet, Mechanical Godzilla is not the last hurdle, so that he can be so confident?

However, words spoken are like water poured out, which cannot be taken back.

At this point, I can only trust my students!

【Ding! The degree of spiritual recovery has reached 2000 times, and the supply of resources has increased dramatically! 】

Back to Bai Ze, the expression on his face was full of joy.

This is what Bai Ze said before.

There are too few creatures in his hand, whether he fights recklessly or spreads out to act, he will suffer losses.

The only way is to gather all these mechanical creatures, and then use skills to directly serve them in one pot, completely disrupting their rhythm!

After all, Bai Ze noticed it during the last simulation.

The power of this earth-exploding star seems to be far more than destroying 5000 creatures.

That's why Bai Ze dared to take it out in a real simulation, and caught the opponent by surprise!

"Okay, follow this momentum and fight all the way!" Bai Ze raised his arms at this time.

The blood of the coalition forces below was surging, and they marched forward indomitably.

Relying on their underwater speed advantage, the Water Emperor clan took the lead in sealing off the periphery, leaving the mechanical creatures in the center with nowhere to escape.

And the army of meteorite worms swept across the sky, and the mechanical army inside was scattered and turned into pieces of scrap iron.

After the bombing of Earth Explosion and Skystar, the original 20,000 mechanical creatures are now less than one-tenth, and they are all half-destroyed goods with missing arms and legs.

Facing the coalition forces that were almost at full strength, they were defeated in the next instant.

The news of the defeat here spread to the ears of the ten central nerves, and they felt like they were bursting.

Electromagnetic waves directly turned into telegraphs, and those who "beep, beep, and beep" began to blame each other and became "the quintessence of China".

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