All People Genesis: Beginning Binding God Simulator

Chapter 63 Birth Of The Province's Number One? Last Hidden Creature

The dragon of order opened its mouth wide, and a magic circle in the shape of a five-pointed star suddenly appeared, in which a pure white light condensed.

Then, under the gaze of everyone in the province, it aimed at Mechanical Godzilla and launched it violently.

In an instant, the steel was burnt to pieces, and there was a sound of crumbling, and the broken limbs were also thrown out of the smoke.

When the dragon of order stopped outputting, the mechanical Godzilla, which had already lost its vitality and was in dilapidated body, was able to appear in front of everyone.

In the end, it didn't even use the self-destruct, it was just gone!

"Success, success, Goddess Tang has succeeded!"

"The mechanical Godzilla has lost its vitality. As a result, all living things in the mechanical planet will die."

"That is to say, Goddess Tang won, the first freshman in the province, Tang Qingcheng is the first freshman in the province, and the champion belongs to Su Lin Academy!"

In the watching room, the students from the same school of Su Lin Academy jumped for joy.

Not only them, but at the moment when Mechanical Godzilla fell completely, the whole province was stirred up and boiled for a while!

The creators shouted, shouted, and celebrated together. Excited to the extreme.

Only the students at Tianzhou Academy had an unusually cold atmosphere.

There is no other way, I can only say that Tang Qingcheng is too evil, and Bai Ze is still in a confrontation, and she has easily defeated Mechanical Godzilla.

The leader-level creature of the god-level bloodline, the dragon of order, didn't even suffer much damage.

"Hahaha, Teacher Zhou, have you seen it?"

"I've said it a long time ago, it's impossible for a worm to win against a dragon. Even your Bai Ze from Tianzhou Academy, no matter how skilled and clever he is, can he compare to the god-level bloodline?"

"Can it compare to the commanding dragon of order? In the end, it's not defeated by my family!"

Seeing the scene on the big screen, Teacher Zhou Qing also sighed quietly and did not reply.

It is already considered very good that Bai Ze can go this far.

As long as he can defeat Mechanical Godzilla, he will be more or less the second-best freshman in the province, so that Tianzhou Academy will not be left alone.

It's a pity that if you want to blame, you can only blame Tang Qingcheng for being too evil. It is a sad and deplorable thing to meet her in this era.

"'s finally over."

Overlooking the vast and boundless land, Tang Qingcheng's hanging heart finally settled down.

She waited quietly, waiting for the judgment given by the system.

But after a while, everyone in the province calmed down a bit, but the system's judgment sound still did not appear.

"How is this going?"

"Tang Qingcheng has clearly defeated Mechanical Godzilla, why hasn't the verdict announcing victory yet?"

"Yes, yes, is it possible that the mechanical Godzilla is not completely dead? Isn't that right?"

The creators in each creation building were puzzled for a while.

Similarly, the teachers in the preparation room were also confused.

The simulated war for this freshman test was done by Pound Starsmith.

Therefore, the possibility of system bugs is almost zero!

That is to say, if there is no bug in the system, it can only be that there are still creatures in the planet that have not been killed!

"Pang De star craftsman, what's going on?"

"My family, Qingcheng, has already defeated the mechanical Godzilla, and all the creatures on the planet have died. Why haven't the results been announced yet?"

"Is it the system you made, and something went wrong?"

As Tang Qingcheng's mentor, Mr. Su couldn't bear it for the first time, and asked Starcraftsman Pound.

But when she turned her head to look directly at Pound, she was surprised to find that the other's expression was becoming more and more sinister, hideous and terrifying!

"Jie Jie Jie~"

"It's not that the system is malfunctioning, but that the creatures haven't died out yet!" Pound smiled strangely.

Hearing this, all the teachers in the preparation room were shocked.

Living things are not extinct yet?

That mechanical Godzilla is already a leader-level creature. Could it be that there are more powerful creatures than it?

Suddenly, before they could figure it out, there was a turmoil in the world where Tang Qingcheng was on the screen!



"Wait, how come the world where Qingcheng is located started to shake, what's going on?"

Teacher Su exclaimed for a while, staring at the big screen in disbelief.

The creators in the Creation Building also saw this scene, and some people even exclaimed.

"Look! Look at Tang Qingcheng's world, it's shaking!"

"The simulated war is not over, it seems that something is about to come out!"

On the other side, Tang Qingcheng, who was in the simulated war, was also in a daze.

She looked around wantonly with her beautiful eyes, and was horrified to find that buildings were collapsing and the nuclear wastewater in the sea was also pouring out with waves of trembling.

The scorched earth and yellow sand on the ground are gradually fading, and even the dust and particles that were originally in the air are floating in one direction as if they were sucked away by something.

"What's wrong? Why isn't the simulation over yet?" Tang Qingcheng asked anxiously.

She quickly issued an oracle, causing all the few creatures to jump up and maintain the highest state of alert.

Tang Qingcheng, who sensed something was wrong, was not idle, and she began to quickly move the camera.

If you want to see what kind of creatures exist on this planet, they are omitted.

But when the angle of view gradually shifted and zoomed in, Tang Qingcheng couldn't keep his composure anymore.

Her originally calm eyes began to become astonished, terrified, flustered, revealing a deep shock!

In the outside world, seeing Tang Qingcheng's perspective through the big screen, some creators were so frightened that they almost fell down, pointing at the big screen, their bodies trembling uncontrollably.

"Then... what is that thing?!"

"The ball... the huge ball, the ball turned into a living thing!"

"No! It should be said that this mechanical planet itself is a giant creature!!!"

On the screen, the entire mechanical planet is still shaking, tilting to one side.

From Tang Qingcheng's point of view, the mechanical planet extended its short hands and feet toward the universe.

Under the ground, there are missile launchers and laser launchers one after another, all set up!

Immediately afterwards, there was another weird electromagnetic sound, which was deafening and earth-shattering!

In the preparation room, the teachers who saw this scene all had dull eyes.

Teacher Su couldn't help swallowing, turned his head, and asked Pound who was beside him in a daze.

"This, this is not what you said, the last trump card, right?"

Hearing this, the other party's smile became more gloomy, and his whole body was trembling non-stop.

Immediately, he stood up excitedly, raised his hands and said, "That's right!"

"This is what I created, the legendary perfect life body!"

"This is also the simulation, the last big boss, the last one!"

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