All People Genesis: Beginning Binding God Simulator

Chapter 73 Reappearance! The Huge Black Shadow South Of The Mother Star

"Understood." Bai Ze nodded.

"Then during this time, I will adjust my world first, after all, I have experienced a big battle before."

Speaking of this, Xia Yinyue also remembered it.

"That's right, then I'll adjust my world first, I guess the simulation I just experienced may have a psychological shadow on them."

After all, Xia Yinyue took a step ahead of Bai Ze, closed her eyes anxiously, and let her consciousness enter the planet.

They are not like Bai Ze, who can simulate and deduce infinitely. The creatures in the world have suffered countless deaths, and they have already gotten used to it, so they will not have psychological shadows.

As for most of my own creatures, since they were born, it was the first time they faced such a terrifying scene, and it was inevitable that they needed to adjust their mentality.

"Hehe..." Bai Ze smiled lightly and shook his head.

Looking for a chance, he would like to talk to Xia Yinyue.

Let the two worlds communicate with each other, so as to help Xia Yinyue develop rapidly.

Otherwise, it would be very difficult for her to catch up with her, and she would only be thrown farther and farther away.

However, if possible, it would be best if the creatures of the two worlds can communicate in a friendly and in-depth manner, such as hybridization or something!

Maybe through the power of?, a whole new creature can be produced.


"Alright system, let's enter the main world!"

With an order, Bai Ze closed his eyes, and his consciousness returned to the starry sky again.

Looking down, his own creatures have been sent out one after another.

The whole body is intact, as if they were not the ones who experienced the battle not long ago.

"We are safe and sound, not even a wound, is it the great Father God who saved us?"

"Thank you Father God, praise Father God!"

"Great Father God, we adore you!"

【Ding! Host faith value +10. 】


Looking at the crowd of worshipers below, Bai Ze nodded in satisfaction.

Especially for Hypageton, he felt even more gratified.

In the simulated battle before, Hai Pajedon broke through to the commanding level, relying on that instant explosion.

He used teleportation and fled directly to the distant universe, only then was he able to avoid the big bang and survived.

Now it seems that Hypageton's aura has stabilized, and even the subordinate races have also strengthened.

This kind of real commander-level power simply made Bai Ze want to stop and was so excited!

【Ding! Start reporting major events to the host. 】

"Oh?" Bai Ze was slightly taken aback.

During his absence, could there be any other major events happening in other races?

[Event 1: Due to the temporary departure of the four extraordinary races, the home planet was in chaos for a while, some creatures stood out, and some creatures were defeated. Overall, there are 100 new species of creatures in the world. 】

[Event 2: In the world, biological intelligence has generally increased. Among them, there are many intelligent races who have learned to use flames, weapons, and even learned to build simple thatched huts to protect themselves from wind and rain. 】

[Event 3: In addition to animals, a very small number of plants in the world seem to have undergone some mutations. They have gained wisdom, but unfortunately, they are still in a very low state. 】

[So that from an intuitive perspective, the intelligence of these plants cannot be noticed, and they can only be used as food for other creatures to enjoy. 】

[Event 4: In your world, there is a hybrid race called Sky Eye. They have no combat ability, but they have an extremely wide field of vision. If they are concentrated and released, they can even spy on the environment of the universe. 】

[Thus, by chance these days, the eyes of the sky discovered that there seemed to be a huge black shadow in the south of the parent star, which was heading towards the parent star at a very slow speed, but because the universe was too dark, they could not see the details clearly. what is it. 】

【Ding! This important event, the report is over! 】

"South of the planet, a huge black shadow?"

"Could it be something that was observed in that simulation?!"

Upon hearing this information, Bai Ze panicked instantly.

The scene of two gamma ray bursts destroying his own planet is still fresh in Bai Ze's memory, and it has almost turned into a psychological shadow.

And the last black shadow that came was probably some terrible monster.

But the strange thing is that it followed the gamma ray burst before, why is this thing running over before the gamma ray burst?

"Could it be that that thing is coming towards me?" Bai Ze said to himself.

But soon, he denied the answer.


"If it's coming at me, it's impossible to move slowly."

"In other words, this thing should be floating in the universe unconsciously, floating towards me unconsciously."

After examining it carefully, Bai Ze focused on a line of writing.

"South of the planet?"

In that simulation, the last voice from another world was the south of his own planet, which seemed to have something interesting.

Could it be that this black shadow is the thing south of the planet?

I could see it in the simulation before, maybe because it was hijacked by aliens, so it didn't appear in the south.

Bai Ze thought about it for a while, and decided that he couldn't sit still!

At the very least, we have to investigate first, whether that huge black shadow is a creature or something else.

After all, in those two simulations, the aliens seemed to be very concerned about the south of their home.

"Just do it!"

Bai Ze projected his figure into the world.

"The Meteorite Clan listens!"

With an order, a large number of meteorite worms on the ground knelt down, and Hypajetton also led the universe worm emperor, half kneeling under Bai Ze in admiration.

"In the period to come, I will split you into two teams."

"A team led by the Universal Zombie Emperor is responsible for building a civilized empire and building various buildings in the home planet."

"The first team is led by Hai Pajiedon, fly me into the universe!"

"It's best to break through to the south of the planet, where a huge black shadow appears, which may threaten the safety of the parent star!"

Bai Ze's unquestionable voice fell.

Hearing the threat to the safety of the home planet, all the creatures present trembled, how dare Hai Pajiedon think too much ""

It raised its head quickly, with a look of admiration.

"Follow the will of the Father, and we will definitely break through the universe with all our strength."

"Help Father God to find out what that black shadow is, and swear to protect the safety of the mother planet!"

After being notified of this matter, Bai Ze asked the other three races to retreat individually to improve their strength in order to cope with the subsequent test.

Then, he disappeared and left.

In fact, Bai Ze knew very well in his heart that the talent of visitors from another world is to spy on the conversations of alien races outside the universe.

Since I have what they call "good" things here, the other party will attack me sooner or later.

The reason why those two simulations came so quickly was because the snooping was discovered, and it was only like that when encountering revenge.

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