All People Genesis: Beginning Binding God Simulator

Chapter 82 Collectively Go To Space And Raid The Space Station

[After realizing this scene, not only you, but even the creatures on the mother planet are extremely excited, and they continue to praise and worship you. 】

【Ding! Host creation value +5. 】

"That's right, it seems that those liches really relied on this thing to enter the universe."

After Taotie's series of actions, it can now be proved that taking space medicine can indeed ascend to the universe,

Bai Ze is full of confidence. With this ability, he will soon be able to implement his plan.

[Late First Era: The rest of the creatures who took the potion also began to try to ascend to the top of the universe one after another. Among them, the Roc family with the strongest flying ability became the mother star, and the second race to ascend to the universe collectively. 】

[At the same time, the endless reproduction talent was activated, and the creatures in the mother planet reproduced crazily. 】

[But during this process, you discovered something in surprise. The next generation of creatures that drank the space potion actually inherited the ability to climb into the universe! Although it's not immediately obvious. 】

【Ding! The total number of Transcendent Tribes exceeded 1,500, and the Meteor Zerg exceeded 2,000. 】

[After a long period of precipitation, many extraordinary creatures have awakened one after another in the mother planet, such as Fengshen pterosaurs, super ancient ape kings, etc., dividing their respective territories, it seems very belligerent, and disputes continue. 】

[Seeing this scene, the home planet is in good condition, so you don't wait any longer, and start to issue orders to let the four races form an alliance and break through the universe as quickly as possible. 】

[At the end of the first era: As soon as the creatures rushed into the universe in large numbers, the space potion showed symptoms of failure. There is no way, you have to give the last batch of space potions to the three races to drink. 】

[You understand that time is running out and there can be no waste, but there must be a large amount of space medicine stored in that space station. As long as you can occupy it, you can alleviate the urgent need! 】

[Early Second Era: The creatures that rushed out of the universe began to march in the direction you specified, passing by the ice on the way, they did not choose to move the ice. 】

[Because the Lich Clan will not attack yet, and moving the ice cubes will waste the time of space medicine, which is not worth it. 】

[Middle of the Second Era: Finally, after a long journey, an irregularly shaped space station appeared in front of nearly 4,000 creatures. 】

[The space station is surrounded by interstellar warships, and there are nearly 3,000 ships! There are hundreds of witches and beasts sheltering them. 】

[Innumerable black spots are swimming around in the station. You observe carefully and feel that those are liches, with a number of about 10,000, and servants ranging from middle to high-level. 】

"Okay, here we are, the destination ahead is this time!"

"The Meteorite Clan listens to the order and attacks from the front!"

"Remember, don't let those liches drive to the interstellar battleship."

"The other three races sneaked in from the rear of the space station at the fastest speed."

"The main goal is to search for space potions and solve our own problems first!"

[You issued a strategic order to the four clans, and the latter heard about it and immediately took action. 】

[In the deep and silent universe, a sudden burst of turbulence blows up, and the witch beast guarding the gate is awakened by this turbulence. At first glance, this turbulence is caused by the high-speed action of meteorites. 】

[They were carrying fire, and they were rushing towards them. Before they could react, they had smashed into the battleship group like meteorites, causing chain explosions and lighting up the entire starry sky. 】

[In the face of a sudden attack, the liches in the city had no time to react. In a hurry, they quickly organized a counterattack. The missile system and light cannon system in the space station were urged to activate. 】

[Unexpectedly, a figure burst out in mid-air, arc-shaped rays of light, and scorching fireballs were sent out continuously, blowing up multiple muzzles, and the lich used to transmit energy also fell from the sky to death. 】

[Taking advantage of the melee in front, the other three clans sneaked to the rear and sneaked in from various entrances. 】

[Although they are huge and make a lot of noise, the liches guarding the space station, like the deaf and blind, can't feel it at all. (Passerby A activates)]

[Under your command, the large army ran wildly, and finally found a warehouse entrance in the central area of ​​the space station. After your observation, you are sure that it should be the place where the Lich Clan stores supplies. 】

[However, perhaps because the space medicine in the hands of the vanguard disappeared out of thin air, the defense outside this warehouse is extremely tight, and hundreds of liches are divided into small groups and patrolling nearby. 】

【At this time, you didn't hesitate at all, and directly let the army launch an attack here. In an instant, the rocs who were hiding in the dark fell headlong into the center of the Lich squad. 】

[Dozens of liches were blown away by the impact, and reacted to an enemy invasion, they sounded the alarm. 】

[Unfortunately, there are 2,000 meteorite worms entrenched outside the space station. Under the leadership of the universe worm emperor, they went all the way unimpeded and destroyed half of the interstellar warships. 】

[So most of the liches have been mobilized in the past for support. In this area of ​​the central warehouse, there is no extra manpower to defend back and forth. 】

[The Lich itself is very weak in battle, and because you didn't get support in time, you broke through the warehouse with only a few casualties. 】

[Kunpeng even disliked the narrow space inside the space station, and simply ordered the rocs to start wreaking havoc, and directly demolished the upper and lower floors. 】

【The surviving lich panicked and wanted to escape, but was blocked by soft bodies. Then sticky arms stretched out from nowhere, tied them up, and sent them into their mouths to be crushed. 】

【Seeing the defeat of the Lich, Tao Tie gave an order, and the Sky Winged Tigers launched a charge, smashing through the hard steel plate with their heads, and stepped into the interior of this large warehouse. 】

[Looking closely, there are many heavy weapons on the shelves here, including laser guns, heavy cannons, and light speed crossbows. Of course, there are also many supplies, and the most eye-catching one is the space potion! 】

"As expected, they are all here." Bai Ze was quite happy.

With a wave of his hand, he immediately issued an order.

"Quick! Drink the space potion first, and then count as much as you can."

"Those heavy weapons are not necessary, but the supplies must be taken!"

In the bodies of the three races, the efficacy of the space medicine is about to expire, and replenishing supplies is the first choice.

Otherwise, let alone fighting, it would be difficult for them to survive in space.

As for those cool-looking heavy weapons, they're actually useless against Bai Ze.

After all, most of his creatures are physically invincible, and they don't even know how to use weapons.

What's more, time is precious now, and the marching speed must be fast. It is very slow to carry such a heavy thing!

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