All People Genesis: Beginning Binding God Simulator

Chapter 91: The Liches Are Completely Extinct, The Holy Wood Elves Revive

[Middle of the Second Era: Relying on the strength close to the mid-level command, at the cost of burning life, the Lich Manchang accelerated to catch up. 】

[Finally, just when the creatures were about to reach their home planet, they were still overtaken by the Lich Manchang, who blocked the front of the army with a look of hatred on his face! 】

[And aware of the arrival of the Lich Manchang, half of the remaining coalition forces also stopped, and the two sides confronted each other in the universe, and the scene became anxious for a while. 】

[The space station was destroyed, and the Lich Manchang had nothing to worry about anymore. It rushed over without waiting for the army to react. Because it was burned by the cosmic radiation, the Lich Manchang was wrapped in flames. 】

[When it hit the coalition forces, it was like a ghost that had just climbed up from hell to the human world. It was terrifying and ferocious. Many creatures couldn't avoid it. They were pierced through their bodies by its powerful fist wind and died on the spot. 】

[Own strength was also absorbed by the Lich Manchang, which strengthened its strength even more. 】

【The four chiefs saw this and came to support one after another. For a while, light, storm, and petrification all came out, and the Lich Manchang was caught off guard, causing it to retreat again and again, and almost fell over in the universe. 】

[Happageton did not hesitate, and directly transformed into the form of the death scythe, and came to the Lich Manchang with two strides. The twin scythes were like a guillotine, strangling its neck, a burst of yellow light fell, and sparks sprayed all over the body. sky. 】

[Through the eyes of the gods, you have observed that the weak point of the Lich Man is the neck, and ordered the creatures to attack collectively! 】

[However, the maintenance time of the space potion is running out. It is precisely because the Lich Manchang knows this that it will hang around here, trying to use this method to exhaust your creatures and die with them. 】

[The situation is urgent and imminent. The creatures under your command sacrificed heroically, and in order to quickly defeat the Lich Manchang, they directly chose to blew themselves up! Use your back to hide energy. 】

[In an instant, it seemed as if fireworks were being set off in the dark universe, and the gorgeous and colorful colors continued to explode. 】

[The lich, who was hit hard by the explosion of the space station, is quite long, and is constantly experiencing the burning of cosmic radiation. 】

[Even if it has, it is infinitely close to the mid-level strength of the commanding class, and it can't resist the self-destructive attack of so many creatures. 】

[Soon, its last arm was also blown up, and the roaring flames burned its whole body. 】

【Death Scythe Jayton seized the opportunity, merged the two gigantic twin scythes, and ended the lich's pretty long life from the neck with a slash that was as powerful as the universe! 】

[The two sides fought all the way. When Lich Manchang was hit in the neck, the two sides had already arrived at the position south of the mother star. 】

[Just as Lich Manchang was about to lose his breath and closed his eyes with hatred, he suddenly observed a huge piece of black ice floating in the universe in the distance. 】

【Seeing this scene, Lich Manchang's already desperate eyes once again had a glimmer of hope! Become extremely excited, excited! 】

[Unfortunately, it cannot escape the fate of death. In the end, it sank into the abyss of the universe and passed away completely. 】

[The Lich Manchang was killed, and the joy of victory spread in the army, and you also felt extremely happy. 】

"This old guy is finally dead."

"Fortunately, it was injured a wave before, otherwise it is comparable to the strength of commanding the middle class, and it really can't be dealt with now."

The corners of Bai Ze's mouth rose slightly, and his hanging heart seemed to have settled down.

"Oh, it's just a pity that the space station was blown up, and nothing was taken."


At this time, Bai Ze felt a little regretful.

But when he came back to his senses and noticed the piece of floating black ice south of his own planet, he didn't seem to think so.

I heard that this sacred wood heart seems to be a good thing.

But the specific function, Bai Ze is really curious.

Anyway, the lich is gone, so it seems good to salvage this thing back.

[You let out a strange smile, and waved your hand, telling the three tribes to return to their home planet first, to heal and rest, to adjust their state. 】

[The rest of the meteorite worms quickly reduced the ice cube and dragged it back to the parent planet. 】

[Late Second Era: All creatures were ordered, and the three races returned to their home planet to recuperate, while the meteorites found this piece of black ice again on the edge of the storm zone. 】

[They use their sharp teeth to shrink the ice cube round by round, and they have been busy for a long time before nibbling it to a volume that can be pulled. 】

[In this way, under the command of Hai Pajedon, the meteorites slowly brought Xuanbing back to the parent planet. 】

[When passing through the atmosphere, the high temperature and scorching heat melted the ice again, and the creatures could vaguely see a petite humanoid silhouette inside. 】

[You open the eyes of the gods to observe, this time the ice is thinner, and the observation is more clear, you can even see a beating heart through the ice, exuding a green luster, extremely pure! 】

【You guess, that should be the treasure of the holy wood elves, the heart of the holy wood that Mr. Zhou said! 】

[Without waiting any longer, after Xuanbing was safely transported back to the home planet, you let the meteorites start cutting the ice immediately! 】

"Be careful, don't cut into the creature inside."

Facing the meteorite worms responsible for cutting, Bai Ze gave serious orders.

This point, the other party is also well aware.

So they showed their sharp claws and began to cut around the ice.

During the period, not only the meteorite zerg race, members of other races also came after hearing the news.

The four peak combat powers in the home planet, Haipajiedun, Taotie, Kunpeng, Gatanjiehe, the four big brothers gathered here.

Looking at the ice cubes, which were about the same size as them, being chopped up bit by bit by meteorite worms and gradually getting smaller, they also held their breath unconsciously, with serious eyes.

In the end, even the members of the four extraordinary races in the home planet were all present and gathered around.

Bai Ze also narrowed his eyes slightly, staring intently at the piece of black ice that was about to crack in his own planet.



A clear voice sounded.

Immediately, the dazzling emerald green light burst out from the ice that was split in half!

The originally barren soil, at this moment, grows weeds and flowers at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The growth does not end until the glare of light disappears.

The creatures opened their eyes, and a petite humanoid silhouette appeared in front of them!

Her whole body was wrapped in wooden vines, with her hands folded on her chest, she was lying peacefully on the green lawn.

But the pointed elf ears and long golden hair all show that this is indeed an elf!

Moreover, it is the kind of elf with extremely pure bloodlines, and it is guaranteed to be a creature with high bloodlines!

As if affected by the surrounding environment, the elf soon showed signs of awakening.

Her pair of blue eyes are slowly opening.

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