All People Job Change: This Berserker Is Too Calm!

Chapter 16 Lost My Head, Woo Woo Woo

Today's tasks and leveling went extremely smoothly, but Ou Hua rushed home before dinner.

As soon as I got home, I saw Feng Xiaoxiao lying sideways on the sofa watching TV, while Murong Xue, who was called 'Aunt', was cooking with his mother in the kitchen.

"You're back? Go take a shower, you smell like a dark forest zombie!"

Qiu Ying looked at Ou Hua who was changing her slippers, she held her nose with a face full of disgust with her extremely keen senses.

Ou Hua, who was so used to being disliked, shrugged, went back to her bedroom to take a shower, and then changed into clean clothes and came out.

"Xiao Hua, I heard from your father about your matter, do you have time to go to "Red Rose" for a comprehensive inspection? "

Qiu Ying, who was stewing meat, took the time to turn her head and ask Ou Hua.

"No, it's fine now, and there's no need to spend effort to hide your strength."

Ou Hua kicked Feng Xiaoxiao's ass, which occupied the entire sofa, and forced an empty seat to sit down amidst her exclamation.

"Okay, do you want Murong Aunt to take you to practice?"

Qiu Ying excitedly asked Ou Hua, not knowing that Murong Xue couldn't laugh or cry because of her "Murong Aunt".

"No need, I can level up very quickly by myself."

Ou Hua rejected her mother's suggestion.

Although Murong Xue, who is a member of "Red Rose", will never be lower than lv.45, it is an extremely scary thing to have such a high level in her grade. You know, my mother is almost forty years old It's only lv. 52!

But now I am killing monsters by leapfrogging ten levels, and I can gain more experience points by leveling alone, so I don't need to find someone to guide me.

The most important thing is that if Murong Xue takes her with her, if the good equipment is revealed, she will have to owe her a big favor to get it, which is extremely troublesome.

"So confident? That's up to you."

Qiu Ying shrugged and said, then turned to talk with Murong Xue.

Ou Hua has been extremely sensible since she was a child, just like a small adult, so she has always treated Ou Hua with a free-range attitude.

Although Murong Xue of lv. 49 was kept this time mainly because she wanted her to bring Ou Hua to practice leveling, but since he didn't need it, she didn't intend to force it.

"By the way, I heard your father said that you are a professional sword user, and Xiaoxue is a master of sword use. She will be your personal trainer. How about teaching you sword skills?"

She gave Murong Xue a top-quality purple outfit before she agreed to be a personal trainer. If she didn't exploit her a little bit, Qiu Ying would feel that she was at a loss.

Murong Xue will stay here until the next mission, that is to say, she will stay here for at least a month. Ou Hua is so smart, this month's private teaching is definitely enough!

"Xiaoxue Aunt, is her professional characteristic dual wielding giant swords?"

Ou Hua looked at Murong Xue's stingy mother who wanted to exhaust her to death, and probably guessed the reason.

"She uses a one-handed sword... no! Xiao Hua, your dad is a top engineer with an initial intelligence attribute of 142! I am a top magic swordsman with an initial intelligence of 73! It's fine if you're not a magic swordsman, why are you still playing?" Are you dual-wielding giant swords?!"

Qiu Ying rubbed her brows in distress, wondering in her heart whether she had been hugged wrong in the hospital, but his appearance was indeed what Old Ou could have done for him!

And Murong Xue looked at Ou Hua with a little curiosity.

After all, Ou Hua gave her the first impression of reason and intelligence. In addition, although Senior Qiu's initial occupation is not a hidden occupation, it is also a rare occupation "magic swordsman", so she heard that Ou Hua used a dual-wielding giant. After the sword, she was very interested.

"How do I know? Job transfers are all random. If you are upset, you can complain to the job transfer union for not changing my job to a magic swordsman."

Ou Hua shrugged, with an indifferent attitude on his face.

Qiu Ying looked at Ou Hua's attitude towards others, which was clearly a copy of her own, it seemed that she was the same as Ou Hua, that's right.

"Tch, you kid is out of luck. Thanks to my old lady, she found you a beauty booster and private trainer, but you didn't have such good luck."

Qiu Ying gave up completely, and she lost a purple outfit, so she didn't take advantage of it.

"Xiao Hua, if you don't mind, can you tell me your occupation? After all, it's rare for you to be in such a situation. Please explain in detail, and I can also ask those well-informed sisters in the union for you. "

Murong Xue, who also didn't want to take advantage of Qiu Ying, asked Ou Hua with a smile.

Although her expression was indifferent and arrogant, her voice was gentle and gentle. Judging from how well she played with Feng Xiaoxiao and her own mother, she should be a type of cold outside and hot inside.

"Sorry, it's a hidden job, I need to keep it secret."

Ou Hua directly refused.

Hearing Ou Hua's unhesitating refusal, Murong Xue was slightly taken aback.

From studying to going out of society, although she has not been rejected, she has never encountered rejection so quickly, which makes her feel a little strange.

"Hmph, Sister Xue, just give up. This kid is a mystic. In the past, all the papers with full marks in the general examinations were thrown into the trash can if they thought they weighed too much in the schoolbag. He will definitely not reveal what his hidden occupation is!"

Feng Xiaoxiao rubbed the little butt that hurt from being kicked by Ou Hua, and said full of resentment.

She is also very curious about Ou Hua's hidden profession that even crystals can't detect, but Ou Hua doesn't tell her no matter how hard she tries.

"Double-wielding occupations are rare. Generally, they are professionals who abandon defense and pursue extreme damage. Two-handed swordsmen have less strength and can only use one-handed swords or single swords. They cannot use giant swords. Assassins, killers, etc. Professionals who dual wield are also short knives, short swords and daggers, while professionals in Toyo dual wield samurai swords. There are not many hidden occupations that dual wield heavy weapons. The only ones I can think of are berserkers, berserk knights, and demons. hunter..."

Murong Xue, whose competitive spirit was hooked out, stopped chopping vegetables and talked fluently.

"The dual-wielding heavy weapons used by berserk knights are generally warhammers, war cones, and scepters, and the dual-wielding heavy weapons used by demon hunters are generally scimitars, half-halberds, or crescent fist blades."

Murong Xue stopped talking halfway, and Qiu Ying and Feng Xiaoxiao in the room also thought of Ou Hua's hidden occupation under Murong Xue's analysis.

Ou Hua didn't deny it, nor gave it affirmation, but she had some admiration for Murong Xue's erudition.

And Murong Xue was also very clever and stopped talking, but was cooking with Qiu Ying in the kitchen as usual.

"No way, are you really a berserker type of 'lose your head, woo woo woo hoo' career?"

Feng Xiaoxiao leaned in front of Ou Hua, and asked Ou Hua in a low voice.

"Thank you so much for your description."

Ou Hua glanced at Feng Xiaoxiao, completely speechless by her description.

If he didn't have the skill of "Crazy Blood and Bingxin", he might really be like Feng Xiaoxiao said, "I lost my head, woo woo woo".

After all, the Berserker's professional characteristics of "lower HP, higher attack, higher attack, lower IQ" are there.

This is a hurdle that all the berserkers in the world can't get around, but no berserker wants to get around it.

After all, the thrill of gaining the attack power to destroy everything, dancing in front of the palace of the king of hell, and still not dying is something that professionals after changing jobs as berserkers are pursuing all their lives.

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