All People Job Change: This Berserker Is Too Calm!

Chapter 448 It's Really Peaceful, I'm Not Used To It

Chaos, it's hard to imagine that a superpower will be completely chaotic overnight, and even turn into a situation where various forces compete for territory!

Huge monsters scattered around a bunch of mountain kings, this is not magical, but the sight of America actually appearing in front of Ou Hua!

A weapon store is a 'mountain top', a city is a 'walled city', and a company commander is a 'warlord'!

America, which was completely in chaos, was captured by war reporters from various countries, and the video news of America's chaos, dilapidation, and madness was spread to various countries!

The abyssal demons that are no longer under control are raging crazily on the land of America, encroaching on the living space of the residents of America, but the armed forces only want to grab more territories.

How can an abyss invasion be more important than grabbing territory and interests by oneself? Anyway, wherever the abyss invades, just get out of the way!

Ou Hua stayed in America, which was gradually collapsing, for another three days. What she saw was the disintegration of cities, human beings reduced to food for the demons of the abyss, and the land on which humans depended for survival was completely and irreversibly polluted by the abyss.

Ou Hua stood on top of a building wrapped in brown flesh and looked down at the abyssal demons fighting each other below, while "Baxia" was moored beside him.

This city was a large city with a population of several million a few days ago, but now there are not many living people.

There may be some powerful job changers who have established shelters, but this city has been occupied by "The Devourer Morgan", and it is impossible to have 'food' left. Those job changers who want to survive can only think of A way to get out of this city where ghosts know how many abyssal demons...

"Sure enough, when the number of deaths is just a number, there will be no emotional fluctuations..."

Ou Hua looked down at the abyssal demon hiding from her, turned around and walked into the cabin of "Baxia".

Now America has been reduced to the "wilderness", and there is no air defense force to control the "Baxia" flying in the air at this time.

In this way, Ou Hua directly drove "Baxia" away from America and returned to the territory of Shenzhou.

When "Ba Xia" landed at the port of "Thousand Star Island · Main Island", the crowded and lively port and America seemed to be two worlds.

Ou Hua changed into a flowered shirt, shorts, flip flops, and star sunglasses and left the port, enjoying various vacation items on Qianxing Island.

And when he was sitting in the restaurant preparing to enjoy the barbecue, Morgan suddenly sat beside him quietly, which made him have to order ten more barbecues.

"Tsk~ It's so peaceful, I'm not used to it."

Ou Hua took a sip of the red wine from the glass and looked at the bustling diners around him. At this moment, he felt as if he and them were from two worlds.

"You don't belong here by nature, so why do you pretend to be their kind?"

Morgan, who was eating barbecue, turned his head slightly to look at Ou Hua, with a smile that was different from this world, apparently this little guy who only knows how to eat and eat has turned back to his "body"...

"I'm not pretending. Besides, don't you all have your own 'little interests'? Then why can't my interest be 'I'm actually a human being'?"

Ou Hua didn't care at all whether this Morgan was the real one or not, and still enjoyed the peace here leisurely.

"Handsome guy~ a 'person'? The other seats here are full, don't you mind sharing tables?"

A familiar voice sounded beside her ears, Ou Hua turned her head and saw Mo Mengzi in a white skirt standing behind him with a 'long time no see' smile.

"...How should I call you? Demon God Acter? Or "Desire Lilith"? "

Ou Hua curled her lips, but did not refuse to sit down with this woman who had been eyeing her for a long time.

"Sir, you are so talkative, you can call him whatever you want~"

The smile on Mo Mengzi's face remained unchanged after she sat down. After ordering a signature set meal from the waiter, she answered Ou Hua.

Ou Hua, Morgan, and Mo Mengzi ate delicious food and talked about various daily routines.

All the diners and waiters present did not realize that among the three 'persons', two were the main body of the Abyss Demon God, and one was not a good four-turn "Abyss World Destroyer" just by looking at the name.

After eating, Morgan turned back into Ou Hua's body, while Mo Mengzi, like a wisp of green smoke, disappeared without a trace after Ou Hua turned her head, as if she had never appeared before.

"Hey, grandpa, um, I'm back, I'm fine, it's as easy as a vacation, but the crisis is still great, um, indeed, first send secret troops to recover their nuclear weapons, to prevent them from using those nuclear weapons to continue to cause trouble, um , yes, the 'Exile' organization is still not rooted out, so we need to be more careful..."

After enjoying a day's vacation, Ou Hua connected the series of encrypted calls with '* numbers'.

And when he answered the phone, an airship that was extremely low-key and plain, but capable of flying into the city, parked in front of him.

Ou Hua answered the grandfather's slightly worried question while walking into the airship and let it take her to the secret military camp in the northwest.


In the abyss, Ou Hua, who was at level 115 at this time, looked at the corpses of the abyssal demons all over the floor and let out a breath of foul air.

He put away the "God of War Blade" whose durability had returned to zero, took out the "Biaoyun" that had been upgraded to a red product, and flew towards the Shenzhou military base.

He has been "staying at home" in the abyss for nine months. In the sense of crisis that has been oppressing him, he has worked hard to level up, so that he can upgrade to lv in such a short period of time .115.

However, he now has to go back to Shenzhou to repair his weapons and equipment.

The three sets of equipment and the durability of the eight weapons have all returned to zero. He can't go back if he wants to...

After arriving at the biological beacon transmission array of the military camp, Ou Hua teleported through three military bases in a row before leaving the abyss and returning to the territory of Shenzhou.

At this time, the chaos in America's land during these nine months has not eased, but has intensified because the major warlords have separated one side and are hostile to each other.

Every warlord leader is like 'I am Americana Legitimacy! ’ It looks like the whole world is asking for money, rice, and weapons, making the pro-American forces equally miserable and miserable.

But they still have to help those pro-American governments. If they don’t help the Virgins in the territory, they will protest against undemocracy, freedom, and inhumanity! Anyway, depending on the situation, these pro-American countries are not far from what America is now.

After walking out of the teleportation array and coming to the playground of the secret military base in Shenzhou, Ou Hua stretched out looking at the sun after nine months.

At this time, he had some beards on his face, which made him look extra manly, but his messy hair made him look very scruffy.

Just as he was wiping the beard on his chin and preparing to take a bath, shave, and cut his hair, an eight-tailed fox fairy wearing the official uniform of the Eastern Palace of "Qingqiu Kingdom" walked towards Ou Hua...

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