All People Job Change: This Berserker Is Too Calm!

Chapter 452 So, I Just Want To Ask Your Grandma To Die

On a speeding van, Tu Shanya, who was handcuffed with confinement effect, looked at the woman sitting in front of her with her golden eyes.

This woman staring at her is terrifying, and she is definitely not human...

"I'm so lucky today..."

The woman was wearing black clothes and her eyes were dark as if they were not in focus.

"Are you lucky? Hehe, do you know who Gu's father is? You don't know but dare to say how lucky you are? It can be said that those who don't know have no fear!"

Tu Shanya sneered, mocking the woman who dared to kidnap her.

"Of course I know, that man favored by the Abyss Demon God has a much bigger name than your slut grandma!"

The woman sneered and said in a nonchalant tone.

"Your Tushan family's 'luck' is really good! All the good things are rushing to your Tushan's family to drill! Hehehe, but this time, your Tushan family's good luck seems to be invalid..."

The woman's eyes flashed with killing intent, and the thick and solid killing intent made Tu Shanya's ears stand up, and the hair on the three tails behind her all exploded!

"You...are a black-hearted fox?!"

Tu Shanya also inherited Ou Hua's super high IQ. Seeing that this woman knew her family's situation so well, she quickly guessed her identity.

"Black Heart Fox? I'm not the puppet of "Black Heart Fox", but "Qingqiu Kingdom Xuanxin King", you should call me aunt, hehehe, after all, your grandma and I are sworn sisters of Jinlan ..."

Yoyo said with a trace of nostalgia in the woman's eyes.

"Do you know my surname? My surname is Bai, and my name is Xuanxin. Hehehe, what's the matter? Doesn't it sound nice?"

The woman's killing intent became more and more intense, obviously because she was extremely disgusted with her own name and surname.

"Huh... what's the use of being angry with a little fox? I'm also living less and less taste..."

Bai Xuanxin closed his eyes to calm down, and when he opened them again, he no longer had any killing intent towards Tu Shanya.

"Xiaoya, you are more than three hundred years old, and you should know some truths, so my aunt wants to ask you some questions..."

Bai Xuanxin flipped his palm, took out a bottle of mineral water from the storage jade ring and handed it to Tu Shanya.

"One day, a very distinguished guest came to your home. You entertained her with delicious food and drinks, and made a friendship with Jinlan with her. This distinguished guest not only has a good relationship with you, but also is very close to your mother. Your own daughter, and then, the two of them went out to play behind your backs and suffered a sudden natural disaster, and then, the distinguished guest came back and told you that your home is now hers, and you are only worthy to sleep in that side room, and even took away your fiancé... "

Seeing that Tu Shanya didn't pick up the mineral water he handed over, Bai Xuanxin didn't force Tu Shanya to take back the mineral water, and took a sip after opening it.

"If it were you, Xiaoya, how would you treat that 'honored guest'?"

Bai Xuanxin looked at Tu Shanya who was sitting opposite her, her voice was so indifferent that it was like a knife.

"Is there any misunderstanding in this..."

Tu Shanya's expression changed, but she quickly calmed down.

If it is true as Bai Xuanxin said, then why does "Qingqiu Kingdom" enjoy singing and dancing, and the people live and work in peace and contentment! It is impossible for those former court officials to silently support their grandma!

"Misunderstanding? I also hope it is a misunderstanding. To be honest, I don't care about the throne, but what I said is the 'answer' I got after I went to the underworld through psychic channels and found my mother who was tortured forever..."

Bai Xuan shook his head helplessly.

"The dragon veins of "Qingqiu Kingdom" are already under my control. If I fight with your grandma and mother, I can control half of the "dragon veins", and your mother can only control half of the remaining half. You say," "Qingqiu Kingdom" who is the royal orthodox? "

"What exactly do you want to do?"

Tu Shanya swallowed, although she didn't want to believe everything this "black hearted fox" said.

However, what she said was as true as the truth, so she didn't know whether to believe it or not, so what if she trusted herself?

"Don't worry, you are just a 'bait'. Now that your mother has succeeded to the throne and has become the "Qingqiu Kingdom·Lord", then "Qingqiu Kingdom" will be given to her. Have you never attacked your city again? So, I just want to ask your grandma to die..."

The hatred in Bai Xuan's eyes was overwhelming, and his whole body was surrounded by black mist, looking extremely terrifying.

"Of course, when I tell you this, I don't want you to put down your hatred, nor do I want you to help me. It's just to tell the 'truth'. Hehehe, if I have to describe it, I want to leave it for the rest of your life. An indelible psychological shadow, and this is my revenge on your Tu Shan family!"

Bai Xuanxin suddenly laughed hysterically, while Tu Shanya who was sitting across from her said, 'Isn't this fox an idiot? ’ speechless expression.

"That...Auntie, you must have forgotten the "Refresh" mechanism, right? "

Tu Shanya felt a little sorry for the silly fox in front of her, and reminded her that she might have forgotten the most important thing.

"Your grandma passed on the throne to your mother, and now the "Qingqiu Kingdom·Master" is your mother, and you are the "Qingqiu Country·State Reserve", so she is not in the list of "refresh", but I also separated "Black Heart Fox" and withdrew from the "Refresh" list, so as not to say that I bullied her, right? "

Bai Xuan returned to calm with a smile in his heart, and the corners of his mouth turned up slightly, as if he was looking forward to the 'release' in the near future.


Tu Shanya's expression changed dramatically when she heard that her grandma could not "refresh".

And when she was about to say something, the car suddenly braked suddenly and stopped on the way to the viaduct.

"What's wrong?"

Bai Xuan asked the man in the cab who was charmed by her without any change in his expression.

"Traffic jam..."

The man with the pink brilliance in his eyes murmured very slowly.

"Traffic jam? Trouble..."

Bai Xuanxin's eyes were slightly absent-minded, but he didn't feel any panic, obviously he had reached this point...

Ou Hua walked aimlessly to the street. Although he seemed lifeless, his eyes were as indifferent as a serial killer.


The cell phone in her pocket rang harshly, Ou Hua picked it up and hung up immediately.

And after he hung up the phone, a location was sent to his message.

Ou Hua immediately clicked on the location, and ignored the no-flying order in the city, and flew towards the location like a cannonball!

Ou Hua, whose speed reached the limit, was too fast, and the air wave caused even shattered the glass on the high-rise building...

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