The monsters on Crescent Island belong to the more difficult monsters in the "Second Sea of ​​Clouds, Deep Sea Area". They attack with poison, have crushing characteristics, and even monsters such as "Evil Mermaid" have charm skills.

And the level of monsters here is above lv.62. If you encounter an "evil mermaid" patrolling the forest with a few "winged poisonous pythons", the professional team must obediently avoid them, so as not to become a snake poop after being charmed by the group.

But Ou Hua doesn't need to worry about their most threatening charm skills with "Blood and Ice Heart".

And Ou Hua, who has been holding the "Curse of Devil's Blood", doesn't know how many "madness" states he has stored.

He even wished he could meet the patrol team every time, and every time he hit the knife, the "crazy" state could make the monster fall into a state of indiscriminate attack for ten seconds.

The bleeding effect is like that of a high-pressure water gun, the "Brave Beast Blood Spirit" Titan python deducts 20% of all attributes of blood poison, and the fear effect of the thunderbolt's critical strike is even more surprising.

If he encounters a physical anti-injury monster like the "thorny dragon turtle", he will directly teach the turtle to be a human being with a light of catastrophe.

In the efficient scanning chart, Ou Hua's experience bar finally saw a little ups and downs, with a tenth of it.

It's one o'clock in the afternoon now. According to my current efficiency, the experience bar should be able to increase to one-fifth before going back at night.

It takes five days for me to upgrade to lv.41.

And the experience value needed for lv.42 will be doubled again. You must know that I started to spawn monsters at 6:30 in the morning and didn't go back until 11:00 in the evening.

It takes five days to level up if you spend about sixteen hours a day in leveling.

According to the records in the leveling strategy, if each level is doubled, then besides eating and farming monsters for 16 hours, it will take at least 225 days to upgrade to lv.50.

And lv. 50 to lv. 60 is another hell of experience value. I'm afraid it will take more than a month to upgrade to lv. 51 by then.

Tsk, leveling is really not something people do!

After complaining all the way, Ou Hua finally reached the deepest part of the forest at the bottom of Crescent Island.

After walking out of the depths of the forest, he saw a huge castle whose bottom was submerged in the sea of ​​clouds.

The monsters on Crescent Island in "Sea of ​​Clouds: The Deep Sea Region of the Second Sea" belong to the type that refreshes once every two days.

In the garden in front of the castle with coral reefs and various statues of sea gods, there are mermaid monsters with human upper body and fish lower body. Among them, there are more than a dozen plump and beautiful "evil mermaids" with harps in their arms. .

These monsters are stationed in the garden and patrolling back and forth, alerting all creatures.

Seeing at least a few hundred mermaid monsters in the coral garden made Ou Hua very happy.

Although there are many monsters in the forest of Crescent Island, it takes a long walk to encounter them. How can there be so many monsters with good visual effects? !

Ou Hua turned on the light of judgment of the "Holy Sword of Kansano", and the dazzling light illuminated the entire castle.

Although the light damage of 120 points per second is not high, it has a huge range. As soon as the light of judgment is turned on, all the mermaid monsters are enraged, screaming and rushing towards him.

But what greeted them first was a golden beam of light that was more dazzling than the sun!

The golden beam of light vaporized a channel among the mermaid monsters, while Ou Hua directly activated "Blood Demon Kaiju" and rushed into the Coral Garden.

With two red weapons in hand, and with the twice the real damage of "Blood Demon Kaiju", none of the mermaid monsters who rushed over could hold up to two swords!

The more monsters there are, the better the Judgment Light effect of "Canzano Holy Sword", the better the blood-sucking effect of "Curse of Magic Blood", and the better the "Gluttony" effect of increasing strength, agility, and resistance attributes !

After a burst of killing, Ou Hua even drove the "Blood Demon Kaiju" to maintain full blood!

Relying on the 'gluttony' effect of "Curse of the Devil's Blood", the three attributes of strength, agility, and resistance can easily break through a thousand!

The blood rage released can kill several mermaid monsters in seconds!

I have to say, after I was able to ignore the "crazy" effect of this red weapon, its various characteristics and skills are really against the sky!

I don't know how long Ou Hua drove the "Blood Demon Kaiju".

With two red weapons in his hand, he was already bloodshot after fighting all the way from the Coral Garden to the Hall of the Siren Queen. The blood cells floating around his body formed a blood-colored cloak that kept rolling as he moved.

In this cloud-shrouded hall, stood twelve mermaid guards holding golden tridents, with cyan scales on their bodies and fine scales on their faces, who were not even handsome.

Ou Hua glanced over the twelve mermaid guards, and landed on the siren queen lying on her side on the stone bed behind them, with a huge body like a blob fish. The engine" recklessly passed.

Now the blood armor stored in his "Bloodthirsty Call" has reached at least a million or more!

Although the Strength, Sensitivity, and Resistance obtained by gluttony have been losing after the cooling time, they still remain above a thousand points!

Ou Hua's current stats are enough for him to fight this boss plus a group of elite monsters as mobs!

Ou Hua, who rushed into the merman guards' siege, didn't dodge or evade the attack, allowing them to reduce his blood volume.

With the blessing of the "Blood Engine", when the mermaid guard hits him, Ou Hua's strength and agility bonuses are extremely high! Coupled with the more than a thousand points of stamina added by gluttony, this made him no need to worry that he would be killed by these elite monsters in seconds after his physical strength exceeded 10,000 blood!

Although these twelve mermaid guards have extremely high damage and possess skills such as stun arrows and magic trapping, Ou Hua, who possesses "Blood and Ice Heart", won't eat them at all!

The blood blades of "Blood Demon Kaiju" are fast and ruthless, even though they have resistant skins, they can get physical and magic damage reduction! I can't bear a few knives!

You said that the Siren Queen at the back can provide a high physical dodge buff for the Mermaid Guard? !

Real damage! boy!

Under Ou Hua's berserk attack that instantly absorbs blood after losing blood! The twelve mermaid guards only resisted for less than thirty seconds!

Either be frightened by the fear created by the critical strike and die from a critical strike with a knife, or die when the blood volume is less than 10% and the blood is drained by the blood demon!

After finishing all the mermaid guards, Ou Hua ignored the golden dimension box that a mermaid guard burst out.

With strides, he rushed towards the ugly siren queen who lay reclined on the stone bed and was more than six meters long.

As she leaned over and screamed, ignoring the effects of dizziness, confusion, and charm, she slashed at her fat blue-gray face with a sword.

However, Ou Hua's physical attack effect is not good for the Siren Queen who has physical resistance, and his blow did not cause much wounds.

However, the blood blade followed, following the small wound cut by Ou Hua, a sword cut a huge wound through her cheek and chest!

Blood spewed out from the wound on the fat body of the Siren Queen like a fountain, moistening the blood cloak on Ou Hua.

The Siren Queen, who had just attacked Ou Hua with stun, confusion, and charm effects, was instead hit by those effects she had just released.

Moreover, in the long bar of abnormal status above her head, there is an additional 'crazy' effect.

In the next second, there was another 'fear' effect...

Under Ou Hua's berserk attacks of bleeding, fear, critical strikes, combo strikes, and real injuries, the Siren Queen didn't last long, and her body was pumped into salty water under the 'instant death' effect of "Blood Demon Kaiju". Dried fish.

The dignified lv. 68 lord boss was actually passed by a lv. 40 professional without injury! This made her, who had a certain amount of wisdom, curse Ou Hua in the mermaid language to die of hatred.

In the sky full of hatred, an extremely dazzling orange dimensional box exploded...

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