All People Job Change: This Berserker Is Too Calm!

Chapter 8 Krypton Gold Makes People Happy

A four-member team of two fighters, a priest, and a mage leaned on the building as a cover.

Resisting the bones wrapped in rotten cloth strips, holding all kinds of rotten weapons, there are seventeen skeleton soldiers in number.

According to the monster knowledge taught by the school, this group of black and gray skeleton soldiers holding spears are not elite monsters, but belong to enhanced monsters between ordinary monsters and elite monsters.

Although these monsters are not as powerful as elite monsters, they have the characteristic of attribute enhancement, and generally have special color differences. Gray represents attribute attack enhancement, and black represents dark element damage.

Judging from the color of this group of black and gray skeletons, they not only enhanced their attack power, but each attack would carry decay damage that ordinary skeleton soldiers did not have.

"Everyone come to me!"

One of the team was a tall middle-aged man with thick eyebrows and big eyes, wearing bright silver heavy armor.

He smashed the shield with one hand on the ground and let out a loud battle roar. In his roar, the blue soul flames in the eyes of the skeleton soldiers who wanted to disperse in the snowstorm magic scattered a trace of red light, and they ignored the provocation. All raised their spears and rushed towards the heavily armored warriors.

It's a pity that their speed was slowed down in the blizzard, making their charge seem ridiculous in slow motion.

"Instant Thousand Slash!"

The swordsman standing beside the heavily armored warrior put his hand on the hilt of his sword, and pulled his sword out of its scabbard the moment the monster approached.

A dazzling light flashed, and the six skeleton soldiers rushing over were chopped into pieces in the light and shadow of the sky.

The priest restores blood, restores resistance, and removes corrosion for the warrior, the mage releases control spells that reduce attack speed and movement speed, the warrior taunts and pulls monsters, and the swordsman performs final output.

The four-person team cooperated seamlessly, relying on the narrow terrain, the remaining eleven skeleton soldiers could not encircle them by virtue of their numerical superiority, and could only be killed by them amidst strange howls.

"Friend, you have been watching us for a long time, should you come out?"

The leading soldier shouted loudly in the direction of Ou Hua.

Ou Hua, who had no intention of hiding, came out from behind a ruined wall.

"Rookie? This is not a place for a guy like you who still uses the school's initial equipment to come."

The leading soldier scratched his head, are young people so courageous now?

"I'm a special recruit, and I have the qualifications to come here."

Ou Hua explained nonsense.

After finishing speaking, he swung the long knife to his side, and cut the ruined wall beside him like butter.

"Hey, are the current students so fierce?"

The soldier shrank his neck, and his smile became awkward because of misreading.

"Special enrollment, what are you doing here?"

The swordsman put his right hand on the hilt of his sword, ready to unleash his strongest slash at any time, and looked at Ou Hua with distrust in his eyes.

"I came to hunt elite monsters, but got lost."

Ou Hua explained still full of lies.

But Ou Hua's explanation made the four-person team look at each other in dismay.

Hunting elite monsters alone?

Are you crazy?

"Young man, elite monsters are no different than ordinary monsters and enhanced monsters. Elite monsters have all kinds of weird characteristics and skills. Don't be too ambitious."

As a warrior who had experienced it, he recalled the embarrassment when he faced the elite monster for the first time, so he tried to persuade him.

Under normal circumstances, the elite monsters of humanoid monsters are followed by more than a dozen ordinary monsters as younger brothers, and their hatred value is interactive. If you attack one of them, the others will all rush over.

Their tacitly coordinated team went to hunt the elite monsters in the dark castle. If they did not choose a narrow and long terrain, they would have a high probability of overturning. He went alone to hunt the elite monsters, even if they were only elite monsters in the dark ruins. to die.

"Sorry, I don't know much about this, so I won't hunt elite monsters."

Ou Hua didn't bother to explain and argue, and humbly accepted the soldier's kindness with a shy look.

"Well, going there is the way to leave the dark ruins and go to the dark forest."

Seeing that Ou Hua is young and promising, he is still so modest. He is already lv.39 at this time, and the soldier who is a sophomore senior nodded with great satisfaction, and then led the team to the direction of the dark castle.

Ou Hua looked at the departing team and chose another direction instead of following.

At first glance, this team is going to hunt the dark castle to kill elite monsters or fight bosses. I am currently in the single digits and go to the dark castle to deliver food to the monsters.

"Forget it, although I want to experience the fun of exploration, but I don't have enough time, let's find a strategy..."

After searching for more than 30 minutes, Ou Hua, seeing that there was not enough time, gave up exploring by himself.

He took out his mobile phone and clicked into the forum of the dark ruins, and directly sent a reward post to ask, and after a while, dozens of guide files with pictures and texts began to flood the screen.

Looking at the detailed strategy of the elite monsters in the dark ruins on the top, Ou Hua transferred him 120 yuan, thanked him, and then proceeded according to the coordinates he gave.

With the help of the Raiders, it only took him thirteen minutes to find an elite-level skeleton swordsman whose body was pitch-black and whose skeleton shone with silver light in the shadows.

After seeing that elite-level skeleton swordsman, Ou Hua felt infinitely moved. Although krypton gold in this world cannot make people stronger, krypton gold can indeed make people feel happy!

This tall skeleton swordsman was followed by four skeleton spearmen, while skeleton archers stood on two rooftops, and six skeleton spearmen wandered nearby.

The positions of the two skeleton archers were so scattered that it was impossible for ordinary people to kill them at the same time, but Ou Hua was obviously not among ordinary people.

He quietly bypassed the patrol route of the patrolling skeleton spearman, jumped onto the three-meter-high roof with a run-up, and chopped down the skeleton archer on the roof with a knife in his hand.

Although his speed was fast, it had already aroused the vigilance of the skeleton archer on the other roof.

But when the skeleton archer was about to draw his bow and shoot an arrow, a stone accurately hit its head with a whistling sound, and the fist-sized stone crushed its skeleton head like an anti-material bullet.

The sudden death of the two skeleton archers attracted the passing skeleton spearmen who were patrolling below. Although they only had bones left, they ran so fast that they even wanted to climb up to the roof with extreme agility.

Ou Hua looked at the skeleton spearmen who were climbing up together under the roof, jumped down in one stride, and then activated the "Blood Engine" on top of their heads.

After deduction of 25% of the stamina, Ou Hua's strength and agility skyrocketed, and the blood fog shock wave that opened the skill blasted the two skeleton spearmen to pieces.

After landing, Ou Hua rushed towards the remaining four skeleton spearmen like a bulldozer. The bone spears in their hands and the bone frames on their bodies were easily cut off like toothpicks in front of his long knife.

In less than three seconds, he killed the six besieging skeleton spearmen.

At this time, the elite skeleton swordsman in the distance realized something was wrong. The silver lines on its body were shining brightly, and twisted arcs like silver snakes were wrapped around its body. It let out a silent roar and led the team to rush towards Ou Hua.

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