All People Job Change: This Berserker Is Too Calm!

Chapter 83 "Dragon Of Mist" Is True Love? !

In a sad whale cry, the lord boss "Yunmu Whale" with a level as high as lv.

Ou Hua jumped back to the "Biaoyun" and looked around in the air, but did not find any color box.

I can only sigh in my heart that the goddess of luck is not always with me.

"But the experience bar has risen to three quarters..."

Ou Hua, who could only comfort himself with a huge increase in experience points, drove "Biaoyun" back and forth in the second wave of monsters.

From time to time, Ling Yun's ambition burst out to harvest. In the efficient killing, he finally raised his level to lv.45 before the end of the cloud tide!

Today, I have been promoted to three levels in five hours!

This efficient leveling speed makes him seem to have returned to the good old days when he was still a 'new'!

With the end of the cloud tide, the durability of "Biaoyun" is only 3 points at this time, and the tail engine is constantly emitting black smoke, and it may stop at any time.

"It's hard for you."

After driving "Biao Yun" back to "Old Qian's House", Ou Hua stroked the car body and sighed.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but when he touched the car body, he seemed to feel emotions such as joy, expectation and reluctance.

"Good! Good! Very good! How is Zhuang Yuanlang doing tonight?!"

The technician who rushed back as soon as the sea of ​​clouds was over looked at the "Biao Yun" emitting black smoke from its tail. Instead of getting angry, he smiled very happily, as if the smoke from the "Biao Yun" engine was a great thing!

"She is really perfect, can you sell it to me?"

Ou Hua withdrew his hand and asked the price of the technician "Biao Yun".

"Hahaha! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! She has the potential to be upgraded to orange quality! Now this is still a little loli, I will raise her up and marry you no matter what?"

The technician laughed boldly, and his tone obviously regarded "Biao Yun" as his daughter.

"That's right, how much is the bride price? I've booked it in advance?"

Ou Hua liked this "Biaoyun" more and more, and decided to pay a deposit first.

"Don't worry, don't worry, if you can help me upgrade her to orange level, I'll give it to you for free! I'll wash her for you by then! Change into new clothes! Marry you again!"

The technician smiled and waved his hand.

Does he look like someone short on money? !

He is not short of money at all! I can earn tens of millions every year by playing badly!

It is easy to work hard to hundreds of millions every year!

What he lacks is reputation! The reputation of Orange Vehicle Technician is what I want!

After saying goodbye to the technician, Ou Hua dragged his exhausted body back to the high-end apartment.

As soon as I got home, I saw Su Xinyi slumped on the sofa with a happy smile on her face. It seemed that she had also raised a lot of levels today.

"Are you back? I made some supper for you to relieve fatigue, eat and sleep, and you will definitely be full of energy tomorrow!"

Su Xinyi changed her prone position and told Ou Hua that there was supper in the kitchen.

"Thank you."

After a tiring day, Ou Hua nodded to Su Xinyi to express her gratitude, ate supper, took a shower, and went to bed early.

Early the next morning, Ou Hua learned from the letter sent by Wu Shanfang that the transfer union was indeed attacked last night.

However, this group of 'exiles' who are only rank two at the highest, their combat power is really poor.

Moreover, they never thought that the job transfer union would set up an ambush in advance and capture them all alive before they acted!

It's a pity that the dozen or so 'exiles' didn't know anything about it other than the task of destroying the magic circle in the basement of the transfer union.

The 'boss' who organized this sabotage operation was just a mercenary who received money to do things.

After learning from Wu Shanfang that the transfer union was indeed attacked last night, Ou Hua, who was troublesome, did not reply to Wu Shanfang.

Anyway, he has done what he should do and said what he should say, and he has nothing to do with success or failure.

And when he got up and washed up, he came out.

Feng Jinyao, Shangguan Zhiyu and the others came back tired with dark circles under their eyes.

Although they were tired, they all had happy smiles on their faces. It seemed that they were upgraded in the small wave of monsters after the second wave of Yun Chao.

"Little handsome guy, aren't you? Last night you spawned monsters so hard that you even snatched two big waves of Yunchao bosses. At least you have raised two levels, right? You have to go out to level up today? How can you let the sisters sleep like this?" ?”

Looking at Ou Hua who took out the leather armor from the storage box and put it on, Bai Jie, who was taking off the knight armor, complained bitterly at him.

Last night, they all saw Ou Hua's airship stunt performance in the air, and they had a new understanding of the strength of this little monster who can withstand several times the speed of sound with his body, and can still hold the handlebar with one hand at the speed of sound.

This kind of guy who is both a genius and works harder than himself is really annoying!

Brother! Are you trying to kill your sisters? !

The sisters have only stayed in the secret realm of the third sea area for more than four months! Will he be hit by this kind of dimensionality reduction when he comes back? !

Too much! younger brother!

"You want to go out to level up? Your breakfast is ready, bring it to the kitchen yourself! I baked some biscuits that increase attack speed and increase damage last night, and there are still leftovers in the refrigerator! You can take some! Otherwise It expires in the afternoon!"

Su Xinyi, who was fighting with oil, salt, soy sauce and vinegar in the kitchen, who was preparing an extra breakfast for Feng Jinyao and the others, yelled outside.

"I want a piece of equipment. Since there are few people today, I want to farm some elite mermaids to see if they can pop out."

Ou Hua, who was wearing leather armor, walked towards the kitchen while talking.

Today's breakfast is bacon omelette, a secret small burger with unknown ingredients, a particularly delicate grilled sausage, and a cup of hot milk.

After eating these breakfasts, Ou Hua got the effect of [Satiety +++], adding 30 points to each of the four-dimensional attributes, and gained 13% ignoring physical defense, 23% attack speed bonus, and 19% movement speed bonus. Speed ​​bonus, and also gained an additional 11% additional attack power increase, all effects last for 6 hours.

Not to mention the extremely delicious buff meal, Ou Hua couldn't be more satisfied with the added attributes and effects.

After breakfast, Ou Hua took two bags of biscuits that Su Xinyi put in the refrigerator.

There are a total of ten pieces of sea salt-flavored biscuits in the bag. According to Su Xinyi, each small biscuit can increase the "damage increase" by 15%-25% for 3 minutes. However, how much it can increase depends on luck.

Moreover, this sea salt-flavored biscuit can be superimposed with the rage potion that increases the 'damage increase' by 50% within 40 seconds!

This 'damage increase' is a bonus that can be enjoyed by both physics and magic!

The other bag is lemon-flavored biscuits, each bag is also ten pieces, and each small biscuit can increase the attack speed by 15%-30%, lasting for 3 minutes.

This attack speed boost also stacks with Swiftness Potions.

However, taking drugs is too expensive, and you need to spare time to take drugs during the battle, which seriously affects the rhythm of the battle.

Although Ou Hua purchased magic potions such as Fury Potion, Fortitude Potion, and Swiftness Potion from the job transfer union and stored them in "Na", he never drank these potions during battle. On the sea of ​​clouds, a motorboat is speeding towards the "sea of ​​clouds · the deep sea area of ​​the second sea area".

And Ou Hua, who was driving a motorboat, took out the orange outfit given to him by the "Dragon of Lan" yesterday from "Na".

"Dragon's Eye (Orange Quality)"

"Durability: 42/42"

"Equipment level: lv.73"

"Effect: Obtain the effect of spiritual vision, can see the state of 'spiritual body, nothingness, element', increase the strength value by 10 points, increase the agility value by 10 points, increase the endurance value by 10 points, and increase the intelligence value by 95 points."

"Special Effect: Spiritual Flame, mark the state of the spirit body, the state of nothingness, and the state of the elements, and deal an additional 200% of the damage value as real damage when attacking."

"Unique: Lingfeng, apply marks to spirit body state, void state, elemental state, slash attack 100% cause limbs to break"

"Eye of the soul: active skill, after activation, it will cause magic damage of 600% of the intelligence value of the target 'instantly', and cause real damage of 2400% of the intelligence value of the target's 'instantaneous' state, void state, and elemental state, and stun for 10s , cooling time 180s"

This is an orange headgear in the shape of an eyeball.

There are very few monsters in spirit state, void state, and elemental state, and there are very few occasions where it can exert its maximum effect.

However, there are really unlucky monsters or unlucky eggs that trigger its effects, so it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a red outfit for these effects!

This piece of equipment should belong to special attack equipment!

This "Dragon's Eye" is also the type of ordinary orange equipment. Ou Hua, who felt that he couldn't sell it for a few dollars, kept it in "Na" for his own use.

After all, he still remembered that Ji Miaoqing's "Spiritual Invisibility" was a spirit state! The butterfly girl who dared to poison herself before can also enter the state of nothingness!

Specially reserved a big baby for Ji Miaoqing and Butterfly Girl, ready to let them have a good time after lv.73!

With a sneer, Ou Hua took out another straight-bladed orange weapon with a scabbard that looked like Tang Hengdao.

"Dragon's Whisper (Orange Quality)"

"Durability: 190/190"

"Equipment level: lv.78"

"Effect: Cut iron like mud, increase strength by 30 points, increase agility by 82 points, increase endurance by 29 points"

"Special effect: wind cut, ignore 35% physical defense when attacking"

"Unique: Lan Fu, apply 3% damage amplification when attacking, can stack 8 layers, each layer lasts 8s"

"Unique: Sheath, when the blade returns to the sheath, it will be charged once, and the next time the sword is drawn to attack, it will cause an additional wind attribute magic damage of 200% of the agility value, and will continue to cause 100% of the agility value of the wind attribute within 8 seconds Magic damage, continuous damage can be superimposed with 'Land caress', cooldown time 12s"

"Breath of the Wind Dragon: Active skill, consumes 200 mana points, releases a breath of misty dragon, causing 200% agility value of wind attribute magic damage per second, lasts 6s, cooldown time 160s"

The super best three-turn orange weapon specially used to open anti-canned food? !

Ignore 35% physical defense! After the stack is full, there is a 24% damage amplification! There are even active skills that deal magic damage!

This orange weapon is a treasure that can be met but not sought after for those fighters who do not have magic attack methods!

And it's still a one-handed sword with scabbard skills? !

For those who have the skills of sheath counter, sheath strike, and sword drawing, this is the Gospel Bible that I begged to sell them!

Can't this give yourself ten small goals for making a small profit? ! Could it be that "The Dragon of Mist" is his true love? ! "Cloud Whale" is just a mistress who came to destroy his relationship with Queen Siren? !

It's a pity that I don't play physics to reduce anti-flow, but play simple and rude bleeding that really hurts flow.

This Tang Hengdao with the "Dragon of Misty Dragon" engraved on the scabbard is handsome in shape and powerful in skills.

But I can't use it myself, and I don't bother to use it!

It is fierce, can it be as fierce as the lv.120 red weapon "Curse of Demon Blood"?

Just one gluttony skill is enough to crush all its skills!

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