All People Job Change: This Berserker Is Too Calm!

Chapter 88 I'm Not A Rebooter!

After the 'Black Rose' team left, this high-end apartment became deserted again.

During the period of "The Vagabond", it was extremely low-key, and the "exiles" seemed to have disappeared.

During these peaceful days, Ou Hua also returned to the routine of going out at 4:50 in the morning and returning at 10:30 in the evening.

Relying on the aura of killing all the students at the same level, Ou Hua practiced without any rest at all.

Relying on the high amount of experience points provided by the Siren Queen, his level rises rapidly.

In the fifty-seven days since I came to "The Misty City", the durability of Ou Hua's two red swords was reduced to zero four times, and it took four full repairs to finally raise the level from lv.45 to lv.50 !

"What the hell, this experience value looks really deadly! It won't move! It won't move!"

In the boss hall of Coral Castle, Ou Hua, who was upgraded to lv.50, looked at the experience bar on the attribute panel and felt his eyes darken.

Ou Hua, who owns "Crazy Blood and Bingxin", felt a little dizzy.

With my experience now, even if I brush the Siren Queen once every two days, it will take me a year to reach lv.60!

It seems that starting from today, Queen Siren, who has been in love with each other for more than 40 days, must become an ex-wife!

Driving "Biao Yun" with black smoke from the engine flew out of Coral Castle.

Ou Hua, who was rushing back, decided to take a three-day rest first. This experience value seemed to give him a sense of powerlessness, which made him not in the mood to practice leveling at all after rolling for so long.

After sending "Biao Yun" to the technician for maintenance and recovery, Ou Hua stretched and strolled on the street.

And while he was strolling, he suddenly felt his back sinking, and the ribs, which were stronger than Ye Fei's knees, made his back ache!

"Hey~ Are you surprised?! Surprised?!"

Feng Xiaoxiao's short hair looked like fine silk under the sun, fluttering elastically with her movements.

Feng Xiaoxiao, who pressed down Ou Hua's neck hard, laughed strangely.

Tightly strangling Ou Hua's neck, he looked like he wanted to kill Ou Hua naked on the spot.

"Why do you think I came back so early today?"

Ou Hua pushed the flat glasses that were crooked when Feng Xiaoxiao twisted her neck.

Taking out the mobile phone from his pocket, he showed Feng Xiaoxiao the message that Mother Feng sent to him last night.

"Yeah! Didn't I tell my mom to keep it a secret?! Why did she betray me last night?!"

Feng Xiaoxiao took Ou Hua's cell phone and looked at the chat records between Ou Hua and his mother last night.

Although I am very happy that Ou Hua and his mother promised to take good care of themselves, but the mother who was still told the truth was so angry!

"I heard that you are lv.49? You really work hard, but you need a proper combination of work and rest. If the bowstring is too tight, there will always be a risk of breaking it."

Lu Siqing walked over from the other side of the street with Ke Miaoyan, Yang Lang and Zhao Xiaochuan who had all completed the second turn.

She talked about why Feng Xiaoxiao, who had always been stern-faced all the time, ran out laughing suddenly for more than a month. It turned out that the dog had seen his 'master'.

"Well, I will rest for three days before going to leveling. By the way, Chairman, do you have a place to rest?"

Ou Hua glanced at Feng Xiaoxiao, who was using her mobile phone to have a high-intensity online match with Feng's mother, and asked Lu Siqing.

"The accommodation area has been arranged, what's wrong?"

Lu Siqing asked with a smile.

"It's nothing. The place I live in is pretty big and there are many rooms. There are only two people living here now. There is no smoke and fire, and it is strangely deserted. If you don't mind, go live in my place."

Ou Hua invited Lu Siqing to live in that high-end apartment.

"You live in the vice president's apartment, right? I have no objection, but if we outsiders live in the apartment, the owner might not be happy."

Lu Siqing has had business dealings with the grandson of the vice president of the general association, and the relationship is not bad.

But this kind of silent going to live in someone else's house, the impact is really not good.

Moreover, the apartment prepared by Lu Siqing, who has the full support of her family, will never be worse than the apartment of the vice president of the association.

After all, the team I lead is the number one in this year's team list, and the place I live in is poor, and it's her Lu family's face that has been lost!

"It's okay, I've already told the vice president about this in advance, and the vice president said it's okay, let's use it as we like."

Ou Hua said with a smile.

He conceived the plan for more than a month, but it must have the cooperation of the chairman and Feng Xiaoxiao.

If Lu Siqing doesn't agree, at least keep Feng Xiaoxiao by her side so that she can be used as a sacrifice.

With Ou Hua's guarantee, Lu Siqing didn't say anything more.

After all, this was the initiative of Zhuangyuanlang, and she didn't want to lose face of Zhuangyuanlang.

Led by Ou Hua, a group of people walked to the door of the high-end apartment, talking and laughing.

"Student Ou Hua, this is where you live now?"

Lu Siqing looked at the tall building in front of her, and asked Ou Hua with a strange expression.

"Well, now I live on the top floor."

Ou Hua nodded and replied, a little curious why the chairman asked such a question.

"...My apartment is on the sixteenth floor, which is downstairs from the vice president's apartment."

Lu Siqing shook her head with a wry smile.

Although she knew that Ou Hua had been staying at the vice president's house after being attacked by the 'exiles'.

But he didn't know where the vice president's apartment was, but he didn't expect that the vice president's apartment in "The Misty City" was above the apartment he rented!

The fate is really wonderful, even if they don't meet Ou Hua today, they are still neighbors upstairs and downstairs.

"This is really fate."

Ou Hua was also stunned for a moment, but he quickly relieved.

The Lu family in the imperial capital is a well-known family in the whole country, and it is not uncommon to own a high-end apartment in the "Misty City".

And this apartment here is one of the best apartment buildings in "Ethereal City", so it's not surprising that the chairman's apartment is here.

A group of six happily entered the apartment building.

Finally, after discussing, Feng Xiaoxiao chose to live with Ou Hua.

Ke Miaoyan decided to go with Feng Xiaoxiao, after all, there are boys downstairs except the director.

Living with Feng Xiaoxiao, you can chat and relax during your break.

Lu Siqing, Yang Lang and Zhao Xiaochuan chose to live on the first floor downstairs.

Anyway, we live close together, so there is not much difference between upstairs and downstairs.

"Wow! Sister, the rice you cook is delicious!"

In the kitchen, as soon as Feng Xiaoxiao entered the living room, he immediately stared at Su Xinyi, who was young and beautiful, with an urban beauty.

Feng Xiaoxiao, who had been circling around her, didn't know whether she wanted to eat Su Xinyi's food or Su Xinyi's food.

"Little glutton, this is for you to eat."

Su Xinyi was delighted by Feng Xiaoxiao, who had a very sweet mouth and was very beautiful, calling her sister one by one.

Listening to Feng Xiaoxiao's youthful voice, Su Xinyi, who felt that she was a few years younger, packed a plate of "Steamed Shrimp and Shrimp in Four Vegetables" and handed it to Feng Xiaoxiao.

"Fuck! Fuck?! Who can stand this?! Is this really something that young people like me can see?!"

Feng Xiaoxiao happily ate the "Steamed Shrimp and Shrimp in Si Zhai", but as soon as she ate it, she was facing the direction of Ou Hua, and she had a nosebleed.

Apparently triggering the 'see-through' effect of the dish, seeing something she shouldn't be seeing...

"Is it really so exciting?!"

Su Xinyi looked at Feng Xiaoxiao, who was lying on the kitchen floor with nosebleeds, his hands crossed over his chest like a mummy, and his expression was exceptionally serene.

"Damn! Why can't I trigger the effect every time?! It's not fair!!!"

However, Su Xinyi who ate the "Steamed Shrimp Fillet from Four Vegetarian Foods" did not trigger the 'see-through' effect.

This made her feel strongly dissatisfied! Was he being targeted by the God of Sex? ! You are not abstaining from sex, are you? !

"Help...Help me up...I feel like I can handle it..."

Trembling, Feng Xiaoxiao raised his hand to grab Su Xinyi, struggling to get up.

Su Xinyi, who felt that she had found a comrade in arms, hurriedly helped her up.

I'm planning to go to Feng Xiaoxiao's room tonight and ask for details! detail! size!

But just as Feng Xiaoxiao was being helped up, a remote control slid across a beautiful arc and hit her right eye with precision.


Feng Xiaoxiao's HP lost half after being touched by the remote control.

Covering her eyes and falling to the ground, she twisted her body like a maggot, kicking her feet wildly.

Struggling to reduce the pain in the eye.

Su Xinyi, whose hair was blown flying by the sound of air explosion from the remote control board, shuddered, turned around and slipped back to the cutting board to start chopping vegetables.

With her back to Ou Hua, Su Xinyi's body trembled slightly, with sweat dripping from her forehead, fearing that she would be the next target of the projectile attack!

‘I’m just a little cook who likes sex! Can't be beaten! Once I hit you, you have to cry and beg me not to die! '

Su Xinyi, who was cutting potato shreds, kept muttering in her heart amidst Feng Xiaoxiao's miserable screams.

Su Xinyi, whose brain was running fast, was thinking about whether she should just lie on the ground and pretend to be dead, and use death escape to escape this catastrophe...


Ke Miaoyan, curled up on the single sofa, looked at Ou Hua who was throwing the remote control, trembling with fear.

In Ou Hua's violent volcanic aura, like a little hamster, she looks extraordinarily weak, humble, and pitiful.

She doesn't understand.

Why was the caring big brother who was gently teaching himself the characteristics and weaknesses of the monsters in "The Misty City" just now while watching TV, suddenly turned into a bloodthirsty maniac who wanted to tear people apart!

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