All People Job Change: Weak Mechanic? Gambit Optimus Prime

Chapter 89: Classmate Leng Bingyue, Your Home Has Been Stolen. The Profession Of Dual Cultivation Of

He Xiangyun's obviously slightly worried voice sounded from outside.

Zheng Mu was slightly startled. He didn't expect that someone would come to look for him at this time, and it was He Xiangyun who had done something like that during the day.

Zheng Mu thought and slowly walked out of the bedroom.

At this moment, the two maid robots on both sides of the door immediately opened the door slowly and welcomed He Xiangyun who was outside the door.

When He Xiangyun saw Zheng Mu in the huge living room, the latter was looking at the piles of documents from the guild management office on the tea table.

Seeing this scene, there was obviously nothing unusual about the person.

The look of shame on He Xiangyun's pretty face became even more intense.

When I thought about the impulsive behavior of myself, Leng Bingyue and others during the day, I could no longer bear the torment in my heart.

He bowed down to face Zheng Mu.

"Zheng, classmate Zheng Mu, I'm sorry for what happened during the day. I was rude and impolite. Please forgive me!"

Zheng Mu raised his head slightly, and his expression, which he had tried to keep calm, suddenly trembled.

Almost failed on the spot.

The angle is too tricky and the capital is too strong. Zheng Mu said that it is difficult for him not to forgive the other party, but he will never forgive the other party so easily.


A long sigh came from Zheng Mu's mouth.

When He Xiangyun raised his head, he happened to meet Mu Shuang's eyes full of disappointment and bitterness.

"Classmate Xiangyun, the acquaintance between you and me was originally a misunderstanding. I admit that I was rash and rude first, but I have also admitted my mistakes and tried to find ways to make up for my image in your heart, but... ………”

Looking at He Xiangyun's delicate face, Zheng Mu's face was filled with sadness and weakness.

"Sure enough, the prejudice in people's hearts is like a big mountain. No matter how hard you try, you will never be able to change it."

Zheng Mu stood up and walked slowly to He Xiangyun.

"Four Three Three" At close range, the latter could even smell the faint scent of sandalwood on Zheng Mu, which made her body feel weak.

What made her even more confused was that Zheng Mu was staring at her with an extremely disappointed look.

"In the heart of classmate He Xiangyun, I should already be a heinous and lecherous person, right?"

"No! No!"

Seeing He Xiangyun's anxious look for an explanation, Zheng Mu secretly smiled in his heart. Sure enough, she was a little girl with no emotional experience after all, no matter how stubborn she had been before.

If you don't understand the sinister intentions of this scumbag Zheng Mu at this moment, then you can only be like a sheep in the tiger's mouth.

"Isn't it? Classmate He Xiangyun and the two of them came to your door so aggressively today. Many members of the guild saw it. If it weren't for retaliation for my rude behavior towards you."

"What is the position of He Xiangyun, who together with Leng Bingyue and the others came to trouble me?"

Unknowingly, there was a layer of nervous sweat on He Xiangyun's smooth forehead.

The rhetoric that he had planned before coming was faced with Zheng Mu's sharp and unforgiving question.

There is absolutely no use for it.

He Xiangyun opened his mouth and wanted to say something nonchalantly, but he didn't know what to say for a long time.

You can't say that you like him and don't want anything to happen between him and those mechanically created women?

He Xiangyun couldn't say anything, but seeing Zheng Mu pressing closer and closer, he forced her to the corner in the blink of an eye.

Looking at Zheng Mu who was getting closer and closer, He Xiangyun seemed to notice something, and Xiafei's cheeks twitched.

"Classmate He Xiangyun, don't you think you should appease the heart of your father's benefactor who was hurt by you?"

For the next whole day, Zheng Mu once again did not appear in the sight of the guild members.

They stayed in the residence on the top floor of the union headquarters all day, and because of what happened before, Leng Bingyue and Jiang Lanlan did not dare to face Zheng Mu, who was obviously angry with them.

While feeling distressed, she could only hope that Zheng Mu would accept their apology after his anger subsided a little.

However, they would never expect it at this moment.

Zheng Mu's hypocritical anger and powerful strength had already been released on this day, when they were secretly worried, without any estimation.

"President, Wang Hai, the president of the Sea Dragon Guild, has returned from school. It seems that he is ready for a duel with you tomorrow.

Wearing a nightgown casually, Zheng Mu waved a glass of red wine in his hand.

Looking at the scenery outside the window, the city of Shendu is bustling with lights and feasting. However, in the area outside the city where monsters may spawn at any time, you can see scenes of battles breaking out from time to time.

Hearing Mirajane's report behind him, he smiled lightly.

After initially agreeing to Wang Hai and the others to postpone the guild war for a few days, the other party took a dozen people and left the campus that day.

The specific whereabouts are unknown, but when he comes back this time, he just doesn't know what amazing trump card he has prepared for his junior.

Glancing in the direction of the bedroom, Tifa and Maryrose walked out carrying some tattered clothes and cleaned up Zheng Mu's messy bedroom.

Sea Dragon Guild.

"Brother, that guy hasn't moved at all in the past two days while you were out, and he almost never came out of their guild headquarters.

Seeing his eldest brother coming back, Wang Jie immediately reported what happened to Zheng Mu in the past two days.

Hearing this, Wang Hai's slightly tired face finally showed some relaxed smile.

Seeing that after learning about his return, several other Weiguan campus guild presidents who arrived at their guild headquarters early nodded.

Hearing this, although Wang Hai did not clearly explain the trump card in his hand, these people were slightly relieved.

Wang Hai looked at a few people and suddenly spoke.

"Guys, no matter whether I defeat or even kill that guy Zheng Mu this time, we have no place in Southwest Military Attaché University. You should understand."

At this time, everyone nodded.

They are not fools. When they were dueling with Zheng Mu, the referee's attitude was beyond obvious.

Completely letting Zheng Mu go, and even supporting Zheng Mu to clean up those who have been entrenched for a long time, has turned from the original product of the competition system into a cancer that currently inhibits the growth of newcomers at Southwest Military Attaché University.

It was obvious that the upper management of the school wanted to deal with these little minions, but they had to worry about some means and chose this method.

Regardless of the outcome of the duel between Zheng Mu and Wang Hai tomorrow, the outcome of these guilds is already doomed.

"I have explained to some senior members of the guild in the past two days that most of them are ready to drop out. With our strength, after leaving, we can apply to the professional union to establish a new guild. You can have a prosperous life."

"But President Wang, you can't just let him go tomorrow because of this. You agree to him that we can leave on our own, and losing the fight and being forced to leave by the other side are completely different things..."

Listening to everyone's chatter, Wang Hai just nodded.

After everyone left, Song stayed alone in his office.

However, a square formation chart suddenly appeared in Wang Hai's hand.

I was able to collect more power, but I didn't expect that I was hit by you. But that's fine, let me try this red warrior-level equipment to see if it really lives up to its name... mechanic. "

"It's really a profession that is underestimated."

Wang Hai murmured, with a dangerous light flashing in his eyes.

Zheng Mu's powerful fighting ability, his full name was present at the scene, and he watched every scene very seriously.

In addition, he collected some information about mechanics in the past two days, and after understanding the situation of mechanics in more detail.

Even he had to admit that Zheng Mu was really difficult.

The opponent's health and energy are directly bound to the mechanical creations. If you don't kill all the opponent's mechanical creations, it is completely wishful thinking to kill Zheng Mu with one blow.

Even Wang Hai never thought that his most powerful offensive skill could kill Zheng Mu, a disguised human shield warrior, with one move.

As for fighting the opponent's mechanical creations, the solution must be the same as those guild leaders who hated the northwest before.

Being completely dragged into the quagmire, as long as one blow is successful on the body, he will immediately face the end of being swarmed and eaten.

There was no need for any publicity at all. The stands in the duel arena were filled with people early on.

It's not that these people don't want to sit, it's just that there are too many people and it can easily accommodate tens of thousands of people.

Today, the stands were packed with people.

Wang Hai sat on a chair in the corner of the field, holding the IV45 rare purple main prong in his hand.

At the same time, the opponent was armed to the teeth, wearing ice-blue chainmail, and had bracelets on his arms that could obviously increase the strength of his skills.

Under the observation of some people onlookers, everyone saw several bottles of potions of different colors hanging on Wang Hai's waist.

"Hiss, it turns out to be a purple rare-level attack speed potion and a berserk potion. Wang Hai is really ruthless this time."

"Don't think about how perverted that mechanic is. He could beat almost all the guild presidents of Weiguan Campus to the ground while sleeping. In the end, no one dared to go up to the duel and gave up on the spot."

Everyone was talking a lot, but as time went by, no one saw Zheng Mu arrive for a long time, and they all started to look around in confusion.

"Why hasn't the boss come yet? The time is almost here."

Sang Luo couldn't sit still anymore and stood anxiously at the door of the duel arena. Cai Shengkun called on his cell phone, but no one answered.

Above the stands, Leng Bingyue and Jiang Lanlan, who were sitting at the front of the Wheel of Truth Guild, looked at each other.

"Have you ever gone to see him?"

Jiang Lanlan pouted and shook her head.

"I don't dare, what about you?"

Leng Bingyue was silent. To be honest, Zheng Mu and she had grown up together. Due to some emotional entanglements between the adults on both sides, Leng Bingyue had always made sarcastic comments to Zheng Mu.

But Zheng Mu had never sent an angry signal to her like this time.

This made her feel uneasy and hesitant even though she was used to being strong in front of Zheng Mu.

Just when the two of them were confused and didn't know how to deal with such a thing, Zheng Zhuang's figure finally appeared in front of everyone.

However, what surprised everyone slightly was that there was a beautiful and graceful figure following behind the other party.

Official He Xiangyun.

"Hiss, the boss couldn't have captured the beautiful Heda..."

Cai Shengkun took a careful glance at Leng Bingyue and Jiang Lanlan, who were still whispering about something over there.

The two of them may not have thought that the competition between the two of them had been preempted by He Xiangyun, who had only appeared next to Zheng Mu for a few days.

At this moment, when Zheng Mu appeared, he was still holding a cup of Hexiang in his hand.

Cloud-like milk tea.

Seeing Zheng Mu walking so calmly and calmly into the field, Wang Hai, who had been sitting in the corner, finally took a deep breath and stood up slowly.

"This should be regarded as the first real face-to-face between you and me, right? I never thought that a mechanic could force the likes of us to this point."

"But in the entire Blue Star, you are the only one who can take a profession like the mechanic, which is targeted by heaven, to this point.

Zheng Mu: "Suck, suck, suck..."

Wang Hai's hand holding the trident tightened immediately.

It's one thing to watch from the stands, but it's another thing entirely to face this guy Zheng Mu in person.

This guy really knows how to provoke.

Seeing Zheng Mu's innocent face, even pretending to be stupid, Wang Hai took a deep breath and decided not to talk nonsense.

For today's duel with Zheng Mu, he had racked his brains to come up with several ways to deal with it.

Just like when he faced other guild leaders, Zheng Mu still didn't have any weapons or equipment on him this time. He was simply wearing a dark red windbreaker with one hand in his trouser pocket.

Holding a cup of milk tea in one hand, he seemed not to notice even if the referee kept winking at him, asking him to take it seriously.

"Sea Dragon Guild President Wang Hai VS Truth Wheel Guild President Zheng Mu, the duel begins!"

With the referee's order.

The next moment, circles of water elemental shields suddenly erupted around Wang Hai's body. While Wang Hai was drawn into it, he pointed the trident in his hand toward the sky.

The rustling light rain fell immediately, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into a heavy rain within the scope of the duel field.

[You have entered the "Rain Curtain" skill range and continue to obtain the abnormal status "Slowness"]

On the panel, a message reappeared. Zheng Mu's expression remained unchanged, but the shadows under his feet began to surge rapidly.

In the blink of an eye, the group of lickers that had torn apart dozens or twenty guild presidents alive appeared one after another under the leadership of Black Claw.

Without Zheng Mu's orders, the next moment he rushed towards Wang Hai, who was waving a trident.

Amidst the huge rain curtain, Tian Hai's strength was obviously much stronger than those of the guild leaders Mu had fought against before.

The group of lickers who were able to beat the guild leaders to flight were temporarily restrained by Wang Hai's various skills when facing Wang Hai.

This made Zheng Mu couldn't help but think of some information about the other party.

A-level professional Hailuhou.

A profession that combines the two professions of mage and warrior. The appearance of the opponent made Zheng Mu couldn't help but think of the movie virtual character Aquaman in his previous life.

Although there is no such explosive muscle feeling, looking at the field at this moment, in the crazy rain curtain, four [water avatars] are separated, and accompanied by bursts of skills, "it's actually a short

He temporarily destroyed several ordinary lickers of his own.

Zheng Mu couldn't help but look at the other party.

In a sense, this was the only time in Zheng Mu's many battles with these presidents that a mechanical creation was destroyed.

When he saw the battle scene, Wang Hai quickly showed the results of the battle.

Wang Jie suddenly became excited and started to make people wave the flag and shout.

"Brother, come on! Brother is invincible!"

"President, teach that boy how to be a good man! Take revenge for us!"

"President Wang is invincible. Kill that damn mechanic. My contribution points will be wiped out by that grandson!"

The movement or sound behind him didn't move Wang in the slightest.

As the strongest person in Weiguan Campus, Wang Hai did not dare to be careless at this moment.

His gaze was very clear. As more and more lickers were destroyed by him, he finally began to consciously move closer to Zheng Mu.

Dang Dang Dang!

The fierce metal collision sound, accompanied by the sudden appearance of the black claw, instantly caused a buzz in the rain.

Black Claw's attack made his nerves tense to the extreme. However, at this time, in the rain, another familiar huge figure appeared, officially Optimus Prime.

"Boom boom boom boom"

The cannon blasted towards his face, but Wang Hai shouted loudly. The next moment, the armor on his body suddenly lit up, and ten heads appeared around him and kept shouting.

fighting dragon

After the cannon hit Wang Hai, it was only able to make the opponent's health bar tremble slightly.

Then he was passively healed by the jewelry with HP recovery effect.

"Hahaha! That kid is doomed! All his mechanical creations have been cracked by my brother!".

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