And wake up…
Su Xing also sat cross-legged, drooping his head…dozing off…
Soon, the sunrise will come to the east,
The first ray of sunshine in the morning sprinkled on the body, um…it promotes sleep.
Yan Weijun walked among the students and patrolled, watching the students who were practicing hard and nodded slightly,
But when he saw that he woke up, his face darkened again, “Why do you doze off early in the morning? Let’s see how I will treat you later!”
Soon, it was morning.
Standing on the high platform, Yan Weijun coughed twice, and said loudly:
“Ahem, I am very pleased with everyone’s hard work. After a day of practice, I found that many of my classmates have initially mastered the breathing method, which can form a small circulation in the body…”
“But… I found that some students have difficulty getting a glimpse of the way. The worst thing is, some students even gave up practicing breathing techniques! This simply makes me feel ashamed as an instructor!”
Having said this, Yan Weijun looked through the crowd, looked at Su Xing in the last row, and shouted loudly:
“Wake up! Don’t you think you’ve wasted your own talent if you gave up practicing breathing and went straight to sleep?!”
Su Xing didn’t answer at all, Yan Weijun was stunned, and the freshmen present were also stunned.
What the hell? The instructor called Su Xing, why did Xing not answer?
All the students looked back, only to find that Su Xing was dozing off with his head propped up in the last row…
“Good guy, this guy has such a big heart, he can actually fall asleep?”
“Hahaha, this is a good show, the instructor is so strict, he will definitely not let him go…”
“It’s a pity that his talent is so good, but he is still lazy…”
Seeing that Su Xing was still dozing off, Yan Weijun even had a hint of anticipation in his serious expression,
Then he strode down the high platform and walked towards Su Xing.
“Wake up, wake up, don’t sleep!” Yan Weijun yelled loudly.
However, Su Xing still slept soundly…
“Pfft ha ha ha, this is a good show!” The freshmen gloated, after all, during their hard special training a few days ago, Su Xing showed off a lot…
Yan Weijun slowly approached Su Xing,
Finally walking in front of Su Xing, he looked at Su Xing with a smile on his face.
But gradually, Yan Weijun’s smile froze on his face… Then a drop of cold sweat dripped from his forehead,
Until the last complexion changed wildly, and he said in a voice:
“No… Impossible! How could there be such an existence? This simply violates common sense!”
In Yan Weijun’s eyes, he was awake and breathing evenly at this moment, with some kind of mysterious rhythm between each exhalation and inhalation!
There seems to be a mysterious light element in the air that enters the body by itself along with the awakened breath, thereby increasing the awakened spirit and physique.
The more Yan Weijun looked at it, the more he found it unbelievable. In the end, he turned into a terrified expression, and he couldn’t stop talking.muttered:
“This… This is a realm that can only be achieved by masters who have practiced breathing techniques for decades! How could it appear on an eighteen-year-old kid? Could it be that this kid has been practicing since his mother’s womb?”
“No…impossible, this kid is obviously from an ordinary background, and his parents died young… The most important thing is that when I observed him yesterday, he hadn’t learned how to breathe…”
Yan Weijun took a deep breath, and then said in a deep voice:
“Also… that is to say, there is only one possibility, and that is that this kid’s breathing technique was practiced overnight!”
How amazing is this kind of talent to walk a road overnight that others can’t finish in a lifetime!
I think of Yan Weijun, 46 years old this year, who has been practicing breathing since he was 18 years old. He practiced during summer and winter…
I have practiced breathing method for 26 years, and I never miss it even in the cold winter!
But so far, there is still a huge gap between Yan Weijun and the state displayed by Su Xing at this moment!
The breathing method was originally invented by a certain Qi-nourishing master, who found that specific breathing can increase the speed of absorption of meditation stones and thus speed up cultivation.
Later, after thousands of years of inheritance and evolution…
After countless improvements by later generations, the breathing method is finally divided into three major realms!
The first state is called “Zen Ding”!
As the name suggests, if a person in this realm wants to practice the breathing method, he must sit down cross-legged with full attention and meticulousness so as to draw the breath into the body for practice.
The second realm is called “Rushing”!
It means that when a professional has practiced the breathing method to a high level, even if he runs or runs quickly, he can still use the breathing method and gain experience points.
But in this realm, although one can practice the breathing method while acting, it still requires the professional to dedicate part of his mind to pay attention to the operation of the breathing method, otherwise he will go crazy if he is not careful!
The time required for the first level of “Meditation” and the second level of “Rushing” is not long. Ordinary people can practice it in five or six years. For geniuses, it takes two to three years or even a year and a half.
But what is needed to move from the second level to the third level is the effort and perseverance that dripping through stone.
How many amazing and talented masters can only stop at the second level in their poor life,
And Yan Weijun has practiced hard for 28 years and he is only at the second level.
Because… the third realm is called “Freedom of Ultimate Intent”!
“Zi Zi Ji Yi”, also known as “Zi Zi Ru Yi”, as the name suggests, means that no matter what you do,
Even when eating, sleeping, or even urinating and defecating, the breathing method will work on its own.
Because at this level, the breathing method has become one with the human body!
And the state that Su Xing is currently in is obviously the state of “Freedom of Mind”.
Yan Weijun stared at Su Xing closely, and then said bitterly:
“It’s unbelievable… Is there really such a genius and evil person in this world? This is simply breaking the heart of those who practice hard like me!”
Yan Weijun’s talent can only be regarded as mediocre, but he dares to work hard and the opportunity is good,
Therefore, at the age of only 45, he became a famous “master” strongman!
But even for a strong man like him, Su Xing must not seem worth mentioning.
Because in Yan Weijun’s eyes, as long as Su Xing does not fall, he will definitely break through to become a master, or even become a big shot at the level of a heavenly king!
Yan Weijun stood in front of Su Xing for a long time, his complexion constantly changing, turning blue for a while, short of breath for a while,
The students on the side only thought that Yan Weijun was so angry because of Su Xing’s laziness in sleeping.
Then I saw a female classmate sitting next to Su Xing reaching out to shake Su Xing awake,
But unexpectedly, Yan Weijun sternly stopped the female classmate before she came across Su Xing.
Yan Weijun glared at the female classmate, then reprimanded her:
“You can’t do that! You can’t disturb Master Su…you can’t disturb Su Xing’s rest!”
After Yan Weijun finished speaking, he looked at all the students present and said loudly:
“From now to the next month, it’s time for us to practice breathing…”
“At this time, no one can disturb Su Xing! Even if he is sleeping and laziness, you can’t disturb him, understand?!”
Yan Weijun said so, while the other students looked at Su Xing in shock.
What the hell? Don’t let us bother you even if you are lazy when you sleep…
Oh no, can disturbing sleep and being lazy be called disturbing?
Different from what the students thought, what Yan Weijun was thinking at the moment was:
“Even if Su Xing is such a gifted ten thousand-year genius, he must have learned the breathing method last night after practicing until very late… Yes, it must be like this, otherwise why would Su Xing doze off so early in the morning? It must have been last night He stayed up late and practiced hard!”
Thinking of this, Yan Weijun thought he had completely seen through Su Xing,
I think Su Xing is a person who pretends to be lazy in front of his classmates, but trains harder after returning to the dormitory at night!
This kind of person is generally honored as the “king of introversion”!
Yan Weijun quietly left Su Xing’s side, fearing that he would disturb Su Xing,
But not long after he left, he saw Yu Xiaopang, who was sitting on the ground and failed to practice breathing techniques, with a dejected expression on his face.
Yan Weijun’s expression changed, he pointed at Yu Xiaopang and said:
“It’s outrageous! It’s outrageous! You’re also human…how come the gap between you and Su Xing is so big? He works so hard, but you are so slack!”
Yu Xiaopang was stunned when he heard that, he glanced at Su Xing who was dozing off…
Yu Xiaopang:? ? ? .

Chapter 71 I treat you like a brother, but you want to be my son?
It was almost noon.
Su Xing woke up, stretched himself, and muttered:
“Well, this sleep…is really comfortable!”
As soon as Su Xing said this, all the classmates around turned their heads to look at him.
“Oops, soundIt was discovered that the sound is too loud…” Su Xing secretly murmured that something was wrong.
Su Xing looked at Yan Weijun who was staring at him with a smile and murmured:
“It’s over, it’s over… This time I will definitely be punished by this old guy…”
But then Yan Weijun looked at Su Xing with admiration, and said loudly:
“Student Su Xing did a good job! It must have been very hard to practice last night… All students, you all have to learn from Su Xing!”
As soon as these words came out, Su Xing was stunned, and all the freshmen present were also stunned.
wake:? ? ?

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