A bird and a deer were noisy, one louder than the other, and the air seemed to be shaking.

This is the strength of the legendary holy beast!

The other immortal birds also relaxed at this time.

It turned out to be Lord Sacred Deer, then it’s okay.

Akabane on the side explained to Lin Ming in a low voice: “Lord Baishan is a legendary holy beast, gentle in temperament, nature-loving, very respected, and known as the Forest Holy Spirit. ”

Lin Ming looked at the tall giant deer like a mountain in the distance, and was stunned for a long time, he didn’t see what the big relationship between what Chi Yu said and Bai Shan himself.

But there was one thing he knew.

At this moment, the world channel is not calm again!

Open the career panel, look into the World Channel, and sure enough.

At this time, the world channel has become a mess.

All kinds of speech brushed the screen in it.

And the most numerous of them are confused professionals asking questions.

What new life has Myojin reorganized?

What is the profession of Saint Beast Trainer?

What is the Undead Ice Phoenix again? Is it related to the Immortal Birds?

It’s not too early to kneel now, do you want to wait for the Ming God to finish the whole life before kneeling, or kneel so many times a day, the knees are quite uncomfortable….

And before most people could figure it out, what earth-shattering thing Mingshen did today, the legendary holy beasts hidden in various places had already taken action.

In the far north, everything is frozen and dead.

Suddenly, the earth began to tremble, the ice crumbled, and an iceberg suddenly and slowly rose.

If you look closely, this is not a mountain, but an exaggerated white giant bear!

He roared, the sound wave spread, and the place he passed, the ice and snow that had been silent for many years shattered, rushed straight into the sky, and turned into a mighty snowfall.

This is exactly the legendary holy beast, the king of the northern realm, and the legendary ice bear king!

“Immortal! Immortal! The king who had been sleeping for many years had blazing eyes and roared lowly.

Apparently, he was also awakened by getting the world announcement of Gaia’s consciousness.

Previously, although he had learned about the legendary Master Ming from the World Announcement many times, he was shocked by his erudition.

But Rao was so, and he did not make any substantive moves.

For this peak powerhouse whose life has entered its twilight years, no stone carvings and any potions can make him have any interest.

All he had in mind was one thing, and that was to move towards a higher immortal level.

But this was really too difficult, after all, he had reached the limit of his Ice Bear clan and touched the ancestral barrier in his bloodline.

He tried hard, but nothing worked.

In the end, he had to sleep in the Far North to prolong his life and wait for a miracle to come.

In the past I don’t know how many years, his ancestors have also gone through this process.

In the end, they could not wait for a miracle, and died quietly in the ice and snow, becoming a high mountain in the extremely cold place.

But he never thought that this miracle, which countless ancestors could not wait, would be waited for by him!

Master Ming, Myojin!

Since he was able to create a new inheritance to immortality for the Immortal Bird Clan from scratch, it should also be a very simple thing to point out the way forward for the Ice Bear Clan!

Ecstatic in his heart, he immediately let out a low roar, and his thoughts communicated with Gaia’s consciousness.

Soon, a dusty account was logged in again, it was the Ice Bear King!

He simply made a world announcement.

[As long as it can point out the path to immortality in the next, you are willing to pay any price – the Ice Bear King respects you! ] 】

Seeing this announcement, everyone couldn’t help but be in an uproar.

“Ice Bear King, that King of the Northern Realm, didn’t there be no news decades ago, I thought he was dead!”

“This existence actually appeared, sure enough, the attraction of the Immortal Road is really great!”

But this is just the beginning.

Soon, legendary creatures began to appear on the world channel, the natural spirit, the ice bear king, the lava lord…

In addition to the legendary creatures familiar to the public, even legendary creatures that have become famous countless years ago have appeared.

Most of them are believed to be dead, and some of them have even been preached in the name of gods!

At this time, they actually appeared in real bodies!

It turned out that they were not dead, but just lurking, trying to prolong their lives, and trying various methods to break through the immortal bottleneck.

At this point, when Myojin showed the miracle that he could create an immortal path at will, even they couldn’t sit still.

Above the far sea, all of a sudden, the wind and clouds are in full swing!

The members of the Professional Association who were in charge of monitoring this place watched this scene nervously, looking terrified.

And in their field of vision, from the depths of the seabed, a behemoth quietly floated up, and in an instant, the shadow occupied the entire sea surface.

It’s as if an ancient nightmare has reappeared.

Everyone who saw this scene was deeply shocked.

“That, that’s Dagon!”

Finally, someone lost his voice and called out the name of the shadow: “Dagon is revived!” ”

It is recognized that it has long fallen, and the shadow of the deep sea that has been silent for thousands of years, the ancient legend Dagon, is reborn at this time!

Soon, Dagon’s fame appeared in front of all professionals through world announcements.

“Willing to give everything, only for a chance to step into immortality!”

“If Master Ming is willing, I am willing to be Master Ming’s imperial beast!”

As soon as these words came out, the four seas shook!

The ancient god Dagon, for this opportunity to step into immortality, was willing to be the pet beast of the god and obey him!

This is not the end, just the beginning.

Soon, more legendary creatures realized this, and they all admired that Jiang was still old and spicy, and they also prescribed the same conditions.

Become immortal, let alone ten thousand years of life, how long can that clear god live, and how long can he manipulate himself?

This deal, do it worthwhile!

Looking at the world announcements that kept brushing the screen, while everyone was very knowledgeable, they finally learned what Myojin had just done in the mouths of well-informed people.

Among the blue stars, Warcraft is divided into two parties: enemies of humans and human allies, namely Warcraft and Holy Beast.

The so-called pet beast trainer, this profession is mainly used by humans to study and understand holy beasts, so as to explore and evolve growth paths for different kinds of holy beasts, which is equivalent to the vassals of holy beast races.

This life profession is very rare and withering, because the professionals who can mix are less willing to become vassals of the holy beast.

And since most of the current holy beast races have a complete evolutionary path, if they want to achieve something, they can only start from scratch, or find another way, which is too difficult, so the career prospects are not good, and the number of people is even less.

Who would have thought that such a rare life profession would also be cultivated to such a peak by Master Ming!

New Year’s Day and beyond, read books and relax! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: December 31st to January 2nd)

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