Just when Ye Bai almost fell into EMO, a huge roar came from the sky. Ye Bai and Nimitz, who were staying at the center of the battle, didn't even have to look up. The cameras equipped on the outside of the Yanhuang had already been The captured images were displayed on the surveillance screen in the combat situation center.

Through the images captured by these cameras, even if they are black and white, Ye Bai, Nimitz and others can clearly see the situation in the sky.

The huge black aircraft fleet covered the sky and the sun, flying over the main fleet that was sailing at high speed on the sea.

There are a lot of black technologies in the War Information Center, and the surveillance cameras scattered throughout the ship are just one of them. Through these cameras, Ye Bai and Nimitz can monitor the interior and exterior of the Yanhuang without leaving the War Information Center. All the external conditions are much more powerful than the previous observation through the bridge portholes.

"This was the first wave of attack aircraft sent by General Langsdorff. The total number of fighters was nearly 500, all of which were P-38 Lightning fighters and IL-4 bombers."

The staff officer in charge of radar monitoring at the war situation center made a report immediately. After all, such a large fleet of aircraft has flown over the fleet. To say that the radar system has not detected it is simply nonsense..These fighters all took off from several ground airports on Island No. 308 after receiving the order. However, because the order was a bit sudden, the ground staff at the ground airport were not prepared in advance. It was necessary to mount so many fighters. It took a lot of time to load ammunition and fuel. It was only now that we took off and caught up with the main fleet that had already pulled anchor and set sail.

Although this group of attack aircraft took off from the ground airport, they set off. The time was relatively late, but with the high speed of the fighter plane, he arrived at the battle sea area earlier than the main fleet and joined the battle.

Just taking a look at the monitoring display screen, Ye Bai did not go to multi-control, but turned to He looked at Nimitz and asked,"What are your plans next?""

"My lord, of course we need to rush to the fighting sea area and defeat the pirate fleet that attacked the transport fleet, but we have to save our hands and just inflict heavy damage. There is no need to annihilate them all."

"When the pirate fleet evacuates, our reconnaissance aircraft can follow them and track them all the way until they find their lair."

Ye Bai sighed with some lack of interest, and then said:"Okay, since you have a comprehensive plan, then go ahead and do it according to your ideas. I'd better just sit down and watch the show. This kind of Things really weren't working for me."

Sitting back on the captain's chair, Ye Bai picked up the book next to him again and read it carefully. Whether it was Lütjens before or Nimitz later, their commanding abilities were far superior to Ye Bai's. Shirojo. Finally thought that he had a chance to show off his recent learning results, but he was pinned to the ground and rubbed by Nimitz again. Who can bear this? He can only say,"The revolution has not yet succeeded, comrades still need to work hard.""Ah.

Just as the main fleet was sailing towards the battle waters at high speed, the battle between the escort fleet and the pirate fleet had entered a fierce stage. The

4 aircraft carriers in the escort fleet, including 2 escort aircraft carriers, had already launched all their ships. The carrier aircraft launched a fierce aerial battle with the carrier-based aircraft units that took off from the 7 aircraft carriers of the pirate fleet.

In terms of quantity, the escort fleet only had 4 aircraft carriers in total, and 2 of them were escorts with small aircraft carriers. The number of carrier-based aircraft released by the aircraft carrier is much smaller than that of the pirate fleet.

But when it comes to the performance of the carrier-based aircraft, Ye Bai has never been stingy. Even the aircraft carriers of the guard fleet are equipped with F6F Hell. The Cat carrier-based fighter, SBD Dreadnought dive bomber and TBF Avenger torpedo attack aircraft are the three aircraft carriers.

In terms of performance in all aspects, they must crush the Fulmar carrier-based fighter and Skua fighter-bomber equipped in the pirate fleet. Therefore, under the situation of fighting more with less, the carrier-based aircraft units of the escort fleet had the upper hand in the air battle.

Especially those F6F Hellcat carrier-based fighter jets with fierce firepower and equipped with airborne radar. They shot down many Fulmar carrier-based fighters that were escorting the bomber fleet. The escort fighters were too damaged, and the subsequent bombers and torpedo attack aircraft would have to rely on their own strength to resist the firepower of the F Hellcat carrier-based fighters. That's it. Even the professional Fulmar carrier-based fighter jets cannot stop the F6F Hellcat carrier-based fighter jets. These Skua fighter-bombers and Swordfish torpedo attack aircraft, which are slow, weak in firepower and extremely weak in air combat capabilities, are even less F6F. The Hellcat carrier-based fighter jets were no match.

The air battle between the two sides was the first to break out. Even before the fleets of both sides closed the distance and exchanged fire, a large number of carrier-based aircraft were shot down.

These are like dumplings. Generally, most of the carrier-based aircraft that fell down belonged to the pirate fleet. Facing the air defense composed of F6F Hellcat carrier-based fighter jets, the pirate fleet's carrier-based aircraft group could not break through at all. Instead, it caused damage to the aircraft group itself. A huge loss.

The pirate fleet's plan to rely on more carriers to break through the escort fleet's air defense, take the lead, and launch a round of large-scale bombing on the escort fleet was declared bankrupt from the beginning.

With the F6F Hellcat ship With the powerful firepower and performance of the carrier-based fighter jets, the escort fleet did have an advantage in the air battle, but it was also restrained by the attack fleet released by the pirate fleet.

Without the escort and clearing of the F6F Hellcat carrier-based fighter jets, the 4 aircraft carriers had Bombers and torpedo planes that have completed combat preparations do not dare to take off just like this. They can only wait until the F6F Hellcat carrier-based fighter group that took off has completed its mission and gained control of the air. Only then can the remaining bombers and torpedo planes be able to do so freely. Take off from the ground and bomb the pirate fleet.

The plan of the pirate fleet to dispatch bombers to bomb the escort fleet was ruined, but the pirates were not panic at all. In their opinion, the strength of their own fleet completely exceeded the escort fleet, even without the air support of the carrier-based aircraft fleet. , close-range artillery battles can also win the battle.

After all, in the pirate fleet, there are more than 10 large main battleships of the battlecruiser level or above. In a close-range artillery battle, the firepower is quite fierce.

On the other hand, on the escort fleet side, there are only 5 large battleships of the battlecruiser level and above, and there are also a lot fewer battleships of other levels. In the artillery battle, they will definitely not be their opponents.

In fact, this is also the case. The air battle in the sky has not ended yet. The distance between the escort fleet and the pirate fleet has been shortened to less than 30 kilometers. This distance is completely within the reach of the large-caliber naval guns equipped by battleships and battlecruisers. Within effective range 0.


Accompanied by the roar of large-caliber naval guns, heavy armor-piercing projectiles flew out of the muzzle, drew a perfect arc in mid-air, and fell into the sea, exploding into huge clouds. water column.

With more large-scale main warships, the pirate fleet must of course take the lead and fire the artillery attack first. The attack is very fierce and the artillery fire is fierce enough, but the hit rate is really not good. The fleets of both sides The distance of more than 20 kilometers is indeed within the effective range of the large-caliber naval guns equipped on the main warships. However, as we all know, in naval battles, especially when fighting warships moving on the sea, the closer the distance, the higher the hit rate..Under several rounds of fierce bombardment, none of the many shells fired by the pirate fleet hit the target. The best result was just a 356mm armored shell fired from the King Kong-class battlecruiser, which hit the escort. A Prestige-class battlecruiser in the fleet.

The only hit was not on the deck, but fell into the water along the side, tearing open the side of the Prestige-class battlecruiser. A small hole was made, and the shell that fell into the sea exploded and tore off a piece of side armor. That's all, it can only be regarded as a slight injury. With such damage, even if the armor protection ability is not as good as the reputation of a battleship The battlecruiser can easily withstand it. After being hit, the hull armor value only lost a few hundred points, which is simply a drop in the bucket.

After withstanding 5 rounds of salvo attacks from the pirate fleet, the escort fleet's counterattack finally began. The main battleships, including 5 battlecruisers, launched the first round of salvo attacks.

Compared with the extremely low bombardment hit rate of the pirate fleet, the performance of the escort fleet was much better.

The escort fleet fired Of course, the number of shells sent out is not as large as that of the pirate fleet, but the effect is quite different. Just a 0.2-shot salvo attack is enough to hit the target accurately. These 4 shells are very important to the pirate fleet. Of course, for a battleship, it will not be so fatal. At most, it will only lose more than 1,000 points of armor value. Not to mention a battleship with thick armor value, even the most fragile destroyer can bear such a loss.

But the key problem is not It's not that the escort fleet's counterattack caused much damage to the pirate fleet. The key is that the escort fleet's artillery counterattacks were so accurate. After rounds of artillery counterattacks, almost none of them failed.

Every round of In salvo attacks, there are always a few artillery shells that accurately hit the target. Even occasionally, with good luck, the number of accurately hit artillery shells reaches double digits. I saw many warships in the fleet being hit by counterattack artillery shells from the escort fleet. After being hit, more or less damage occurred. Of course, the pirates would not sit still and wait for death. They increased their horsepower and sailed at full speed, trying to shorten the distance between the two fleets.

These pirates planned well. Since long-distance bombardment If the hit rate is not high, then shorten the attack distance and conduct artillery fire at close range to increase the hit rate of artillery. With the numerical advantage, it is useless no matter how accurate the opponent's artillery is.

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