I don't know whether Ye Bai or the Chinese fleet was lucky enough, or whether Mink Island and the alien players had other matters that delayed it. The Chinese fleet and the player fleet rested in place for three days, except for Apart from the NPC pirate fleet that was occasionally refreshed by the system, no enemy was found.

After arriving at the destination, Heydrich put aside the liaison work with other intelligence stations and focused all his work on the Mink Island intelligence station. He would send a contact telegram almost every day to confirm the main fleet of Mink Island. And the movements of alien players.

Through repeated confirmations by intelligence personnel, the indigenous forces and alien players on Mink Island should not have noticed the arrival of the Chinese fleet, and there has been no large-scale mobilization of the main fleet under their command.

The only thing that intelligence personnel cannot effectively confirm is the uncontrolled alien players. After all, the players enter and exit the island too frequently every day, and it is not that easy to fully understand their movements.

But for Ye Bai, it is no longer too important. After three days of rest, the tired players, officers and soldiers have almost recovered. Even if they have not returned to their peak state, the energy lost, His physical strength has also recovered to some extent.

Especially the officers and soldiers of the First Fleet and the Third Fleet of the Chinese Fleet have the small space on the Yanhuang. The fleet officers and soldiers can enter the small space in batches to rest and recuperate, and the recovery effect is much better than that of the Second Fleet and the player fleet.

Although it has not returned to its peak condition, there is no problem in participating in the next battle, and it will not affect the fleet's combat capability.

Regardless of the reason, the indigenous forces on Mink Island and the alien players were not aware of the arrival of the Chinese fleet, but this is definitely a good thing for the Chinese fleet, not a bad thing.

After a few days of rest, and after the fleet officers, soldiers and players had recovered their energy and physical strength, the Chinese fleet began to act according to Nimitz's plan.

Of course, the first one to take action will not be the main fleet, but Cunningham's second fleet.

In order to expose the target, Cunningham, like Nimitz, ordered all the more than 1,000 player warships under Wu Yichun to disperse. This time, they were regrouped and formed into 6 small fleets.

The tasks of these six small fleets are not complicated, and can even be said to be quite simple. They are just to attack the six raw material resource points occupied by the indigenous forces of Mink Island.

In the great maritime world, in order to protect the safety of raw material resource points, all indigenous forces will deploy a defense fleet at the raw material resource point.

According to the strength of the military strength of the indigenous forces, the strength of the defense fleets of these raw material resource points is also different, but they are almost the same, almost all maintaining a size of about 50 warships.

In addition to the small number of battleships in these defense fleets, the level of the battleships is not high. Most of them are small and medium-sized battleships such as destroyers and light cruisers, coupled with a small number of heavy cruisers. It is generally impossible to equip them with battlecruisers or above. A large battleship of the same level.

The aboriginal forces that have the conditions and strong military strength will equip the defense fleet with one or two escort aircraft carriers, and at most one battlecruiser. Battleships and real aircraft carriers will never be available, even those large ones. Aboriginal forces cannot afford such luxury.

If it were not for the weak defense fleet of the raw material resource points, those powerful player organizations would not be able to attack the raw material resource points and steal food from the indigenous forces.

Not only the aboriginal forces are like this, but even Ye Bai's Chinese fleet and the defense fleet equipped with the raw material resource points around Island No. 308 and Yuntong Island are not strong.

Each defense fleet only has more than 60 warships. The configuration of the warships is very different from other indigenous forces. It only adds 3 battlecruisers, 5 escort aircraft carriers, and a submarine formation.

This kind of fleet strength is considered to be the most advanced configuration among all raw material resource point defense fleets in the entire world of navigation.

Even the Chinese fleet, which is ranked No. 1 in the world of navigation in terms of technological strength, shipbuilding strength, and raw material production capacity, can only build a defense fleet to this level, not to mention other aboriginal forces whose raw material resources The strength of the defense fleet is definitely not enough.

The six raw material resource points occupied by the attack on Mink Island are the player fleet under Wu Yichun. Of course, the combat effectiveness of the main fleet of the Chinese fleet cannot be the same, but there is not much problem in attacking a weak defense ship.

Wu Yichun's more than 1,000 players were divided into 6 squadrons. Each squadron has more than 200 battleships. The ratio of battleships is 4:1. If it still fails, Ye Bai can only He said that all the efforts he had spent to train these players at such a high price were in vain, and he could not continue to do so in the future.

The 6 player fleets that attack raw material resource points are not only a lot of warships, but the level of the warships is also not low. After more than a year in the world of navigation, no matter how slow the player's development speed is, it is not bad now..

Players in the entire Blue Star camp, except for those who have no interest in fighting, have been hanging out on various aboriginal islands for almost a long time, and rarely go out to sea to perform tasks and participate in battles.

Almost all the main players have upgraded their ships to the light cruiser level, and more than half of the players have even upgraded their ships to heavy cruisers and escort aircraft carriers.

There are also a few players who have upgraded their ships to battlecruisers and light aircraft carriers, and some elite players have even upgraded their ships to the battleship level.

Even if the player's ship upgrade can only be upgraded to the most basic version of the old battleship, the battleship level is there anyway, and the combat effectiveness is still there. Compared with the indigenous forces equipped with old battleships of similar level, they still have an advantage..

Wu Yichun and Said and their players have received additional training from Ye Bai, and their development speed is faster than that of ordinary players. There are only a few players who have just joined, and their ships are still in the process of development. In the light cruiser class.

Most of the players' ships have been upgraded to heavy cruisers, escort aircraft carriers and above. There are quite a few battlecruisers and even battleships, and there are also a small number of light aircraft carriers.

The number of battleships is dominant, and the level of the battleships is much higher. The six player fleets attacking the raw material resource points were not difficult to fight. In just half a day, they completely destroyed the fleet deployed at the raw material resource point on Mink Island. Defense fleet. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Most of the warships of the defense fleet were sunk, and only a few escaped. The player fleet, which only paid a small amount of casualties, did not pursue these escaping defense fleet warships. Meaning, but continue to stay at the raw material resource point, waiting for the next action instruction.

It has been a long time since Wu Yichun and Said joined Ye Bai. Not only did their own strength develop rapidly, but the player organization under their command also developed rapidly. In addition to their original organizational members, they also recruited Many ordinary players who were active on Island No. 308 and Yuntong Island joined in, and the scale of the organization expanded a lot.

This time they were going to go on an expedition to Mink Island. Ye Bai had told the two of them in advance that they must recruit the most obedient players from their player organizations. Ye Bai, who had long been accustomed to the obedience of his fleet officers and soldiers, was very disciplined and obedient to the players' orders. Sex is taken very seriously.

Therefore, regardless of the personal strength of the players who participated in this expedition, they absolutely met the requirements in terms of being obedient and obeying orders.

Although it is inevitable, some players do not want to give up the treasure chest rewards that can be obtained after sinking the battleship when they see the opportunity to beat the drowned dog.

However, under Wu Yichun's strict orders and the temptation of pie-like rewards after winning the battle, these players with some small thoughts also restrained their thoughts and acted according to Cunningham's orders without messing around..

In fact, the reason why these players are so honest is not only due to the prestige of Wu Yichun and Ye Bai. One of the important reasons is that the last time they tracked and monitored the pirate fleet, some disobedient and greedy players did not. Acting according to the order, the pirate fleet counterattacked and the ship was sunk.

After suffering a big loss, these players all felt sad. Who wouldn't be more careful? Players who can survive until now in the world of navigation are not simple fools. They know what to do. It is more beneficial to yourself.

The Chinese fleet took action, and of course the Mink Island side had to respond. Six raw material resource points were attacked almost at the same time and had fallen. This information stimulated the indigenous people of Mink Island.

Through the telegrams sent by the defense fleet, the MPs on Mink Island all knew that the players from the Blue Star camp were attacking the raw material resource points. This was not the first time this happened in the world of navigation.

Previously, these councilors were still laughing at the indigenous forces who had lost their raw material resource points, thinking that they had embarrassed the senior players. However, they did not expect that this kind of thing would one day happen to them.

This made these councilors very angry. They immediately issued a task in the government affairs hall, recruiting a large number of alien players active on the island to participate in the task, organize a fleet, and regain raw material resource points from the Blue Star players. return.

They are just some Blue Star players. Although they can attack 6 raw material resource points at the same time, the fleet size is definitely not small, but these councilors are not too worried. They have also been players and are very familiar with players.

This kind of mission does not require their main fleet to be dispatched at all, just recruit alien players, which can just make these contemporary players lose both sides..

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