Those little red dots are nothing but enemies. Although the shipboard radar on the alien player's battleship is not high-level, not only is the effective detection range not far, but also the performance is not very good, and even the number of identifications is not very good. , types can’t be done.

But according to the moving speed of these red dots, it is impossible for surface ships to achieve it. Only carrier-based aircraft can achieve this speed. Those densely packed red dots are of course a large-scale attack aircraft group.

At this moment, these alien players finally understood why there was no trace of the Blue Star player fleet near the raw material resource point. It is believed that the opponent was hiding in the distance and dispatched a large-scale attack fleet to conduct a sneak attack.

After more than a year of naval combat career, and having participated in several large-scale naval battles between indigenous forces, both Blue Star players and Alien players have grown a lot in the battle.

Apart from anything else, you must have learned the fleet air defense formation and so on. As for whether a large-scale fleet composed purely of player warships can do it in actual combat, that is another matter.

When they found that the raw material resource points were empty, the alien player fleet spread out and conducted a large-scale search in the surrounding sea areas, hoping to find the Blue Star player fleet.

As a result, now that the"207" air attack alarm has sounded, these alien players are a little confused. It is not easy to reunite the scattered warships, let alone build a fleet air defense formation.

The key is that the attack speed of the attack aircraft group is too fast, and the effective detection range of the shipboard radar is too short, and the warning time is too short, leaving them even less time to prepare.

There is so much work to be done in such a short time, not to mention these alien player battleships, even the elite main fleet under the aboriginal forces, not much can do it.


"Da da da"、"Da da da"、""Da da da da"

A sea-air battle broke out instantly. The Alien players suffered from the enemy's unknown situation and the low level of shipboard radar. They were caught off guard by the sudden attack of the attack aircraft group. The warships scattered in the surrounding waters had no time to concentrate. They can only fall into a state of fighting on their own.

A small number of escort aircraft carriers and light aircraft carriers have no time to release many carrier-based fighter jets in a short period of time. The sparse carrier-based fighter jets have just fought with the escort fighter jets of the attack group. Upon contact, it was sieved by the dense rain of bullets and fell down.

The aircraft carriers in the alien players' fleet are equipped with old-fashioned carrier-based aircraft with backward performance, and the fighter jets are also dominated by Fulmar carrier-based fighter jets. , paired with some Skua carrier-based fighter-bombers.

And what about the escort carrier-based fighters that attack the fleet? The F6F Hellcat carrier-based fighter and the F4U Pirates carrier-based fighter can be called the pinnacle of piston carrier-based fighter jets, with more performance than them. The best ones are jet carrier-based fighters.

Even the Blue Star players equip their aircraft carriers with Zero fighters. Their performance is overwhelming in all aspects of the carrier-based aircraft equipped by the Alien players, and the number is even smaller. It's so pitiful that this fight could have ended well.

Whether it was the alien players or the Mink Island councilors who wanted to sit back and watch the fight, they never thought that the attack was not what they thought. There were more than 1,000 Blue Star players, but the Chinese fleet was the leader.

According to Cunningham's order, Wu Yichun and his more than 1,000 players were divided into 6 fleets, successfully eliminated 6 defense fleets, and occupied 6 raw materials. After the resource points, the second step of the plan began.

According to the plan, all the mining workers at the six raw material resource points were captured and sent to each player warship. After the battle was over, they were transferred to the Chinese fleet.

As for the mining sites on the resource points, they have not been damaged. After all, after the occupation of Mink Island is completed, these raw material resource points will also need to continue to be constructed. It is easy to destroy now, and it will take a lot of time to rebuild in the future.

Anyway , In Ye Bai's heart, these six raw material resource points already belong to him, so there is no reason to destroy his own things.

With the captured mining workers, more than 1,000 player warships quickly left the raw material resource points and returned to They gathered in the offshore area of ​​​​two raw material resource points and merged with the Second Fleet, which was also divided into 2 small fleets. The

Second Fleet has a total of nearly 300 warships, of which the number of large main warships is as high as nearly 50, divided into two The squadron and its fleet strength are still quite terrifying.

The two squadrons are commanded by Cunningham and Lütjens respectively. Each has 5 Essex-class medium-sized aircraft carriers, plus more than 600 assembled Player warships, including a large number of escort aircraft carriers and light aircraft carriers, can launch hundreds of carrier-based aircraft in one attack wave.

Such a large-scale air strike force is difficult for alien player fleets that are scattered and fighting independently. In other words, it is simply a disaster, that is, the ships of these alien players are not low-level, all of them are above the light cruiser level.

In addition to those alien players who have their own fleets, there are also a small number of destroyers under their command, more than 300 ships Among the battleships, there are not many destroyers, and their armor value is much thicker.

The destroyers with weak armor were the first to suffer from the indiscriminate bombardment of the attacking fleet. Almost none survived, and all were sunk. Many of the remaining warships were also hit by aerial bombs and aerial torpedoes, and their hulls were damaged..

The first wave of attack aircraft had just returned, and the second wave of attack aircraft had already flown over the alien players' fleet again. Even in the large-scale bombing just now, the alien players were already carrying the falling aircraft above their heads. Bombs and aerial torpedoes continued to move the ships and began to assemble, but it was still a little late to build a fleet air defense system.

What makes these alien players even more devastated is that according to the detection of the shipboard radar, a large number of enemy camp warships have formed a huge encirclement and are approaching them from a distance. It seems that they are going to launch a close fleet artillery battle against them. , don’t let them live.

In fact, these alien players did not know that at this moment, under the sea in the distance, Type XXI submarines were waiting, taking advantage of the gap between large-scale air strikes, to launch a large-scale torpedo attack on them. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Submarines are highly concealed and pose a great threat to torpedo attacks, but their survivability in battle is relatively weak. Shells falling into the sea can kill them. Life.

Therefore, submarine forces usually do not participate in frontal battles between fleets, but mainly focus on sneak attacks. The main warships of the second fleet and the player fleet have not yet arrived, and the artillery battle between the two fleets has not yet broken out...These submarines hiding under the sea surface can just use their assassin abilities. Anyway, the limited destroyers in the alien players' fleet have long been sunk in the first round of attacks.

There are not many light cruisers that also have anti-submarine capabilities, and carrier-based aircraft that can take off were also sunk in the battle just now. For these submarines, the threat is really not great.

The alien players who were directing the ship assembly and constructing the fleet's air defense formation had not fully reacted. A large number of torpedoes flying in a fan shape at high speed crashed into the battleship.


After violent explosions, the outermost alien player warship was completely blown up, and several large holes were blown out of the hull. Countless seawater poured into the interior of the warship's hull along the broken holes, causing The battleships caused more serious damage.

However, the tragic situation of the outer battleships being shot also gave other alien players a wake-up call, allowing them to quickly adjust their course and conduct emergency evasion.

As the saying goes, these Alien players who were intent on avoiding a large number of torpedo attacks from the water did not notice that hundreds of carrier-based aircraft loaded with ammunition flew from the sky again. Taking advantage of this rare opportunity, carrier-based bombers and torpedoes flew Attack aircraft and even carrier-based fighter jets launched dive attacks on the alien player warships below.

Aerial bombs and aerial torpedoes fell from the sky, falling on the surroundings and hull of the alien player warships, exploding countless splashes of water. At the same time, groups of fireballs also exploded on the alien player battleships, causing great damage to these alien player battleships again.


Explosions were heard one after another on the entire sea surface. Fireballs of different sizes rose into the sky on the alien player's battleship. Thick smoke filled the sky above the ship, forming a sheet, covering the sky, and even the sun was blocked. Covered.

The joint bombing of the attack aircraft group and the submarine force blew the alien player fleet to pieces. Not only did all the destroyers sink, but even the light cruisers and even the heavy cruisers showed signs of sinking. 4.3 signs of sinking were seen in the fleet. Most of the warships have been hit by bombs and torpedoes, with many holes in the hull and heavy losses in armor value.

After surviving two rounds of large-scale aerial bombings and torpedo attacks by submarine formations, Alien Star The player fleet has suffered heavy losses. More than 50 of the original 300 warships were sunk, and most of the remaining ones were injured.

However, the disaster for these alien players is not over yet. The third wave of attack aircraft groups It is true that they have just taken off and it will take some time to reach the battlefield. The submarine formations that have completed a wave of attacks are also silently retreating.

It seems that there are no attacks for the time being, but it is composed of nearly 600 warships. The close-range attack fleet has arrived on the battlefield and is distributed in a circle around the alien player fleet.


Armor-piercing shells of different calibers flew out of the muzzle of the naval gun and fell into the alien player fleet. A new round of large-scale attacks began again.

Only some of the warships in this fleet were from In the Second Fleet, most of the battleships belong to players and are not equipped with fire control radars, so the accuracy of artillery fire is not high.

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