Although the XXI type submarine uses an advanced torpedo hydraulic loading system, it can load all six torpedo launch tubes on the bow of the ship with torpedoes in 10 minutes. It is many times more powerful than the previous type VIIC submarine.

But similarly, compared with the VIIC submarine, the XXI submarine also has a disadvantage, that is, the deck gun is cancelled. When all the torpedoes in the six torpedo tubes on the bow are fired, within 10 minutes, the XXI submarine There will be no attacking force.

In other words, if the No. 308 Island Evacuation Fleet can break through to the outside at all costs, the First Submarine Formation will have no way to stop it.

But it is a pity that the evacuation fleet from the 308th island did not know all this. A total of 40 Type XXI submarines fired all the torpedoes in one go, adding up to a terrifying number of 240.

So many torpedoes formed a fan shape on the sea, with white trails behind them, traveling at high speed on the sea, and crashed into the huge fleet group of the No. 308 Island Evacuation Fleet.


Under the limited moonlight, the view on the sea was not too clear, but along with the sudden violent explosion, huge groups of fireballs soared into the sky on the somewhat dark sea. If they were like large torches, It illuminates everything around it.

The evacuation fleet of Island No. 308 has hundreds of warships, which are densely packed on the sea. You don't need to deliberately aim. As long as you launch the torpedo, you can always hit some unlucky people.

533mm The power of torpedo explosions of a certain diameter is somewhat unbearable for military warships, not to mention that most of the evacuation fleet from the island on No. 308 are transport ships. To put it bluntly, they are just civilian merchant ships and cargo ships~.

Its hull structure and armor protection Their capabilities and other aspects are far inferior to military warships. Even being hit by a 533mm diameter torpedo can take half of their lives. If they are unlucky, they may be sunk directly. The first submarine formation Naturally, it is impossible for every torpedo to successfully hit a ship among the 240 533mm diameter heavy torpedoes launched. Some of them passed directly next to the ship's hull, causing the attack to fail. Some of them were different from other ships due to angle problems. The torpedoes launched by the submarine met each other during the attack. The violent impact detonated both torpedoes in advance. Due to multiple factors, the hit rate of these torpedoes was not too high, only about 60%. Don't underestimate this hit rate. You must know that in real naval battles, most torpedoes are achieved after the opponent's warships are severely damaged or paralyzed by bombardment.

In real mobile warfare, the use of When a torpedo attacks a battleship in good condition, its hit rate is usually only about 5.33%. In submarine combat, considering the concealment of underwater attacks, the selection of attack positions, and the shortening of attack distance, this The hit rate will be greatly improved, but it will not be too outrageous.

Ye Bai remembers that some boring guys once made rough statistics. In the history of World War II, when carrier-based aircraft used torpedoes to attack at close range, their hit rate was basically maintained. It is only about 50%. The distance of torpedoes thrown by carrier-based aircraft is much closer than that of submarines, and it still cannot guarantee a too high hit rate.

Thanks to the large number of warships in the 308 Island Evacuation Fleet, and the formation is quite dense. There is also the cover of night, and the wake of torpedoes caused by fast sailing on the sea is not easy to detect. Otherwise, even this hit rate cannot be guaranteed.

There are almost more than 150 torpedoes that successfully hit the ship, but they did not actually hit 150 ships. Ships, some of which were unlucky enough to be hit by more than one torpedo, were blown up in such a miserable way.

Roughly speaking, there were almost 100 ships hit by torpedoes. Needless to say, those transport ships were often hit by one or two torpedoes. A single torpedo can sink them. Only the smallest number of military warships are strong enough. Even a destroyer with the least armor will still float unless it is hit by multiple torpedoes at the same time, even if a big hole is blown in the waterline armor. On the sea, it did not sink.

After the continuous explosions stopped, the formation of the evacuation fleet from the island No. 308 was completely disrupted, with many warships missing in the middle, as if they had been gnawed by dogs, and became a bit Sparse.

Subconsciously, all the transport ships stopped moving forward. No matter what the officers on the warships ordered, they refused to sail further to the open sea.

There was no way, the attack just now was too terrifying. Dozens of ships were sunk, which brought back the remaining memories in their minds.

It has been mentioned before that the memories of the aborigines in these great maritime worlds are missing and incomplete, but they still have memories of earlier times.

After encountering the attack, especially the crew members on these transport ships, they reacted almost immediately. This was the fleet being attacked by a submarine. There was no other way. When they were active in the world of navigation, they did not know what they had experienced. There are so many underwater attacks by submarines that it is impossible not to remember them deeply.

The reaction of these crew members was much faster than that of the officers and soldiers on the warships. They immediately figured out the identity of the attacker, so they did not dare to continue to act rashly. In fact, submarines are simply the natural enemies of transport ships. The fear was just too much.

Although the officers and soldiers on the warships were not able to confirm the identity of the attacker immediately, they were not bad in military quality. After thinking for a while, they figured it out.

Precisely because they figured it out, they were extremely anxious and wanted to evacuate immediately. According to the memories in their minds, although the submarine's torpedo attack was a great threat, it would take a lot of time to reload the torpedoes after firing them.

Moreover, the speed of submarines is extremely slow. Not to mention compared with warships, even transport ships are slightly better than them. There were too many torpedoes in the attack just now. It is estimated that the opponent fired them all in one go.

At this time, the opponent must be busy reloading new torpedoes and does not have any attack capabilities. As long as the fleet breaks through at full speed, it can completely escape the attack range of this group of underwater killers.

Although the officers in the main fleet of the 308th island made a serious misjudgment of the torpedo loading speed of the Type XXI submarine, this plan can actually be implemented. There is still some chance of rushing out at this time.

At least dozens of warships with speeds exceeding 20 knots can escape. As for the slow-moving transport ships, they have no such fate. The speed of the Type XXI submarine has reached about 17 knots, which is faster than the transport ship. Coupled with the fragile defense, Ability, trying to escape is not that easy.

Of course, the officers in the main fleet on the 308th island were not aware of these circumstances. They kept shouting through the public channel of the radio station to ask the transport ship to break out immediately.

However, the crew members on the transport ships, especially some older and more experienced crew members, were really frightened by the submarine's underwater attack and did not dare to move. They wasted a lot of time in hesitation and entanglement.

By the time these transport ships finally plucked up the courage and started sailing to the open sea again under the persuasion and comfort of the officers of the main fleet of No. 308 Island, almost 20 minutes had passed since the end of the torpedo attack just now..

After such a long delay, Prien and his first submarine formation had already completed reloading the torpedoes and regained their combat effectiveness.

Using the fires ignited on some ships as illumination, and seeing through the periscope that the frightened ships finally started to move again, Prien twitched the corner of his mouth, revealed a disdainful sneer, and loudly ordered an attack.

The night attack still intercepted such a large fleet. In order to facilitate communication, Prien asked all the submarines of the first submarine formation not to dive too deep, but to maintain the periscope depth. At this depth, it was just enough to The release of the communication buoy not only allows each submarine to maintain contact through radio stations, but also makes it less likely to be discovered by the enemy, thereby exposing the target.

Under Prien's order, the first submarine formation launched a second round of torpedo attacks towards the Island Evacuation Fleet No. 308, which was moving again. However, this time, Prien did not fire all the torpedoes in one go. Instead of going out, half of them were retained. Each submarine only fired 3 torpedoes.

The number of torpedoes launched by the first submarine formation was reduced by half, but the final result was only slightly less than the first round of attack, because the number of torpedoes that were detonated in advance due to collision with each other was significantly less, basically Successfully rushed into the fleet group of the island evacuation fleet No. 308.

"boom"、"boom"、""Boom" had just started, and among the evacuation fleet that broke out towards the sea again, there was another violent explosion. One transport ship after another quickly sank into the sea with burning fire. Through the light of the fire, it could be seen Many crew members on the deck ignored the whirlpool that would be caused when the ship sank and jumped directly into the cold water in order to save their lives.

Dozens of ships disappeared again in the huge fleet group. This time Not to mention those transport ships that were already deeply afraid of submarines, even the officers and soldiers on the battleships were dumbfounded.

How long had it been before they launched so many torpedoes to attack again? Either the opponent had advanced performance. The submarines have torpedo reloading speeds very fast, or there are too many submarines underwater, and the first round of attacks is not their full strength.

But no matter which case it is, for the No. 308 island evacuation fleet, None of this is good news, especially those transport ships at the rear of the fleet that have not been attacked so far. The crews on the ships are watching.After seeing the tragic scene in front of the team, they were so frightened that they turned around and returned to the port of Yuntong Island. They didn't dare to run out anymore even if they were killed..

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