The entire work of taking over the island No. 308 was carried out in an orderly manner, and a large number of workers came out of the small space. At the same time, under Zhou Guolai's suggestion, Ye Bai also spent a lot of money to recruit a large number of people from the residents of the island to join various tasks. in the midst of work.

Such a move made the civilians on the island heave a sigh of relief, but also a little excited. Although they have long been accustomed to the scene of the city changing the king's flag in the world of navigation, they still hope that the person in charge is not a Brutal, cold-blooded guy.

Even if it is just a small thing now, they can see a glimmer of hope. At least in terms of generosity, they are satisfied enough, and whether it is the Marine Corps officers and soldiers who landed or the Navy officers and soldiers on the port, they are all satisfied. There is no behavior to harass civilians. You are still paid for shopping, eating, and drinking, and your attitude is very kind.

These residents don't know what their future life will be like, but at least judging from the current situation, they will not reject the Chinese fleet's entry, even if they do not have any decision-making power on this matter, other than accepting it or not..

This kind of thing is just a piece of cake for Zhou Guolai. Regardless of the old prime minister's own abilities, Zhou Guolai gained a lot of valuable experience from Qiu Haonan when he took over Yuntong Island.

This experience is a perfect match with his ability. Now he is very good at handling the affairs of Island No. 308. He has done almost the best in all aspects, leaving the idle and bored Ye Bai without even the slightest chance to intervene..

That's right, Ye Bai became bored again, and Nimitz took over all the island's defense work. The island's takeover and repair were also arranged in an orderly manner by Zhou Guolai.

In the two aspects of military and political affairs, in the hands of these two great gods, there was no flaw at all, and it was not Ye Bai's turn to intervene. With his level, he still could not embarrass himself in front of the two top gods.

Except for the first day, all kinds of things were very complicated. Zhou Guolai and Nimitz were a little too busy. Ye Bai intervened as the highest officer, and then he never had a chance to"perform".

At this time, Ye Bai fell into boredom again. Only one day had passed before the three days required by the system to completely occupy the island No. 308. There were still two days left. Without the approval of the system, Ye Bai did not dare to It's easy to land on the island No. 308. Who knows if he will be beaten by some defeated soldiers if he shows up rashly.

Without the approval of the system, Ye Bai does not have invincible ability on the island No. 308. A bullet or a bomb can kill him. He does not want to stay like a certain prime minister named"Pig". The next paragraph is a"good story" about"died before leaving the battlefield".

When he was bored, Ye Bai contacted Wu Yichun again. Several days had passed since the last time they contacted each other. According to their speed, at least half of the last 1,500 kilometers of voyage had been completed. Even if we travel day and night, we have already arrived at Yuntong Island.

Sure enough, in response to Ye Bai's inquiry, Wu Yichun immediately sent a reply, saying that they were only a few hundred kilometers away from Yuntong Island, mainly because they often encountered NPC pirate fleets on the road, which slowed them down.

Thanks to Ye Bai's authorization, Wu Yichun got in touch with Cunningham, the commander of the Yuntong Island garrison fleet, and received Cunningham's help. Not to mention that Cunningham could receive air power support at any time. Ann also generously sent Major General Burke to lead a patrol fleet to respond.

Ye Bai then remembered that Cunningham had reported this matter to him. According to him, it was to train the fleet's long-distance navigation capabilities. However, he was busy attacking the island No. 308 at that time. After reading this information, he I threw it aside and didn't pay attention to it anymore.

Although the entire garrison fleet, resource point garrison fleet, and patrol fleet belong to different establishments, they are all under the jurisdiction of Cunningham, commander of the garrison fleet. Ye Bai also gave Cunningham great autonomy and decision-making power.

For example, Cunningham can decide on sending a patrol fleet to meet Wu Yichun and others this time. He just needs to report it and make a record at the fleet headquarters.

With the support and resources of the patrol fleet led by Major General Burke, there is no great danger in the remaining several hundred kilometers of voyage. This section of the sea is completely at the level of the more than 2,000 aircraft deployed on Yuntong Island. Within the combat radius of the fighter plane, if the NPC pirate fleet dares to come, they can only become the target of warmth.

Judging from this situation, it will take Wu Yichun and others at most 2 to 3 days to arrive at Yuntong Island. By that time, the Chinese fleet will have completed the occupation of Island No. 308. These guys came at the right time.

But thinking about the players, Ye Bai realized that he seemed to have missed one thing, which was to issue rewards to the players who acted as bait. Fortunately, the system has not yet recognized the Chinese fleet's occupation of the island No. 308, so the task is not completed yet. , otherwise Ye Bai's reputation among players will be ruined.

Wiping the cold sweat on his head, Ye Bai began to think about it. In order to mobilize the enthusiasm of these players, the rewards for tasks given by Ye Bai were not low. In addition to regular rewards such as money and materials, the most important thing was also the most attractive to players. There are all kinds of advanced equipment.

Everything else was easy to say. Ye Bai didn't worry at all even about the various equipment. He had sunk a lot of battleships in this battle. He was very weak just by opening the treasure chest, and he got a lot of various system rewards.

In addition to the rewards in the treasure box, there is also a large amount of equipment that was originally stored in the warehouse on Island No. 308, and now it has become Ye Bai's trophy.

These equipment are of little use to today's Chinese fleet. There is a complete and advanced military industry system in a small space, which can produce various advanced equipment on its own. There is no need to use those backward basic equipment or hang them in the trading board. Sold to other players, it can be used as player rewards at this moment.

Ye Bai plans to deal with such seizures in this way in the future, and will even prepare some military factories to produce these basic equipment with backward performance, all of which will be used as mission rewards for players to attract more players to join his camp..

The advanced equipment produced in a small space will naturally be used on the Chinese fleet, but some castrated versions can also be produced, with better performance than the basic equipment, and rewarded to core players to improve their combat effectiveness and better assist them in their leadership. other players. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

There is no shortage of rewards such as money, materials, and equipment. What really gives Ye Bai a headache is that in this battle, in order to attract the firepower of the coastal defense artillery fortress, many players The battleships were damaged and needed to be repaired in the shipyards.

However, those shipyards in small spaces certainly cannot allow player warships to enter, and the only ones that can be used are the two shipyards on Island 308 itself.

But now these two shipyards are repairing the captured warships. According to the current progress, it will take at least a week to repair all the captured warships.

How could there be so many players waiting to repair the warships for a week? With this time, they can all receive more tasks and get more rewards.

If this matter is not handled properly, the reputation Ye Bai has managed to cultivate among players will be ruined.[]

In desperation, Ye Bai had no choice but to order the shipyard to work overtime to repair the warships as much as possible. No matter how far the repairs were, when the three days were up, work would be stopped immediately, the slipway would be vacated, and the damaged ships would be repaired first. Let’s wait until the player’s warship is repaired.

Of course, all these rewards have nothing to do with those players who were sunk in the battle. There will be no pensions. Similarly, other players will not blame Ye Bai. They can only Talk about bad luck for these unlucky players.

Think about it, more than 500 warships attacked together, so many warships were hit by large-caliber coastal defense artillery, and other warships were not sunk. But you warships were sunk. It was not bad luck. What is it.

Compared with the player warships that served as bait, Wu Yichun and his player warships were more seriously damaged. Some even had only a trace of"bloody skin" left on them and had to be overhauled.

However, there are 3 shipyards on Yuntong Island with a total of 30 slipways, which can repair and modify 30 warships at the same time. It does not take much time to repair hundreds of player warships as before.

However, Ye Bai had no such plan. He didn't even want to spend a lot of time repairing these player battleships. He planned to directly cause a system bug.

It is said to be a system BUG, ​​but it is actually a preferential treatment and benefit provided by the system to the players. That is, according to the rules of the system, no matter how damaged the player's battleship is, as long as it does not sink, after using the battleship upgrade props to complete the upgrade, all of battleship damage will be repaired instantly.

Ye Bai is going to do this this time. Since he has been included as a core player in his camp, Ye Bai will certainly not be stingy with these players who have traveled thousands of miles to come here.

Good things like fleet orders cannot be easily rewarded, but he has a lot of battleship upgrade props in his hands. Not to mention letting these hundreds of players upgrade collectively, even if there are twice as many players, Ye Bai will still have a lot of them. Inventory is also affordable.

Although the main force of the Chinese fleet has been on the island of No. 308, it has not sunk many warships, and it has not obtained many dropped treasure boxes, but Ye Bai had a lot of inventory in his hands before.

The most important thing is that the guard fleet, patrol fleet and garrison fleet on Yuntong Island are not idle. Many of the NPC pirate fleets that spawned in the sea were sunk by them, and they gained a lot. of dropped treasure chests.

From here we can see the benefits of being a lord. If nothing else, the sea area around the territory is his own place to spawn monsters. There is no need to worry about there being no NPC pirate fleet for them to fight..

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