[162] What's wrong

His courses for this semester have actually all ended, but in order to avoid being recognized, he still chose to go to class.

His purpose of coming to school this time was to avoid that guy. As for the Lin family, he was going to wait for a while, and then go back after the matter subsided.

Now, the only thing he has to do is to figure out the tuition and living expenses first, and then consider other "580" things.

Lin Ruoxi glanced at the clock, "It's already seven o'clock, how is your class arranged, why did you arrive at the classroom so late."

"I was a little nervous about studying today, so I wasted some time.

"Okay, let's go! Go to school first!"

Su Ye agreed.


Su Ye walked into the teacher and found that the class was empty, and it seemed to be quite empty.

However, when he came to the last row and sat down, he found a tall woman wearing black sunglasses and a white dress, leaning quietly on the back of the chair, taking a nap with her eyes closed.

Su Ye observed carefully, only to realize that the other party was the policewoman she met yesterday!

"It's really lingering, it actually chased after me in my school!"

Su Ye cursed secretly.

However, he didn't directly confront the policewoman. He knew that now was not the time to show off, what he needed was forbearance!

Moreover, he really needs the help of this female policewoman.

After all, he still owes the other party 10,000 yuan.

And what he needs most now is time, so he must rely on her strength.

He is very clear about the temper of this female police officer, and she can deal with it more efficiently than those little gangsters.

Because she can conquer others with violence, but at the same time she has grace and wisdom.

Therefore, even if she beat up a gangster violently, no one would think there was anything wrong with her.

"Hey! This policewoman is still so beautiful, I really can't bear to look away!"

Su Ye sighed, then looked away, and continued reading.

"Hey, isn't that Lin Ruoxi?"

A sound of surprise came into his ears.

Hearing this, Su Ye immediately turned his head to look in the direction of the voice, and saw that it was a rather handsome young man. He was wearing an Armani suit, his hair was well combed, and his leather shoes were shiny. The panache of successful people 0.

He was staring at Lin Ruoxi without blinking, with a look of fascination.

Lin Ruoxi seemed to have noticed Su Ye's gaze, and turned her head.

Eyes meet!

Su Ye only felt a bang in his head, and was almost stunned.

"Wow! This beauty is even more beautiful than Lin Ruoxi!"

Su Ye's heart was shocked, a woman can definitely be called a beautiful woman.

Not only that, but more importantly, even Su Ye couldn't help feeling a little awed by the icy aura exuding from her whole body.

And the loose white shirt on her body, although it perfectly outlines her exquisite and embossed curves, it looks very simple. Compared with those 4.5 famous brand clothes, it is like two worlds.

"I wipe!"

Su Ye spurted blood in his heart.

Such a top-notch woman is not his, and, like Lin Ruoxue, she is the file size sister of the Lin family!

"Lin Ruoxi, why did you skip class again!"

The young man grabbed Lin Ruoxi's arm, and sternly reprimanded, "If you don't obey me again, I'll break your foot!"

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