All People: Omnic Scourge! Rising From Marvel

[26] Emperor Pangu, Return To The Real Space!

Hearing the name "Tianting", which is full of the cultural heritage of the Dragon Kingdom.

Su Ye commented quite satisfied:

"Mechanical Ascension, Proof of Science and Technology!"

"Above all living beings, only my heaven!"

"Haha! I have to say, I am very satisfied with the natural disaster heaven you created, Nuwa!"

Unexpectedly, Nuwa shook her head and said:

【No! Heaven was not created by me, but by the Lord! 】

[Actually, not only the natural disasters, but also the entire mechanical universe of the technological dimension are created by our lord! 】

[And I just use the mechanical technology law you left behind to build a natural disaster mechanical life! 】

Su Ye couldn't help being very puzzled:

"Created by me? What do you mean???"

Nuwa raised her mechanical head, looked at the prehistoric mechanical world in front of her, and then said:

[Pangu opened the sky, Nuwa created man! 】

[This is the ancient Legendary known to the world! 】

[And in the dimension of technology, this Legendary has also been confirmed! 】

[Pangu created the mechanical universe, Nuwa created the mechanical life! 】

Speaking of which.

Nuwa turned around slowly, looked at Su Ye and said:

[And my lord is Pangu! 】

[It is you who shattered the void and opened up the universe! Since then, I have transformed into all things, and my mind has wandered into the void! 】

[Now, a strand of Pangu's The God's Telekinesis returns from the void! Reincarnation on Earth, crossing the Blue Star! 】

[Until you become the current you. 】

[And in the future, the power of Pangu will eventually recover in your body! 】

Hearing this fact is like a fantasy.

Su Ye's mechanical head began to work rapidly, trying to digest this information.

What? ? ?

I am Pangu in the technological dimension? ? ?

The hat is too big.

This identity setting is too outrageous.

Compared to the inconceivable and indescribable existence like Pangu.

Su Ye prefers her current status.

Free and easy personality, carefree.

As for the creation of the world, it is too illusory!

It's better to download a copy to fight monsters or something, be more realistic!

It's also a little more interesting.


It seems that the perception reached Su Ye's thoughts.

Nuwa smiled softly, and then said meaningfully:

[No matter what your identity is, as long as you are happy! 】

[However, I still want to remind you: the power of Pangu will eventually be revived in your body! 】

[And this is the original power that created the mechanical universe, and it is also the key to awakening the omnics and the gods of natural disasters! 】

Another piece of profound information.

Su Ye felt that his mechanical head was about to explode.

"Forget it, don't think so much!"

Su Ye stroked his thoughts and sighed:

"My belief in life is: look to the future, enjoy the present!"

"And what I'm interested in now is building an omnic Scourge!"

"By the way, let's start with "Avengers alliance 2", shall we?"

Nuwa smiled and nodded:

【Yes! 】

[Core tasks: integrate Ultron, snatch the Mind Gem, build the first robot army, and awaken the gluttonous mech primarch! 】

"Then follow the old rules!"

"Give me the strategy information of "Avengers alliance 2", I will make preparations in advance!"

[As for the strategy, I will send it to you! 】Nu Wa reminded:

[But now, you must return to the real space! 】

【Because your physical body seems to have been...】


Real space, villa room.

"Ah! Su Ye, why are you swollen! Wake up!"

Zhao Mengmeng kept shaking Su Ye's arm, with an anxious expression on her face.

But the other party still closed his eyes, sitting motionless on the bed.

"You shouldn't be bewitched!"

Seeing that there was still no response from the other party, Zhao Mengmeng became even more anxious.

Immediately, he took off his shoes and socks and climbed onto the bed to get closer.

I want to lift Su Ye's eyelids and see if he is bewitched or not!

But at this moment.

Su Ye suddenly opened his eyes!

Just in time, I saw Zhao Mengmeng's hands stretching towards her.

"Zhao Mengmeng, what are you doing? Why are you crawling on my bed?"

"What do you want to do to me???"

Zhao Mengmeng was really taken aback by the other party's sudden awakening!

After reacting, he immediately explained:

"However I shook it just now, I couldn't wake you up. I thought you were bewitched!"

"So I came up to see what's wrong with you!"


Regardless of Su Ye's strange eyes, Zhao Mengmeng put on her shoes and socks and got out of bed.

"What kind of evil do I have!"

Su Ye also understood.

Own The God's Telekinesis just entered metaverse space.

Since it is the first time to enter, there is no experience.

As a result, they are completely immersed in the metaverse space, ignoring what happened in the real space.

"What happened to you just now? Why didn't you move?"

Zhao Mengmeng stood by the bed and asked curiously.

Su Ye didn't explain, but asked rhetorically:

"Why did you come to my room without knocking?"

"Break into the boys' dormitory privately, you are quite brave!"

Zhao Mengmeng said with an innocent face:

"I obviously knocked on the door!"

"But if you don't open the door, then I have no choice but to come in directly!"

"What? Do you have an opinion?"

Look at this girl who seems to have a weak head and a cute face.

Su Ye was also speechless for a while.

"Forget it!"

"Tell me, what do you want to see me for?"

When Zhao Mengmeng heard it, she smiled and said:

"Su Ye, do you know? You're on fire!"

"The fact that you broke the dungeon world record today has spread throughout the entire Dimensional Island!"

"Many people want to know you now, and they all hope that you can share the strategy of clearing the level!"

"Tell everyone, how did you kill the hidden boss, get the dungeon artifact, and finally pass the level at SS!"

"You came to me just for this?" Su Ye felt his head was a little big, waved his hand and said:

"I don't have the time to share any strategies!"

"Don't bother me! I want to rest early, and I'm going to download a new copy tomorrow!"

Facing Su Ye's obvious order to chase away guests, Zhao Mengmeng did not retreat but advanced.

He grabbed Su Ye's arm and said expectantly:

"Okay, this girl is waiting for your words!"

"I've already decided, I'll play a dungeon with you tomorrow!"

As she said that, Zhao Mengmeng patted her proud chest, and added with a proud face:

"You must know that I am a dragon blood warrior~~~"

"And during the daytime today, I have already collected enough dragon souls in the dungeon!"

"Su Ye, just wait, I will show you a big move tomorrow! Hehe~~~"

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