All People: Omnic Scourge! Rising From Marvel

【28】Dungeon File, Dragon Blood Martial Guard!

——Dimensional copy · information file——

[Copy Name]: "Avengers alliance 2"

[Power System]: Technology, superhero, Mutant, Origin Magic Power

[Battle Power Requirements]: low level 3 - medium level 1.

[Dungeon Type]: Team Dungeon (5-player system)

[Dungeon Faction]: Avengers, Ultron robot army, HYDRA faction

[Dungeon Boss]: Ultron body, Vision

【Characters】: Iron Man, Thor, green titan, Hawkeye, Black widow, Captain America, Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver

[Customs clearance conditions (just meet one of them)]:

①. Survive for at least three hours in the SOKOVIA battle

②. Kill at least 100 Ultron robots

③. Kill at least one Avengers member

④, obliterate Vision consciousness

⑤. Destroy the Ultron body

[Duplicate resources]:

Mind Gem, Adamantium, Vibranium, Anti-Hulk armor, "Veronica" space-based orbital equipment system....

[Background plot]:

After the Great War in New York.

Iron Man Stark and Dr. Banner jointly launched the "Ultron Project", intending to build a super artificial intelligence to protect the peace of the earth!


Ultron's main program has mutated, causing its intelligent consciousness to think:

Human beings are the greatest threat to the earth. To protect the earth, all human beings must be destroyed!

As a result, Ultron obliterated the consciousness of J.A.R.V.I.S, and absorbed the technological knowledge of all mankind through the Internet.

Then use Adamantium to create a mechanical body (3 generations) for yourself, as well as a huge Ultron robot army!

But in pursuit of a more perfect body.

Ultron created the "Cradle of Life" incubation cabin, and wanted to create a perfect biochemical robot body by absorbing the energy of Mind Gem.

But in the process of uploading consciousness, they were interrupted by the Avengers alliance and took away the cradle of life, and then hatched Vision with independent personality!

Ultron was extremely angry about this and decided to implement the "All Human Cleansing Plan" to wipe out the entire Avengers.

Ultron leads an army to SOKOVIA, passing through the secret HYDRA base below the city.

It is an attempt to make the whole city fall from a high altitude, recreating the prehistoric scene of "Meteorites Extinct Dinosaurs".

In order to achieve the goal of exterminating all human beings.

At the critical moment, everyone from the Avengers alliance, Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver rushed to SOKOVIA to stop Ultron's plan to destroy the world.


A battle between super artificial intelligence and superhero kicked off.


in the process of sending copies.

After reading the copy file provided by Nuwa, Su Ye couldn't help thinking seriously.

This copy also has 5 customs clearance conditions!

But for Su Ye, he only cares about the clearance conditions of ④ and ⑤!

After all, the planned task this time is to integrate Ultron and kill Vision!

But in the original plot, Ultron will eventually be killed by Vision!

Therefore, I must stop Vision, which is to complete the condition of ④!

But for the destruction of Ultron in the fifth condition.

Su Ye will definitely not fulfill this condition.

Instead, he wants to protect Ultron and prevent other inheritors from fulfilling this condition!

This also means——

Not only do I have to be an enemy of the Avengers alliance, but I also have to be an enemy of other inheritors!

According to the original plot, this is a proper addition to the villain camp.

However, Su Ye didn't care about it at all.

Rebel or not doesn't matter.

The most important thing is that your robot army plan must be completed!


Marvel world.

Avengers alliance2 timeline, the eve of the SOKOVIA war.

When Su Ye and Zhao Mengmeng completed the teleportation.

The two find themselves on the outskirts of a town.

Facing a completely unfamiliar environment, Zhao Mengmeng couldn't help asking:

"Where are we sent a copy of?"

Su Ye looked ahead and quickly understood what this place was.

"This is SOKOVIA, a country in the Nordic continent!"

"And the town in front is the battlefield of this dungeon!"

"If there is no accident, the SOKOVIA war will break out in a short time!"

Hearing that the war was about to break out, Zhao Mengmeng looked delighted.

Immediately raised the heavy shield in his hand, and said with high fighting spirit:

"Come on, let the storm come more violently!"

"This girl is ready, just let the horse come over!"

After entering the dimensional copy.

Without the restriction of the law of heaven, the extraordinary ability of the inheritor can naturally be fully displayed.

So, when Su Ye turned her head to look at Zhao Mengmeng, she realized that this girl had completed her professional transformation!

The original black silk skirt JK uniform turned into a set of silver and white bright heavy armor!

He also held a heavy prismatic shield in his left hand.

On the shield surface, there is a Dragon rune pattern engraved with teeth and claws!

In his right hand, he holds a 2-meter-long dragon head gun.

But her height is only in her early 1.6 meters.

Coupled with the slender waist and the appearance of a childlike giant X.

It is completely the appearance of a loli girl.

It even makes people feel that it is a monster who can cry with one punch!


It's just such a seemingly delicate loli, but she has changed her job to become a heavy armor Warrior with high blood and thick defense!

Moreover, he is also a dragon blood warrior known as "brave and bloody"!

From Su Ye’s point of view——

A picture of a loli girl wearing heavy armor is as unharmonious as possible!

"Hey! It's not good for you little girl to change jobs, you have to switch to a meat shield job!"

"I'm too embarrassed to stand next to you!"

Su Ye couldn't help but complain.

"Hmph, I want you to take care of it!" Zhao Mengmeng replied angrily:

"Becoming a great Warrior who abides by justice is my dream since childhood!"

After all, Zhao Mengmeng stared at Su Ye, and asked in bewilderment:

"Huh? Why are you still wearing casual clothes?"

"The big battle is about to begin, don't hurry up and transform your profession and enter the fighting state!!!"

Su Ye put his hands in his trouser pockets, and replied calmly:

"No hurry! I'm still waiting for the protagonist and villain to appear."

"How long will it take?"

"Not long!"

"Oh, by the way, Su Ye, open your career panel and let me see it! I'll show you mine too!"

"Hey, what's there to see?"

"We are teammates fighting side by side now, we must know ourselves and our enemy! Don't dawdle, let me see!"

Unable to convince the other party, Su Ye had no choice but to open the panel and granted her permission to view it.

Later, he also saw the Dragon Blood Guards panel in Legendary!


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