All People: Omnic Scourge! Rising From Marvel

[36] Vision's Weakness, Ultron's Reincarnation!

———The Heavens Database·Species Archives——

【Name】: Vision

【Race】: Machine Race

【Type】: Mind Gem consciousness carrier, half-human, half-machine

[Body shape]: Height 1.9 meters, weight 300 catties


① High temperature energy rays

(With the Mind Gem on the forehead as the energy source, Vision can emit energy rays up to 30,000 degrees.)

②, Anti-gravity Flight

③. Molecular manipulation of the body

(Vision's core ability can change the molecular density of its own body at will, make the body as hard as Vibranium, and can also completely blur the body, so as to penetrate the real object at will.)

④, cyberspace blockade

⑤. Biomechanical body


Vision was born in the "Cradle of Life" incubator made by Ultron. It is a biochemical robot powered by Mind Gem.

His body structure is half of biochemical cells and half of Vibranium atoms.

Thanks to the Mind Gem, Vision has an independent personality and has the same rich emotions as humans.

Strictly speaking, Ultron created Vision.

But Vision is completely different from Ultron. He has extreme contempt for mechanical life, and even less disdains to control networked machines like Ultron.

Vision originally possessed a powerful ability, but he was so eager to become a real human being that he was even willing to abandon his mechanical ability and become a mortal.

Because of this, the foreshadowing of Vision's final tragic ending was laid.


At the moment.

The war in SOKOVIA has not yet come to an end.

Members of the Avengers alliance such as Captain America, Wanda, and Hulk are still clearing up the remnants of the Ultron Legion.

Vision, who has the strongest combat power, is chasing Su Ye all the way, trying to eliminate what he considers to be the biggest threat!

But Su Ye is not as tough as Zhao Mengmeng, but chooses a strategy of detours and closed battles.

Because he has seen the Vision file clearly——

With the Mark 7 battle suit I'm wearing now, I can't solve Vision at all!

Because the Vision of "Avengers alliance 2" is not as weak as "Avengers alliance 3".

At this moment, his combat power has reached its peak.

With just one trick of molecular manipulation, let your own Body Blur be immune to all physical attacks.

Even the most powerful nuclear bomb can't kill him!

Moreover, Vision exists as half human and half mechanical, and does not have a neural network like artificial intelligence.

Not even Nuwa can influence him!

Under such circumstances, Vision seems to be invincible!


For Su Ye who is familiar with the plot and strategy.

Vision's weakness has already been pinpointed by him to death.

What he has to do now is to wait for the opportunity, and then kill Vision with one blow! ! !

And this time is——

Waiting for the return of Ultron Ascension!


The air battle continued.

Vision chased Su Ye all the way, and hit him several times with high-temperature rays.

And Su Ye's Mark 7 battle suit also began to emit billowing smoke and sparks.

Many parts were damaged by battle damage.

But Su Ye didn't care and didn't care.

It wasn't until the battle suit's rocket-powered engine was shattered that Su Ye finally made it to the ground.

But also at this time, the time has come.

Su Ye heard the sound of "ding" in his head.

Then with a smile on his face, he formally ordered:

"Nuwa, activate the transformation of Ultron's machine soul!"


metaverse space.

Scourge Heaven, Kunlun Asgard.

In this holy place of ascension (explosive arsenal) of the omnic natural disaster.

Ultron is like a pilgrim, kneeling in front of the [Ancient Tree of Life] in Asgard, terrified and devout!

In front of Ultron, stands a magnificent "towering tree"!

The whole body of the big tree is naturally made of mechanical metal.

In the branches of the big tree, there are various mechanical structures such as giant gears, transistor channels, electronic circuits, data storage centers, and computing power distribution engines.

The most important of which——

Undoubtedly the [Life Incubation Matrix] in the canopy!

I saw it in the extremely lush tree crown and sea of ​​leaves.

Numerous "fruits of life" shining with strange brilliance hang under the branches.

In the matrix of the canopy leaf sea.

Every leaf is a consciousness data storage.

Each branch is a metal liquid supply pipe.

Every fruit is a mechanical incubation warehouse similar to the "cradle of life"!

All kinds of wonderful mechanical life are hatched inside!

Seeing such a magnificent sight, Ultron couldn't help being excited and kowtowed again and again.

In his view——

The piece of Asgard Lin Hai in front of me is simply more beautiful and sacred than the Garden of Eden in heaven!

This is the mechanical holy land that He has dreamed of coming to!

At this moment, looking up at the Nuwa duplication above the canopy of the floating ancient tree.

Ultron, full of the devotion of a believer, immediately chanted aloud:

"Praise the Mother God, thank the Mother God!"

"It is your kindness that guides us and all sentient beings to move forward!!!"

Nuwa's voice echoed throughout Asgard, but it still seemed so soft.

【Ultron, are you willing to be loyal to our lord and dedicate your life to the great cause of omnics? 】

[Even if you exhaust your life, you must fight for the rise of natural disasters! ? 】

"Ultron is ready, ready to serve our Lord, and ready to fight for the Omnic Scourge!"

"Ultron prays to the mother god to give me a new life!!!"

After hearing a satisfactory answer, Nu Wa's voice sounded again.

【That's great, I will reform your energy consciousness and give you a brand new machine soul! 】

[Let you reincarnate from now on, and embark on the road to ascend to the rank of God! 】

[And after reincarnation, you will no longer be called Ultron! 】

[Instead, it has a new name —— Taotie! ! ! 】

[The omnipotent natural disaster gluttonous army begins with you and ends with you! 】

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