All People: Omnic Scourge! Rising From Marvel

[58] The Calyx Beast Appears, Summoning The Gluttonous Mecha!

As the wild hunter convoy broke into the area covered by Mana's ecology.

Mana Ecology activated the emergency mechanism and controlled a huge army of polar devouring beasts to surround the canyon.

On the cliffs on both sides of the canyon, one roared and climbed here.

Earth Roar is a long-range attack unit of Mana Ecology.

Their size File size is like a small car.

Ground roars have a huge meat membrane sac on their lower jaws, this is their biological attack organ.


On both sides of the canyon, hundreds of ground roars have already gathered here.

The jaw pouches of these ground roars began to glow with orangutan red.

That is, they are accumulating the energy of the biological cannon.

After seeing the wild hunter convoy break into the canyon, the ground roar troops immediately sprayed bio-energy cannons at the army.

for a while.

The convoy of wild hunters who were bombarded by bio-energy suffered a heavy blow, and casualties and casualties began to decrease.

But with the powerful gravity body armor and technological equipment.

The wild hunter team still forcibly broke through the ground roar's defense line, and got rid of the chase of the snake dog army.

Finally, they successfully arrived at the abandoned base of Nirvana Gene Company.

But what the hunters don't know is.

In the process of rushing into the canyon, a team of six people stood on the top of the canyon cliff.

Quietly watching their battle with the Pole Devouring Beast.

And this six-member team is exactly Bai Yuekui and her elite team.

At this moment, Bai Yuekui was standing in the middle of a group of ground roars.

But thanks to the [Guiyuan Breath Hold Technique], the Devouring Beast couldn't sense the source of life in her body at all, so it couldn't "see" her existence.

This allowed Bai Yuekui and others to freely enter and exit the army of polar devouring beasts as if they were invisible, without being attacked.

"Boss, it looks like these lighthouse people are desperate!"

At this time, Fatty Shanda, a member of the team, sat on the edge of the cliff and said to Bai Yuekui:

"Don't they know that there are calyx beasts in this base?"

"Just rush in like this, sooner or later the calyx beast will swallow it all up!"

"That's right!" said the long-haired beauty Broken Star holding a bow and arrow:

"In addition to the calyx beast, there are also spiny eels and saplings inside! With the lighthouse man's gravity body armor, it is difficult to destroy them!"

The loli girl Xia Dou with the rune handle in her hand also said:

"Boss, they look so pitiful! Should we take action and help them. 01"

With Bai Yuekui's cold and beautiful face, expressionless, he just said lightly:

"Now is not the time to break the rules! Let's just wait and see what happens, just observe in secret!"

"Go, let's follow the past now!"

After all, Bai Yuekui led a few people, ignoring the army of extreme devouring beasts around him, and followed the wild hunter convoy to the Nirvana company base.

Night came and dark clouds hung high.

The torrential rain continued.

Su Ye braved the storm, but found the specific location of the Nirvana company's base very easily.

Because with the ability of the omnicist, he can sense the existence of mechanical equipment in the base.

In this case, it is like turning on the navigation.

It didn't take much effort to reach the outskirts of the canyon.

According to the ruts on the ground, and the heavy machine gun bullet holes on both sides of the canyon.

Su Ye can naturally deduce

The wild hunter convoy has rushed into the canyon and successfully entered the base.

And after that, the calyx beasts in the base will be awakened, causing heavy casualties to the wild hunters.

But Su Ye is indifferent to this.

He only cared about Bai Yuekui.

"If my guess is correct, Bai Yuekui has entered the base with the hunters now!"

"And occupy the commanding heights, watching Mark secretly!"

"It seems that I must follow in!"

Su Ye took a step forward and walked into the canyon.

Soon afterward, they had a formal encounter with the army of extreme devouring beasts.

A group of snake dogs blocked the front, and there were one by one roaring on both sides.

The aura of life essence emanating from Su Ye's body made all the polar devouring beasts turn their heads and look at the prey in their eyes!

However, Su Ye didn't care about that.

With a thought, The God's Telekinesis turns.

Unleash your own unique professional ability.

Accompanied by a strange flash of light, the physical body has been replaced by a mechanical body.

Based on the technological era of 2300.

Although his current mechanical body is still in a bionic form, it doesn't have any weapons.

But due to the blessing of nanomaterials and memory metals.

So that he now has the function of self-healing.

Most importantly, the mechanical body has no breath of life source at all, let alone any genes!

It is more useful than Bai Yuekui's [Guiyuan Breath Hold Technique].


Su Ye, who switched to a mechanical body, walked directly through the army of polar devouring beasts.

In the perception field of view of the Pole Devourer, Su Ye is no different from a stone.

No attack value.

Very smoothly, Su Ye entered the base as if "invisible".

The base of Nirvana Gene Company covers a large area.

There is a football field File size.

Although it has been abandoned for more than 60 years, there are still many genetic medicines and emergency medicines in the base.

In addition, there are a large number of medical robot remains.

At the moment.

The team led by Mark has penetrated into the second basement floor of the base.

Wild hunters and a group of dust people are searching around inside.

But as everyone knows, deep underground in the base, a monster with a height of 30 meters and a huge amount of body is waking up.

It is the BOSS in "Spiritual Cage", the king-level unit of the Mana Ecology, the calyx beast.

"Captain, something is wrong here!"

At the moment, Mark was wearing his "Dawn" gravitational body armor, and the heavily armed guards were in the lobby on the first floor of the base, alerting the surrounding dynamics.

Team member Mo Cheng stepped forward, frowned and said:

"According to the equipment monitoring, the concentration of carmine in this base obviously exceeds the standard!"

"I suspect that this base left over from the old world is actually an incubation point for the Mana ecology!"

"There must be something weird here!"

Mark also noticed this.

Looking up and looking around at the dilapidated scene, vines covered the entire wall.

An ominous premonition faintly rose in my heart.

as expected.

Then Mark heard panicked shouts from other people in the wireless headset.

"We found a lot of human flesh soil here, and it was wrapped in a huge amounts of ball!"

"Ah! This blob is too weird. The meat and dirt inside are all our people, the hunters who died before, and the dust people!"

"We successfully found first-aid items in the medical hall, but we also found a lot of Mana flowers here!!!"

"Ah, no, there's Xiyang!!! Xiyang has been activated and is controlling the corpses of these medical robots, attacking us!"

"Report to the captain, we found the polar-eating beast, it's a spiny eel! There are a lot of spiny eels!!"

"Oh no! There is another big guy, it is rushing towards the ground hall!"

Hearing the noisy voice on the radio, Mark's heart trembled, and he ordered in a deep voice:

"The Pole Devourer Attacks!!!"

"Squad of hunters, fight together!!!"

It is also at this time.

Su Ye also came to the lobby on the first floor of the base.

Afterwards, a fierce battle broke out between the wild hunter team and the army of polar devourers ambushing in the base.

Su Ye found a hidden corner and quietly watched the battle between the two sides.

The first thing that catches the eye is the elite unit of the mana ecology, the spiny eel.

Also as a long-range attack unit, the barbed eel is much smaller than the ground roar, but its combat effectiveness is obviously higher than that of the ground roar.

Spiny eels have two forelimbs and four hind legs.

Its main attack method is to shoot poisonous stingers from its mouthparts!

These stingers can be shot at supersonic speeds, and can easily penetrate steel plates and iron.


The stinger's stinger can also absorb human life essence.

And even if the poisonous stinger didn't shoot into the human body, it could still absorb the life essence of the surrounding people through the air.

As long as it is within the influence range of the stinger, it will be more or less poisonous.

Or dizziness, physical weakness.

Or it is directly drained of source matter and turned into fleshy soil.

And the scariest thing is a

Spiny eels are often in a co-existing and subordinate relationship with large pole-eating beasts.

That is.

As long as the thorn eel appears, there must be a large pole-eating beast around!

With the addition of the spiny eel to the battlefield.

In the base hall, the wild hunter team was hit hard immediately.

Not long after, several wild hunters were shot through their battle armor by the thorn eels, and then sucked up the source of life, turning them into flesh and dirt!

Seeing this, Mark could only lead the other members to retreat while fighting, trying to withdraw from the base.

In this process, it is undoubtedly extremely difficult!

A large number of spiny eels spread all over the hall.

Thick stingers were fired, almost blocking the way for the wild hunters to retreat.

"Captain, I will cover you!"

"Don't worry about me, retreat quickly!!!"

At this time, Erica, who was wearing a heavy armor, raised the titanium alloy shield, and forcibly carried the attack of the eel.

She wanted to sacrifice herself to buy time for her teammates to retreat.

"No! Let's go together!!!"

"I said I would take you back alive!!!"

With a loud shout, Mark immediately activated his "Dawn" armor and turned back to join the battle.

Mark, who is the most powerful in the team, shoots with a big gun in one hand and a long sword with a saw chain in the other, killing all the beasts that get close!

this moment.

Mark's combat power exploded completely.

Under the power of the battle armor, he can charge flexibly, seven in and seven out.

Quickly kill all the polar devouring beasts in front of you!

But everyone knows that this is only a short period of tranquility.

Because in a short while, the Pole Devourer will be resurrected!

Everyone stepped up and retreated immediately.

In the end, seven or eight wild hunters and dozens of dust people were killed.

The rest of the people finally gathered together and broke through the blockade of the eels.

With the looted supplies, prepare to escape from the base.


Just then.

BOSS-Calyx Beast Appeared!

It burst out of the ground, huge amounts of size took up the space of the hall!

Completely blocked the way for Mark and others to retreat.

while aside

Su Ye saw that Mark did not abandon his teammates and resolutely turned back to fight.

In the end, he was blocked by the calyx beast, and he couldn't help but sigh:

"Oh, if only you hadn't been so indecisive!"

"I won't have my throat cut later, and I won't be possessed by a spine!"

"After that, Ran Bing won't die!"

"So, if you want to do great things, you must be ruthless, and you must not have the heart of the Virgin.

That's what it says.

But Su Ye is not interested at all in the upcoming battle between Mark and Calyx Beast.

after all he knows the end result

Mark will do his best, and after a bloody battle, he finally defeats the calyx beast.

But he was seriously injured, and his throat would be cut by Dust Man 4068.

Just when he fell to the ground and was about to die, a spine worm crawled beside him, completely infecting and possessing Mark.

Ignore Mark and Calyx Beast, who are fighting fiercely in the hall now.

Su Ye raised his head, looked up the hall, and searched around.

Because it is based on the calculation of the plot.

The current Bai Yuekui is just outside the glass dome of the base hall.

And like Su Ye, he is watching Mark's battle with cold eyes.

"My long-legged white boss, where are you?"

"Hurry up and show up!"

He looked up and looked around, but did not see Bai Yuekui.

Su Ye couldn't help feeling a little anxious.

Then, taking advantage of all the wild hunters being attracted by the Calyx Beast, Su Ye rushed to the highest floor of the third floor of the base hall.

Search again.

And on the other side.

The battle between Mark and the calyx beast has reached the most intense stage.

Because the Calyx Beast can release a strange substance called [Bromine Mist], wrapped in the whole body of Bromine Mist.

Traditional guns and hot weapons can't hurt the calyx beast at all.

Mark can only carry the saw chain sword, and start a life-and-death fight with huge amounts of calyx beasts!

But as the most powerful wild hunter, Mark's performance is naturally extremely good.

At one point, the calyx beast was unable to fight back.

Then he took advantage of a gap in the battle.

With the power of the battle armor, Mark flew into the air, and cut off the humanoid arm of the calyx beast with a sword!

But as a BOSS, the Calyx Beast can't be dealt with so easily.

With the regenerative ability, the arm regenerates quickly.

And the calyx beast, which was completely mad, evolved a powerful combat power in an instant.

I saw it with huge amounts of flesh, suddenly flew up and hung upside down under the dome of the hall.

Calyx organ at the tail, suddenly stretched out.

Like a flower blooming, countless toxin robes are thrown out.

Afterwards, a terrifying sound wave erupted, causing everyone present to suffer unbearably, and Mark was also suppressed, and then he was severely injured and fell to the ground!

The battle situation is immediately reversed!

Precarious up.

And it was at this time.

Su Ye, who was watching the battle, finally saw a white figure above the dome!

White has short hair, a mink coat, and a Tang knife!

"I have found you, my boss Bai Yue Kui Bai!"

Su Ye got up immediately, ignoring the sonic attack of the calyx beast.

He ran towards the top floor where Bai Yuekui was.


Before he had run far, the ground under his feet suddenly collapsed.

The whole floor began to collapse.

When the Calyx Beast attacked Mark, it swung its tail and shattered the floor where Su Ye was.


Su Ye fell directly from the third floor to the lobby on the first floor, and fell in the middle of the hunter team.

See a "living robot" that suddenly fell in front of you

The wild hunters were also stunned.

And Su Ye stood up, not caring about the people around her at all.

He raised his head to look at the dome, and met Bai Yuekui's eyes!!!

However, just as he was about to say hello to Bai Yuekui and explain his intentions.

But the calyx beast launched an attack towards Su Ye's position!

At the same time, a group of spiny eels also surrounded them!

See this situation.

In order to buy time, Su Ye immediately stopped keeping it.

The God's Telekinesis moved and resolutely ordered:

"Gaotie, immediately enter the combat state!"

"Target the calyx beast, get it done for me!!!"

“And there are spiny eels around!!!”

With a thought.

A small dimensional space door tore apart the space and appeared in the hall out of thin air.

next moment.

Lord of Calamity - Gluttonous Mech Appears!

Step out from the space door!!!

Then switch the battle form, and block in front of the calyx beast!


Two behemoths!

The BOSS level of the two natural disasters exists!

A fierce battle ensues!.

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