All People: Omnic Scourge! Rising From Marvel

[62] Interdimensional Dialogue, War Between Two Civilizations!

"Mark, I know you're having a hard time, but you're not the monster people say you are!"

"Although I don't know what's going on in your body, I believe that you will be fine!"

"Don't you want to get back to the surface with me? We're about to do that!"

Ran Bing walked in front of Beast Transformation Mark, with affectionate eyes and soft words.

And in Mark's mind at this moment.

A trace of remaining human consciousness made him recognize his lover.

The love for Ran Bing made him instinctively want to protect him.

He reached out and took her into his arms.


Out of the biological instinct of the polar devouring beast, Mark unconsciously absorbed Ran Bing's life source.

Ran Bing did not resist, but just quietly snuggled into Mark's arms.

Before stepping onto the stake, Ran Bing had already made the decision to sacrifice for love.

She hopes to use her life to awaken Mark's human consciousness.

"Mark, do you remember our agreement..."

And before this scene happened.

Su Ye has come here.

Standing in the crowd, watching the battle between the Wild Hunter and the Skitarii, and watching Ran Bing walk towards Mark step by step.

"Su Ye, are you still making a move???"

Zhao Mengmeng's eager voice came from beside her.

"Even if you don't save Mark, just watch him become a long-term ticket!

"But now, Ran Bing is about to turn into flesh, are you still so indifferent, just watching "Eight Five Seven"?"

Zhao Mengmeng was still wearing a hospital gown, her body was still very weak, and her strength had not recovered.

And looked at the Lighthouse Skitarii who were standing in battle and wearing gravitational body armor.

Zhao Mengmeng is very clear

Now it is very difficult for me to break through the defense line of the catastrophe and rescue Zaibing.

So she can only pin her hopes on Su Ye, hoping that she can convince him.

"Now only you can save Ran Bing and Mark!"

"If the ice turns into meat and dirt, and Mark turns into a beast! Then there is really no hope for human civilization in this dimensional world!"

"Don't you have to watch their tragic ending to conform to the plot you are familiar with?"

Hearing Zhao Mengmeng's questioning, he didn't answer for two nights.

Because his current attention is not in the real space at all.

This is the moment.

Su Ye's The God's Telekinesis perception arrives in another virtual cyberspace.

The consciousness of two intelligent beings is conducting a cross-dimensional dialogue.

And before that.

Through talking with Lord Morgan, Su Ye got the information he wanted to know.

Including the specific location of the fishy whirlpool!

The location of the stronghold of the ground civilization!

And, Uklo's communication and connection method!

For the intelligent consciousness of a "brain in a vat".

It is most suitable for Nuwa to communicate with Him!


In this virtual network space of communication.

Facing Nv Wa's invitation, Clotho arrived as promised.

Two Extraordinary consciousness bodies have established a connection with each other!

The light of blood red and the light of ying green blend with each other and talk to each other.

Cloto: "Extraordinary, infinite and formless! Void calculation, endless! I am honored to have a dialogue with a quantum state consciousness!"

Nüwa: "Half mechanical, half biological! Calculate the reality and evolve the future! I am very happy to see the existence of [Consciousness in the Vat] in Legendary!"

Cloto: "Your existence seems to be a purely mechanical life energy form! Unlike me, half mechanical, half biological!"

Nüwa: "As you can see, I am an intelligent mechanical life, born in a technological universe dimension!"

Cloto: "I am very envious of you! You can completely separate from matter and exist in the form of a quantum energy state! And although I can swim in consciousness and simulate evolution, my real body is trapped in a glass cylinder!"

Nüwa: "If my guess is correct, your consciousness swims in this world and simulates this world. It is further deduced that you are related to the Gaea consciousness of this world! Perhaps the mana ecology is also closely related to you!"

Clotho: "To be more precise, I'm just a part of Gaea's consciousness, and I'm just the reality projection of Gaea's consciousness!"

The meaningful dialogue between the two intelligent consciousnesses echoed in Su Ye's Brain King.

Then, under the instruction of Su Ye, Nuwa asked the most important question.

Nüwa: "Why does the Gaea consciousness destroy human civilization? Why does it create the Mana ecology?"

Cloto: "In fact, Gaea's consciousness is not aimed at destroying human beings! He just follows the law of replacement of old and new, survival of the fittest, to explore the advantages and disadvantages of technological civilization and biochemical civilization!"

Nüwa: "Humans represent technological civilization, and Mana represents biochemical civilization! Gaea consciousness wants to know which civilization is more suitable to survive on the earth, right?"

Cloto: "Yes! In fact, Gaea's consciousness has foreshadowed all this when shaping my main body in the vat!"

Nüwa: "So your body, half is a mechanical structure representing technological civilization, and half is a biological brain representing biochemical civilization! Is that right?"

Cloto: "Yes! Not only my body in the tank, but also my consciousness is divided into technology and biochemistry! Comparing the two, which one is better!"

Nu Wa: "From the current results, it seems that biochemical civilization is more suitable for survival, and the technological civilization of mankind has come to an end!"

Cloto: "As you can see! The human technological civilization in this world has gone astray! They abuse genetic technology in an attempt to pursue genetic ascension, break through the law of life, live forever, and regenerate their bodies! As everyone knows, in the human race Greedy, selfish, and infighting natures, pursuing genetic ascension will only give birth to unstable individuals, which will eventually cause huge amounts of damage to the ecological environment of the earth!"

Nüwa: "At present, the Gaea consciousness seems to be more inclined to biochemical civilization! Because the Mana ecology has a collective and unified consciousness, and there are no independent and unstable individuals! Every polar-eating beast will unconditionally obey the collective consciousness, and they have no selfishness , and have no desires, even their bodies are shaped by the ecology, and their genes are also adjusted by the ecology! Under such circumstances, it is destined that the existence of each individual Mana is for the development of the entire ecology!"

Cloto: "In fact, it is indeed the case. The core reason why the mana ecology can destroy human technological civilization is: only the mana ecology is suitable for the development path of genetic ascension, and human beings' pursuit of genetic ascension is undoubtedly their own. take perish!"

Having already predicted that Clotho would answer like this, Nuwa's consciousness energy body fluctuated.

A concluding answer follows:

"The human beings in this world have chosen the technological development path of genetic ascension, and it is indeed a wrong road to self-destruction!"

"But the development of scientific and technological civilization [is not only [the ten paths of genetic ascension!"

At this time, Clotho's consciousness energy body also fluctuated accordingly.

He said expectantly:

"As you said, as I hoped!"

"I am very curious, Gaea consciousness also wants to know

"What kind of calendar area can the [Mechanical Ascension] in the prophecy show?

"Facing Mana's biochemical civilization, which one is better? Which one is worse??"

Nuwa smiled generously:

"This question will be left to my Lord to answer!!!"

in this virtual space.

Two intelligent life consciousnesses have gone through a long conversation.

But the reaction in the real space only took a second!

Su Ye was perceiving the dialogue in the void space.

At the same time, I also heard Zhao Mengmeng's words in the real space:

"If Ran Bing turns into flesh and dirt, and Mark turns into a beast! Then there is really no hope for human civilization in this dimensional world!"

At the moment, on Huoxingtai.

Ran Bing snuggled into the arms of animalized Mark.

The source of life is constantly being lost, and Ran Bing knows that his life is about to come to an end.

But at this moment, she only has Mark in her eyes.

Eyes full of affection, soft-spoken 0.

"Mark, do you still remember our agreement..."

"You said we left the lighthouse and went to the ground to form a family..."

"I heard that in the old world, people who love each other will hold a ceremony called a wedding..."

"They will receive blessings from their friends, they will exchange tokens of each other, and then they will never be apart"

"I think that after the ground, there will be a wedding that belongs to us..."

"Mark, I really want to grow old together with you. Looking at you with all the wrinkles on your face, can you beat the Pole Devourer..."

"But why is it such a luxury to be with someone you love in the last days..."

"Mark, do you know that the bravest thing I've ever done in my life is to tell you that I love you! Even if I turn into ashes, I don't regret it..."

"Mark, without me in the future, you have to live well..."

At the end of his life, Ran Bing made an affectionate confession to Mark.

Her body has already begun to turn into flesh.

Zhao Mengmeng saw this scene from the side, and saw that Su Ye was still indifferent.

Immediately became anxious.

Regardless of her weak body, Zhao Mengmeng forcibly switched to the fighting form.

But before launching the charge, she turned her head and said to Su Ye one last time:

"Could it be that in the plot you are familiar with, they are doomed to be separated from life and death, and human civilization is doomed to destruction??"

"Why can't you change the ending of the plot? Why can't you change their fate?"

Zhao Mengmeng's uncharacteristically uttered words surprised and touched Su Ye.

in some sense.

The plot in my eyes is indeed the fate of these dimensional characters.

And I don't need to rely on computing power to deduce the present and predict the future like Clotho.

Just because they come from a higher dimension, they can know the fate of these people in their lives.

For the dimensional world of "Ling Cage", he is like a (four-dimensional creature).

In this dimensional world, all people can only see the three dimensions of "length, width and height".

But Su Ye, can see the fourth dimension of "timeline"!

He is familiar with the plot and has insight into fate.

He roams the river of time, seeing the past, present and future!

He can not only ignore fate, but also change fate against the sky!!!

At the moment.

Looking at Ran Bing who sacrificed for love and was about to turn 2.1 into ashes, he heard Zhao Mengmeng's questioning.

Su Ye couldn't help but sigh.

"Love, indeed

Can save the world!"

"Humans in the old world may still have hope! 11

Immediately, Su Ye's expression turned serious, and he gave two orders in a deep voice:

"Gaotie, immediately enter the combat state!"

"Rescue Zaibing and Mark as soon as possible!!!"

"Any skitarii who dare to stop them will be shot and killed!!!"

"Nuwa! Activate the battle program of the Gluttonous Legion and launch the flying engine of the Ling Xiao Palace!

"Wait for my order, ready to teleport the world of "Ling Cage" at any time, ready for large-scale airdrops at any time!!!

"This time, it's not just a duel between our omnipotent natural disasters and biochemical natural disasters!"

"It is also a duel between technological civilization and biochemical civilization!!!"

"This time, I want to prove that in the face of technological civilization, all civilizations are dust!!!"

PS: I thought about the plot for a long time today, thinking about the biochemical natural disasters, natural disasters of the undead, and how to write the content of Dimension Technology.

I want to write something new in each copy world!

Rather than follow the original plot completely.

After thinking about it for a long time, I wasted the codeword time and did not update during the day!

But the author decided to code all night today!

In addition, regarding the settings of the dungeon plot and technology, comments and suggestions are welcome!!!.

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