All People: Omnic Scourge! Rising From Marvel

[67] Natural Disaster Beast Tide Strikes, Natural Disaster Firepower Strikes!

With Su Ye's call.

The Ling Xiao Palace has already teleported to the spirit cage world!

Fly to the ruined capital of the whirlwind, hanging above the battlefield!

Then, there is the signature tactic of the omnic Scourge:

Strike in the air, forcibly airdrop!!!

One by one gluttonous robots ejected from the honeycomb-like airdrop pods and fell from the sky!

In order to shorten the time of staying in the air, it can reach the ground battlefield quickly.

None of the robots are equipped with buffers like parachutes!

Directly from a height of hundreds of meters, it crashed onto the ground at a speed of 300 kilometers per hour, and forced a hard landing!

But with a high-strength Adamantium body, all robots can withstand the impact of landing.


When Bai Yuekui and others were surrounded by heavy siege, they were in danger.

Gluttonous robots descended from the sky one by one, crashing down around them.

Some robots even smashed directly into the army of polar devouring beasts.

With the huge amounts of landing impact force alone, a large piece of Ginger Ginger was wiped out!

And wait until the dust formed by the impact dissipates.

Only then did Bai Yuekui and others clearly see that these "heavenly soldiers" turned out to be robots with six arms!

Its shape is almost exactly the same as the huge mech I have seen before.

It's just much smaller in size, only 2 meters in height!

But the number of them is very large, just in the area where Bai Yuekui and others are located, at least 100,000 of them have been airborne!

And above the sky.

And more robots, constantly pounding the ground!

It was as if an extremely spectacular meteor shower had erupted, covering the entire Abandoned City Plain!

And after these robots landed, they immediately went into battle!

Using various weapons, they quickly fought with the army of extreme beasts!

for a while.

Guns roar and explosions explode!

The intensity of the battlefield rapidly heated up.

The battle of the "573" level of the Legion officially kicked off.

"We are saved!!!"

"These robots are definitely here to save us!"

He saw that the surrounding army of extreme devouring beasts was attacked by the gluttonous army.

The civilized troops on the ground who escaped from death immediately cheered.

But Bai Yuekui calmly reminded everyone:

"Although there are robot legions joining the battle now, the overall number of polar devouring beasts still far exceeds the robots!"

"Everyone, don't take it lightly, find a way to evacuate from the battlefield!"

After finishing speaking, Bai Yuekui began to think about how to rush out, lead everyone to escape safely, and leave the battlefield to the robots and the beasts!

Because she knows very well—

In a legion battle of this level, their civilized troops on the ground cannot participate in the battle at all, and they are not even qualified to watch!

It is a blessing to be able to safely escape from this land of right and wrong!

And just as Bai Yuekui was worried and thinking about how to evacuate.

A huge amount of shadow suddenly enveloped this area.

Everyone looked up.

I saw that the "Flying Asgard" had already flown directly above the head.

Immediately, a floodgate opened at the bottom of Asgard, and projected a beam of light with huge amounts of pale blue, covering the entire ground force in it!

next moment.

Everyone felt that their bodies were floating off the ground, and then went straight up along the beam of light!

This is the Ling Xiaobaodian activated the [Ascending Device], projecting an anti-gravity beam of light, leading the ground troops into the palace.

Not long.

This team of hundreds of people all ascended to a height of several hundred meters, and arrived at the hall square of Ling Xiaobao Hall!

"Welcome everyone to the Ling Xiao Palace!"

On the edge of the hall square, Su Ye stood with his hands behind his back, overlooking the fierce battle below.

Then he turned around and said to the astonished Bai Yuekui:

"Miss Bai, I said that I will let you see the true power of technology!"

"You, you are Su Ye?" Seeing Su Ye's mechanical duplication form, Bai Yuekui couldn't help being even more astonished.

But soon she reacted.

"I have to say that the technological power you demonstrated has indeed exceeded my expectations!"

"I just don't know, is it possible to defeat the mana ecology?"

"I just estimated that the number of your robots should be less than a million!"

"But do you know the number of polar devouring beasts in the entire ecology? Let me tell you, it's more than ten billion!"

"Now Mana's highest consciousness has issued a global assembly order, and the extreme beasts are rushing from all over the world!"

"At that time, I don't know if your million robots can destroy tens of billions of extreme devouring beasts???"

Su Ye smiled and said:

"definitely invincible!"

Hearing such a straightforward answer, Bai Yuekui couldn't help being confused.

Obviously seeing the other party's confident face, he was still full of expectations.

But unexpectedly, Su Ye didn't even think about it, and directly said that he couldn't win.

This completely confused Bai Yuekui.

Do you dare to engage in such a big battle just to show me the power of science and technology?

The ending is still destroyed by the Mana ecological group???

for a while.

Bai Yuekui couldn't figure out what kind of medicine was sold in Su Ye's gourd at all?

"Millions versus tens of billions!!! A difference of 10,000 times!!!"

"Even if my robot's individual combat power far exceeds that of the Pole Devourer, it still cannot defeat the entire ecological army!"

Having said that, Su Ye changed the subject and said formally:

"But why do I want to defeat all the beasts?"

"I just need to defeat the Mana Legion that is defending the vortex before the arrival of the Great Devouring Beasts from all over the world, and then I have achieved my strategic goal!"

After Su Ye's reminder, Yu Yongkui quickly reacted.

She guessed Su Ye's real intention and understood his tactical arrangement!

"It turns out that you never thought of a decisive battle with the Mana Legion!!!"

"You just want to overwhelm the defense army stationed in the Xingvortex and open the way to Xingvortex!"

"Then go in and destroy Ka Bala's tree of life, and destroy the ecological center of Mana! Let's take a drastic move!!!"

Su Ye smiled and nodded:

"As expected of the battle-tested Boss Bai, he understands everything!"

"We have already analyzed that the number of Xingmao's defense legions is about 10 million, of which the panbiotic type accounts for the vast majority, but there are also metamorphosis-type and even mutant-type elite troops!"

"But compared to the overall quantity gap of ten thousand times, this ten to one gap is still acceptable!"

"I am confident that my million robots can crush the 10 million defending army before the arrival of Mana's global army!"

"However, this still needs the help of Miss Bai, and I will provide some intelligence and information support!"

"After all, if you know yourself and the enemy, you can win a hundred battles!"

When Bai Yuekui heard this, he immediately realized the urgency and importance of the situation.

Then he nodded and said:

"Okay! I'll tell you everything I know! Including how to enter the bloodbath and how to destroy Ka Bala's tree of life!"

"But you have to promise me one condition!!!"

"Take me and Mark, let's go to the fishy whirlpool!"

"Huh??" Su Ye wondered:

"Take Mark for sure! But take you...."

"Miss Bai, are you sure? Do you know what your decision means?"

Bai Yuekui replied firmly:

"It means I won't come back, it means I will die!!!"

"But I've made up my mind!"

"And I've been waiting for this moment for a whole hundred years!!!"

"I want to destroy the mana ecology with my own hands! I must go to the bloody maelstrom!!!"

"No! Boss, you can't go!" Shan Da and the others behind him immediately tried to dissuade them.

"Boss, if you go to your current Constitution, you will definitely die!!!"

"Boss, don't sacrifice yourself for the Mana ecology!"

Xia Dou on the side cried out in anxiety, holding Bai Yuekui's arm and begging:

"Sister Bai, I beg you not to go!"

"I'm still waiting for you to teach me to control psychic powers, teach me how to return to the original cause..."

"If you go, what will I do in the future... woo woo woo~~~"

Bai Yuekui stroked Xia Dou's face, wiped away her tears and said:

"Xia Dou, I have to go! Because this is my mission and the meaning of my life!"

"Whether I can come back or not, you have to learn to grow up by yourself in the future!"

After finishing speaking, Bai Yuekui turned his head to look at Su Ye, and said very seriously:

"Take me to the Xingvortex, your mission will proceed more smoothly!"

"Time is urgent now, I hope you can promise me!"

Seeing the other party's expression of seeing death as home, Su Ye sighed and said:

"In that case, I'll take you with me!"

"I hope you don't regret it!"

After confirming, Su Ye turned around and asked Taotie who was waiting beside him:

"Gaotie, are you ready?"

The Taotie body shook, and said in a deep voice:

"Gaotie is always ready, and will wipe out all enemies that stand in the way for my lord!"

"That's good! According to the plan I made, order your soldiers to defend and counterattack, and prepare to open the way!!!"

"Remember to do whatever it takes to break through the Mana defense army!"

"Before the arrival of the large forces of Mana, I want to see that the road to the Xingmao is opened up!!!"

"Gao Tie respectfully obeys the orders of our lord!!!"

at last.

Su Ye looked at Mark on the other side again, and asked:

"are you ready?"

Mark nodded silently, his eyes full of determination.

on the battlefield.

The gluttonous army of omnipotent natural disasters has all been airborne!

Then under the unified command of the matrix network, they quickly occupied the entire canyon area.

In this canyon that is tens of kilometers long but only two kilometers wide.

800,000 robots, according to their function models, built five lines of defense in turn.

The first line of defense is 100,000 shield-defense robots, at the forefront.

Their four arms are shapeshifting for huge amounts of shield, stretching in front of their bodies.

Finally, they were spliced ​​and superimposed to form a 30-meter-high metal shield wall, which firmly blocked the mouth of the canyon.

The second line of defense is 400,000 assault robots.

They are the most numerous main force, equipped with weapon attack kits!

Including heavy machine guns, grenade launchers, flamethrowers, pulse energy cannons, saw chain swords, laser daggers and other long-range and melee weapons 0.

Not only are they ready to fight the polar devouring beasts rushing into the canyon, but they must also be ready to rush out of the canyon at any time.

The third line of defense in the middle is 50,000 attack robots.

They are the largest and equipped with a heavy weapon kit!

Although it looks a bit clumsy, it can shapeshift the whole body into a mobile turret!

Heavy-duty blasting bombs, depleted uranium armor-piercing bombs, electromagnetic kinetic energy bombs, and cloud-explosive cluster bombs

It was originally equipped with miniature nuclear cannons, but considering that nuclear radiation has huge amounts of bonuses to the mana ecology.

So Su Ye did not arrange for this big killer to appear!

But other conventional shells can also make the toughest robots gnaw the hardest bones!

It can be used to specifically deal with large targets such as salamanders, calyx beasts, and burrowing pythons!

It is the output representative of the heavy firepower of the Gluttonous Legion!!!

The fourth line of defense is 200,000 self-destruct robots.

This is the surprise army of the Gluttonous Legion, and it is also a trump card!

Although they are not equipped with any long-range melee weapons, their bodies are full of high explosives, which can cause huge amounts of melee explosion damage!

The self-explosive robot has the fastest moving speed and can run on the ground with both limbs.

And also installed a rocket jet power assembly.

As long as you get close to the strike range, you can sprint at supersonic speed and launch a violent suicide attack on the enemy!

Unstoppable, hard to avoid!

The fifth line of defense is the fire support robots that focus on long-range strikes!

They are equipped with the Farfire weapon kit.

Including large-caliber sniper rifles, Phalanx rockets, and shoulder-mounted missile groups.

Although the weapons are not as powerful as the assault type, they have the longest range.

It is specially used for fire coverage, artillery fire washing, and provides fire support for other types of robots!

And on the other side.

The Xingmao Imperial Guard Legion of Mana Ecology is also an elite group.

The tens of millions of Pole Devouring Beasts were also divided into several force groups, occupying the entire Abandoned Capital Plain.


Facing the army of gluttonous robots waiting in battle in the canyon.

Facing these silicon-based metal life that "invades the ecological homeland and destroys the natural environment".

Facing the "biochemical natural disaster lifelong enemy" omnic natural disaster!

Mana's consciousness is naturally intolerable, and she is ready to launch an attack immediately to completely wipe out these intruders!!!


The Mana flowers all over the plain began to sway non-stop!

The ecological central network formed between the flowers flashes fishy red light spots from time to time.

And circle after circle of energy light rhyme appeared, radiating towards the surroundings of the plain.

This is Mana's consciousness sending messages through the nodes, controlling the actions of every Pole Devourer!

at last.

With a strong aura energy, it exploded in the network.

Mana Consciousness decisively issued the order for the entire 1.9 Army to attack!

The Epic war between natural disasters and natural disasters broke out!!!


The polar devouring beasts on the battlefield roared with excitement!

The primitive and violent animal nature was completely released at this moment!

Group after group of extreme devouring beasts, with a violent momentum, like a stormy wave crashing on the shore!

Towards the Gluttonous Legion, surging forward!!!

The earth trembles and shakes, and the dust is flying all over the sky!

Looking around, there is a sea of ​​fierce beasts in the field of vision!

It seems that the canyon ahead will be completely submerged!!!

At the same time, Ling Xiaobaodian.

The atmosphere is tense to the extreme!!!

The people who had just narrowly escaped from the dead held their breaths and concentrated, not daring to breathe out!

Even if they fight against the beasts all year round!

But I have never experienced such a magnificent army battle!

Right now, I have witnessed the tens of millions of pole devouring beast army launching a charge!

Everyone's hearts couldn't help but raised their throats!

Even Bai Yuekui was short of breath, with a nervous expression on his face.

Then he turned his gaze to Su Ye.

I want to see how he, the supreme commander, will react.

And Su Ye kept his eyes on the battlefield, patiently waiting for the opportunity!

One second, two seconds, three seconds...

Just when the vanguard army of the beast tide was about to rush to the canyon!

With a ruthless face, Su Ye ordered:

"Blow me up!!!"


A fire strike command was sent to the fire control program of each robot through the matrix network at the speed of light!

PS: The Town Tower of the Abandoned Capital! The next chapter will enter the Xingxuan

In addition, thank you for your comments and suggestions, the author will actively adopt them!.

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