All People: Omnic Scourge! Rising From Marvel

【69】Enter The Vortex, The Emperor-Level Pole-Eating Beast!

Charge order issued.

The shield robots and assault robots all rushed out of the canyon under the cover of the far fire troops.

Then, cooperating with the self-explosive robot, they forcibly opened up a road leading to the city of the abandoned capital among the dense army of beast hordes.

On both sides of the road, whenever there is a newt beast or a calyx beast rushing over.

The self-explosive robot will start the rocket-powered sprint, and hit them head-on one after another.

Until these large pole devouring beasts are completely wiped out.

As for the large number of snake dogs, it is difficult to approach them under the intensive firepower of the assault robots.

at the same time.

The Ling Xiaobaodian in the sky starts its engine and moves synchronously with the ground troops.

With a clear goal, he headed towards the abandoned capital.

On the side of Mana Ecology, all the extreme beasts were sent to intercept it, demanding that the enemy approach the Xingyou Abandoned Capital.

Immediately, the offensive and defensive momentum switched!

The army of robots launched a charge, forcibly opening the way at any cost!

The army of polar-devouring beasts defended and intercepted, swarming forward without fear of death!

The two major natural disasters don't care about the battle damage, and they invest their troops crazily!

The battle suddenly became unprecedentedly fierce!


After consuming a full 100,000 self-explosive robots, 50,000 assault robots were damaged, and the far-fire troops were almost wiped out.

The gluttonous army finally forcibly rushed to the edge of the abandoned city.

The Ling Xiaobao Palace in the sky also moved here synchronously.

And the other side.

The tens of millions of pole-devouring beast army has been severely damaged!

In just a few hours of fighting, the number dropped by more than half, leaving less than three million.

But for Mana Ecology, this loss is not worth mentioning!

Because in half an hour, reinforcements from the nearest ecological division will arrive.

The number of battle-damaged polar devourers will be quickly replenished and expanded!

As for the omnipotent natural disasters in the away game, every robot lost is one less, and there is no logistical supplement!

But for Su Ye.

The robot army has perfectly fulfilled its combat mission and achieved its tactical goals.

"The following is the ruined city!"

"Passing through the ruined capital, you will be able to reach the entrance of the Xingvortex!"

In Ling Xiaobao Hall, Bai Yuekui shared intelligence information.

Su Ye nodded and said:

"The waste is shrouded in the purple energy field of the ecology, and Ling Xiaobao can't fly in!"

"So we're going to parachute right here and go right through the city!"


The Ling Xiao Palace projected an anti-gravity beam of light, directly shining on the city streets of the abandoned capital.


The trio of Su Ye, Bai Yuekui, Mark, and the Taotie mech parachuted to the ground with the beam of light.

at the same time.

270 The rest of the robot army also rushed into the ruined capital and quickly occupied some ruined buildings.

Start to intercept the phagocytosis beasts that are chasing up!

After landing, Su Ye said to the two:

"I will let Taotie lead the troops to the rear, and buy time for the three of us to enter the bloody whirlpool!"

"Boss Bai, you know the direction of the entrance of the Xingvortex, and you will lead the way now!"

"Mark, are you sure you can sense Ka Bala Tree of Life???"

Mark's expression looked a little painful, as if he was trying his best to suppress the animal nature in his body.

But when he heard Su Ye's question, he still said soberly:

"I can sense the breath of the tree of life, it seems... as if calling me!"

"And as the distance gets closer, the feeling gets stronger and stronger!"

Bai Yuekui explained:

"You are the one chosen by Mana's consciousness. In his eyes, your genes are the most perfect, and your body is also regarded by him as the most perfect 【Extreme Devouring Beast Culture】!"

"That's why He keeps calling you now and trying to control you!"

"But Mark, you must remember that you are a human being, not a beast! Only in this way will you not be controlled by Mana!"

"After we destroy Mana's tree of life, you will be free!!!"

Hearing this, Mark nodded heavily.

"Okay, time is urgent now! Boss Bai leads the way, let's set off quickly!"

Saying that, Su Ye turned his head and told Taotie:

"At all costs, block the army of polar devouring beasts! Buy us two hours!"

"Gao Tie respectfully obeys the orders of our lord!"

As soon as the voice fell, the Taotie body shapeshifted and entered the fighting state.

Then he turned back and rushed to the army of robots, joining the fierce battle!

The trio turned around and headed deep into the city.

But as the distance to the Xingxuan got closer, the Xinghong toxin in the air became more and more concentrated.

The [Life Siphon] ability possessed by Xingxuan is becoming more and more different!

This caused Bai Yuekui's source of life to evaporate.

His face became pale, his breathing became short of breath, and he looked very strenuous.

But Su Ye and Mark are not affected in any way.

"Boss Bai, can you still hold on??"

Su Ye asked Bai Yuekui while flying.

"I, I'm fine! I can still bear it!"

"Until I destroy Ka Bala, I will never fall!"

Bai Yuekui was determined.

But in fact, she was already ready to go and never return!

Seeing that the whirlpool was not far away, Bai Yuekui gritted his teeth and felt ruthless.

Regardless of breaking the balance in the body, he forcibly cast the soul burning technique.

He does not hesitate to burn his own blood energy and primordial spirit to prop up a spiritual barrier and resist the life siphon of the bloody whirlwind!

But this is undoubtedly slow suicide!

Once the blood energy primordial spirit burns out, it means that her life is over.

Seeing that Bai Yuekui was so decisive, he was using his life to get close to the Xingxuan, not leaving himself the slightest retreat!

Su Ye suddenly felt emotional.

But at this critical moment, he will not dissuade the other party.

It went well.

The three of them passed through most of the city in no time.

Except for the occasional sporadic polar devouring beasts.

Mana's main force did not catch up.

It seems that Taotie's interception is very good.

"The beam of light in front is from the spleen!"

"As long as we reach the beam of light, we can enter the fishy whirlpool!"

Arriving at a ruined square, Bai Yuekui pointed to a pillar of light soaring to the sky in front of him and said.

Su Ye immediately flew into the sky, stood on the top of a building, and looked ahead.

I saw a huge luminous hole with a diameter of several kilometers in the desert on the outskirts of the city!

And this hole is hundreds of kilometers deep in the earth's crust!

Legendary is inside, which is the original birthplace of the Mana ecology.

Seeing that the destination is not far away.

The three of them speeded up immediately!

But just as he was about to leave the city, a terrifying scene happened.

Accompanied by deafening roars, the king-level troops of the Mana ecology are on the scene!

I saw a ruined building with a height of 100 meters.

A gigantic boa constrictor entangled the entire building.

The giant python is covered with thick scales, and there is a huge and eye-catching red sarcoma on its head!

What's even more weird is that there is a flower of huge amounts of Mana growing on the tumor!

And after seeing three people appear.

The giant python roared angrily, and smashed the whole building to pieces.

Then it moved towards the three of them, smashing many ruined buildings along the way,

"No! It's a Titan Python!" Bai Yuekui exclaimed:

"We're in big trouble!!!"

"This is the king-level pole devourer of the Mana ecology, and it is specially guarded at the entrance of the Xingxuan Cave.

"And more than one!"

Looking at the giant python with a terrifying appearance and a length of at least several hundred meters, the three of them couldn't help but tremble.

But the terrifying scene didn't stop at this giant python.

With Mana's consciousness, she realized that the three of them were about to reach the entrance of the Xingmao Cave.

The mutated polar devouring beasts sent out are not just titan pythons!

And the newly hatched Pterosaur!


There was another terrifying roar.

The huge pterodactyl flew out from the mouth of the Xingxuan Cave, reaching the sky!

Immediately, it hovered over the abandoned capital, and let out bursts of roars.

Pterosaur, the only polar-eating beast in the Mana Ecology that can fly.

The width of the wings reached an astonishing two hundred meters, and the weight reached 30,000 tons.

It can fly at supersonic speed, and can spit out concentrated acid breath.

Su Ye looked at the appearance of this flight behemoth.

Can't help but think of [King Ghidorah] in "Godzilla".

It's just that the pterosaur has only one head.

But even so.

The sense of oppression brought by the pterosaur is also full.


After the pterosaur was born.

Unexpectedly, another five or six titan pythons crawled out of the Xingxuan Cave.

And towards the place where the three of them were, they came crashing down.

look like this.

Mana realized that she had shown her trump card and wanted to completely block the three of them here.

Completely cut off the possibility of the three of them entering the whirlpool!

Seeing that the situation has developed to this point.

Su Ye has realized—

This trip to "Soul Cage" (abac) can definitely be regarded as hell-level difficulty.

It's no wonder that before this, there were no inheritors who challenged such a difficulty.

And under this difficulty, if you can pass the level, then the rewards will be unprecedentedly rich!

The strength of the omnic natural disaster will also be improved by leaps and bounds!

But if the customs clearance fails, not only will he return empty-handed, but his development progress will be seriously affected.

And the gluttonous army will also be wiped out.

At the same time as causing a sharp drop in its own combat power, the development of omnic natural disasters will also suffer major setbacks.

This has to be said to be a difficult moment.

But after some weighing analysis, thinking and making a decision.

Su Ye resolutely took countermeasures.

Immediately, a decisive order was issued:

"Glutton, blow up the ruined city, and then give up the battle on the front line!"

"Move all the existing troops to the direction of the Xingvortex Cave, and focus on dealing with these titan pythons! Try for a quick victory!"


Su Ye confessed to Bai Yuekui and Mark:

"You don't have anti-air ability, so let me deal with the only pterosaur!"

"As for you, focus on dealing with the titan pythons!"

"I will send troops to assist you!"

"Since the king has shown his cards, let's take a gamble with the opponent!"

"The outcome will be decided in one fell swoop!!!"

After the order is issued.

Su Ye rises from the sky and flies towards the pterosaurs!

And on the ground.

Bai Yuekui drew out the Tang saber, and faced the Titan Python with a resolute expression!

Mark was naturally not to be outdone, he roared bravely and rushed forward!

And in the interception battlefield on the front line.

here already

It was a piece of scorched earth, with bombed-out city buildings and the corpses of extreme beasts everywhere.

Finally, after destroying the Million Pole Devouring Beasts.

Taotie led an army of less than 100,000 robots to evacuate here.

And blow up the city buildings on both sides along the way, setting up obstacles for the army of extreme devouring beasts that came after them.

Then hurried to the direction of the Xingxuan Cave.

Soon, the final duel broke out!

On the ground, a titan python was the first to crush it.

Bai Yuekui didn't consider any consequences at all, directly sacrificed all his strength, flew away, drew his sword and slashed!

And Mark jumped directly onto the giant python, violently tearing at the giant python's body.

The giant python roared again and again, first biting towards Bai Yuekui.

Then violently swing the snake body, trying to throw Mark off.

"Heaven, earth, universe, destroy evil and demons!"

"All things return to their original state, all enemies can be broken!"


Bai Yuekui chanted the cultivation mantra and used his dexterous movements to escape the bite of the giant python.

Immediately, it flew up into the air, and towards the head of the titan python, a new sharp blade glow appeared.


The titan python roared in pain!

The sarcoma on the top of the head and the flower of Mana were all cut to pieces by Bai Yuekui.

But at the same time, the injured giant python frantically shook its head.

In the end, it hit Bai Yuekui heavily.

He knocked it flying a hundred meters away and smashed it to the ground.

While still in the air, Bai Yuekui spat out a mouthful of strong blood.

Already suffered a lot of injuries.

Before that, Bai Yuekui was suppressed by the siphon of Xingmao.

I have to break the balance in my body and burn my blood energy to prevent my life source from losing too fast!

This makes her fighting power only half of normal.

Now it is almost impossible to kill the king-level extreme devouring beast Titan Python with one blow!

It's hard to do even in normal times, let alone now.

But she tried her best to slash and injure the Titan Python, which is really rare!

When Mark saw Bai Yuekui injured, he became even more violent.

Jumped directly onto the injured head of the titan python and launched a crazy attack!

But not long.

The titan python suddenly opened its huge mouth and swallowed Mark whole!

"NO! MARK!!!"

Bai Yuekui was so anxious that he got up immediately to fight again!

But at this time.

A few titan pythons that crawled out of the Xingxuan Cave had also arrived on the battlefield.

They moved towards Bai Yuekui and surrounded him.

Seeing that he was in a desperate situation.

Bai Yuekui gritted his teeth, his eyes were full of unwillingness.

But she clenched the handle of the knife, resolutely, and fought to the end!


Just when Bai Yuekui was about to fight five titan pythons alone.

Taotie suddenly landed in front of her.

"My lord let me protect you!"

"In addition, the large force of the human coalition has arrived! They are outside the city, holding back many extreme beasts!"

"What? Human coalition forces? Large troops?" Bai Yue Kuidun was surprised.

But Taotie didn't explain to her, but started fighting immediately.

at the same time.

The fastest-moving self-explosive robot army rushed to the scene synchronously.

Although there are only less than 10,000 self-destruct robots left.

But it is more than enough to deal with a few titan pythons!

I saw these self-explosive robots surrounded the titan pythons!

Then turn on the rocket power, bounce and sprint.

One after another rushing towards the titanic pythons!


The violent suicide explosion exploded on the body of the Titan python non-stop!

It quickly broke its defenses and exploded to pieces.

Not long after, the five titan pythons were all killed and fell to the ground.

However, the battle did not go so smoothly.

As a king-level unit, the titan python's consonant seeds are extremely strong!

Even if the body is blown to pieces, it may not be able to destroy the spirit seed!

This makes their resurrection ability called abnormal!

"It seems that these giant pythons are hard to kill!" Taotie said to Bai Yuekui:

"Please hurry up and get out of here, I will be the queen for you!"

"My lord said, he will wait for you and Mark in the whirlpool!"

Bai Yuekui said sadly: "I will rush to the whirlpool! But Mark... is already dead!"

"No! He's not dead!" Taotie raised his head and looked at a titan python that had just been revived.

"My heat sensor has sensed his presence!"

"Moreover, he seems to have become extremely powerful!"

The voice fell.

The titan python that had just swallowed Mark suddenly struggled violently!

And let out bursts of painful roars, and then fell to the ground dead, completely dead!

next moment.

Mark broke out from the python's belly, holding the titan python's consonant seed in his hand

Squeeze it lightly and crush it!

At this moment, Mark has completely gone berserk!

Thick fangs grew from his mouth, and his eyes were scarlet like blood.

The whole body is glowing with a strong blood red light, showing the extremely violent aura of the beast king!

so far.

The most powerful emperor-level pole devouring beast has been born!.

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