All People: Omnic Scourge! Rising From Marvel

【81】Shurima Sand Soldiers Legion, Nuclear Wave Cannon Strike!

on the ground.

The news of the appearance of the sun disc and the resurrection of the desert emperor quickly spread throughout the Shurima continent.

Coupled with the high rewards issued by the NATO guild, the inheritors who are practicing in various places quickly moved after hearing the news.

One after another gathered towards the imperial mausoleum area, wanting to form a group to kill the ultimate boss of the dungeon!

And at the top of the Pyramids temple, Azir overlooked Kelia and the others below.

He asked arrogantly:

"The majesty of the Shurima Empire cannot be offended!"

"Why don't mortals bow down when they see this emperor?"

In order to delay time, Kai Liya waited until the arrival of other inheritors.

Then he said loudly to Azir:

"Your empire has long since turned into yellow sand and disappeared with the wind. I advise you not to daydream about the revival of the empire!"

"Shurima is dead, your empire is gone!!!"

The Beast Master on the side taunted:

"You still dare to call yourself the emperor, but look around, it's all barren desert!"

"Where is the Shurima you keep talking about? Could it be that these sands are your empire?"

When Azir heard this, a look of fanaticism suddenly appeared in his eyes.

"Shurima, live within me!"

Azir rose against the wind, suspended in mid-air.

Then he opened his arms wide and shouted loudly:

"My empire exists in every grain of sand!!!"


After reading a word, a vision descends from heaven!

The earth shook violently again!

Suddenly, more violent sandstorms blew up all around!

Until it evolved into several huge amounts of tornadoes, sweeping along the desert land all the way!

And the strangest thing is——

Wherever the tornado swept past, row after row of stone statues of terracotta warriors and horses appeared on the spot!!!

These terracotta warriors and horses are all made of yellow sandstone!

And they are all in the shape of ancient soldiers, and they all maintain a uniform posture!!!

These yellow sand soldiers are tall and strong, and all of them are three meters tall.

And the equipment is neatly dressed and fully armed

Helmets, Breastplates, Armguards, Legplates!

Holding all kinds of weapons

Broadswords, swords, bows, shields!

After a while.

Where the tornado swept through.

A whole million bottles of yellow sand soldiers!

In the vast desert clearing,

Millions of sand soldiers, let's line up!

Shurima's military spirit is fully revived!

next moment.

The soldiers raised their heads in unison, looking up at the Gold figure above the Pyramids.

Immediately, the momentum was majestic, shouting the imperial slogan in unison:

"The sun, secretly lead the journey!!!"

"All things, belong to my emperor!!!"

Thousands of years have passed.

At this moment, I can really feel the breath of Shurima!

Azir couldn't help but smile proudly.

Seeing the scene of the arrival of the sand soldiers and the awe-inspiring murderous aura exuded by the majestic army formation!

But it completely shocked Kai Liya and the others!

And realized the powerful combat power of the Shurima Empire army!

But also at this time.

Hundreds of inheritors who came to support also arrived at the scene one after another.

Seeing the army of Shurima soldiers waiting in line, all the inheritors felt huge amounts of pressure!

Kai Liya stood up and encouraged everyone:

"Everyone, don't be afraid!!!"

"As long as we unite as one, we will surely win the final victory!"

"Everyone put out all their strength, and the desert emperor!!!"

"We're sure to take down the Sun Disk!!!"

Say it.

As the most powerful player on the scene, Kai Liya set an example and directly used her ultimate move.

He did not hesitate to consume the extremely precious Darkness Summoning Scroll, and used his own group summoning ult.

Accompanied by a burst of incomprehensible summoning spells, Ridao's giant portal appeared out of thin air.

Immediately, groups of war monsters sprang out from the portal.

The war demon is a puppet unit refined from the souls and resentful spirits who died on the battlefield.

They are short in stature and hideous in appearance.

Holding cruel weapons such as skull crushing hammers, boning knives, and skinning instruments in his hands.

And there are so many of them, reaching as many as one million.

Seeing that the big Summoner Kai Liya used her big move, she directly summoned a legion.

A total of nearly two hundred inheritors are no longer retained.

One after another, they used their supernatural powers and opened their big moves.

The Beast Master summoned an army of thousands of companion beasts.

Warriors and knights charge!

Rangers and hunters draw their bows and crossbows!

Mage and Warlock activated the spell!

Priest and the priest chanted a spell!

this moment.

The inheritors have united like never before.

Each uses their supernatural powers and sacrifices their big moves.

Get ready to fight the Legions of Shurima in Legendary!!!

And on the other side.

Seeing that the enemy actually had a legion, Azir felt extremely excited.

For an imperial emperor, nothing attracts him more than war.

Azir looked down at the stern army of sand soldiers.

Feel the long-lost Shurima military power!

Feeling full of pride and high fighting spirit.

next moment.

Azir pointed forward with the sun scepter in hand, and issued a military order sharply:

"The direction of the imperial soldiers' peak is the border of Shurima!"

"Soldiers, Forward!!!"

"Crush all enemies!!!"


Move like a mountain, move like a thunder!

The bodies of the millions of yellow sand soldiers waiting in line trembled!

Under the will of the emperor to fight.

Soldiers act quickly!

The army formation changes, the clouds and water flow, and the movements are consistent as one person!

In the blink of an eye.

Then the original military parade square was converted into an attack array!

The soldiers in the first row carry heavy shields and are responsible for head-on collisions!

The soldiers in the second row held their six-meter-long spears and crossed the shoulders of the soldiers in the front row, forming a charge!

The soldiers in the third row carry broadswords and sharp swords, and are responsible for slashing and killing in close combat!

The soldiers in the fourth row bowed their bows and set their arrows, and followed closely behind!

The entire attack array.

No fancy spell magic!

There is no gain BUFF!

There is only the charge and slash of swords, guns and halberds!

Simple and crude, but effective!

This is the common combat method used by Shurima infantry regiments!

The battle between the two sides broke out immediately.

The Inheritor Alliance side.

Millions of war spirits are responsible for the front line.

They held up all kinds of weapons, and rushed towards the position where the soldiers of the yellow sand were located!!!

After a while.

Both armies have reached the point where they are at hand to hand!!!

"Wind! Windy!!!"

At this time, an imperial battle command suddenly came out from the Shurima army formation.

next moment.

Millions of soldiers shouted in response:

"Attack! Attack!!!"


The soul of the army is revived, and the aggression is like fire!

Millions of soldiers in the yellow sand are suddenly mobilized!

They maintain the charge array, and head towards the army of war demons, rushing towards the doctor with incomparable brazenness!!!

But war demons have no intelligence, they only know how to kill on the battlefield, they are vicious and brutal!

Seeing a group of "humanoid soldiers", how dare they take the initiative to attack and charge back towards them!

This undoubtedly stimulated the bloodlust of the War Demon.

It makes them even more impatient to hunt and eat each other!

It doesn't take a moment.

On the edge of the desert, the two armies encountered each other in an all-round way!

Fierce yellow sand soldiers!

Brutal war monsters!

The two armies collided fiercely!!!

so far.

The first round of confrontation between the Shurima Empire Legion and the Inheritance Summoned Army!

It's officially kicked off!!!

After the two armies collided.

It's intense melee combat!

The Huangsha soldiers charged brazenly, like a meteorite hitting the sea, and rushed into the densely packed army of war spirits.

Relying on their advantages in size and equipment, the front row shield soldiers of the Huangsha soldiers directly hit a large number of war monsters into the air.

The spearmen in the back row are close behind!

Raising the long spear horizontally, it thrust out swiftly, piercing through the bodies of countless war spirits.

Archers and swordsmen cooperate tacitly, while charging with the team, while attacking any war monsters approaching the army formation!

But in the course of the battle.

The War Demon also launched an attack without fear of death.

They completely ignored the fierce offensive of Huangsha soldiers.

Regardless of their own huge amounts of casualties.

They rushed up one after another, forcibly blocking the rushing momentum of the Huangsha soldiers with their flesh and blood!

But compared to the 3-meter-tall, muscular Huangsha soldiers.

With a body of 1.5 meters, War Demon is undoubtedly much weaker.


Kelly noticed something was wrong.

After the two armies broke out in hand-to-hand combat.

My war spirit was unilaterally massacred!!!

With the blessing of the Sun Disc!

The sandy body of a yellow sand soldier


Not only has strong magic resistance, but also immunity to various poisonous curses!

And there is also "rock-solid" physical resistance!

War demons can't break through their defenses at all.

The sword and the ax slashed at the sand soldiers, but only a little sand was scraped off.

The bloody mouth that can easily crush bones, biting on the soldiers, actually destroyed the war monster's full-bodied craftsman!


The sand soldiers are all powerful! 067

One punch can explode the war monster, and tear the war monster in two!

See this scene on the battlefield.

All the inheritors have understood


In front of the army of sand soldiers, Common's summons are simply vulnerable!

Without any choice.

The inheritors had no choice but to bite the bullet and play in person!

Although soon someone sacrificed.

However, relying on strong personal combat power, the Sand Soldiers Corps also suffered a heavy blow.

Above the Pyramids.

First, I saw the army of sand soldiers defeating the army of war demons, and then I saw the inheritors personally participate in the battle, harvesting the army of sand soldiers!

Azir showed a playful smile.

He said to Nasus beside him:

"There are always mortals who overestimate their capabilities and try to talk to the God-Emperor in vain!"

"As everyone knows, one of their feet has stepped into the realm of Death God!"

"Nasus, it's your turn!"

"Let them feel the power of the Death God!"

Nasus nodded:

"For the gift, I am willing to go!"

"Their death will come soon!"

same moment.

A few kilometers away from the battlefield.

Su Ye has already returned to the ground.

Standing on a sand dune, overlooking everything that happened on the battlefield.

Su Ye settles his thoughts and waits patiently!

Finally he perceives that the time has come.

Immediately without any hesitation, he used the teleportation scroll and opened a large teleportation gate.

After a while.

The colossal figure of Ling Xiaobaodian had already hovered over the desert.

Immediately, Taotie's huge amount of figure landed on the ground first, crashing behind Su Ye.

I took a look at the gluttonous body that has been upgraded to the third generation and has comprehensively innovated weapons.

Especially the big killer nuclear wave cannon installed in the chest!

Su Ye was very satisfied with this.

Immediately issued the order:

"Taotie, immediately shapeshift the cannon and switch to the heavy cannon form of [Giant Spirit God]!"

"Then lock on to the Pyramids on the battlefield ahead, and prepare to deal a nuclear wave strike!"

"Be careful to strike accurately, and don't accidentally injure the sun disc! Do you understand?"

"Understood!!!" Taotie replied in response.

Then start shapeshifting in situ and set up the nuclear wave cannon!

Enter the "giant spirit god" heavy artillery form!.

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