All-people online games: Start with full anti-armor

Chapter 24 Magic Ring (Incomplete), Obtain!

As expected, Wu Yan saw an additional [Magic Barrier LV2] in his skill bar.

He looked at this skill a little excitedly.


[Skill name: Magic Barrier]

[Skill Level: LV2]

[Skill effect: Can resist a damage of 20% of your own health + 20% of your magic value! 】

[Cooling time: 30 seconds]

[Note: Each level up will reduce the corresponding cooling time and increase the maximum damage that the corresponding magic barrier can absorb! 】

[Additional extended skills: Before each start, you can choose whether to resist magic damage or physical damage. It takes 5 seconds to switch to start up! 】



Pretty good,

Wu Yan was a little mesmerized, probably because of the final blessing from the skill learning mage.

Not only does the skill reach level 2 as soon as it is learned, but there are also additional extended skills. This additional extended skill raises this skill to another level.

Originally, he had seen the magic barrier skill, which was mainly used to resist magic damage.

The current modified skill is equivalent to switching between a shield and a barrier skill.

The skill learning mage rubbed his hands, his expression was quite embarrassing. He originally thought that even if he could not come up with a forbidden technique of [Life Magic Conversion], he could continue to let Wu Yan learn [Magic Explosive Star].

Unexpectedly, the process of imparting skills was started directly.

This is also caused by the fact that he used his magic power too many times today and could not control his magic power well.

The skill learning mage sighed, as if lamenting his old age. His eyes were full of sympathy and he said, "I'm sorry, adventurer. It's my fault this time."

He gritted his teeth and said, "You must accept this item." As he said that, he took his ring out of his hand.

[Message Tip: Player ‘Wandering’ triggered the goodwill of the Skill Learning Magister! 】

[Do you accept the magic ring of the learned skill mage (incomplete)? 】

Wu Yan could only click accept.

The learning skill mage made it clear that if he didn't accept it, he would look down on him.

But Wu Yan was really not unhappy at all.

This skill is his second most desired skill.

After all, the biggest flaw in his current direction as a human shield mage is that he cannot counter-injure the mage's magic and can only be used in the physical system.

The skill [Magic Barrier] is equivalent to increasing his health again, with a 40% bonus.

His magic value is the same as his health value.

Therefore, if there is [Life Magic Conversion], he can expand his health by nearly twice.

Still, it's pretty good.

Wu Yan's mind was already imagining what he should do if he faced the siege of several players.

In Novice Village, players cannot compete with each other.

After leaving the novice village, players can engage in PK with each other. However, if the hatred value is too high after the PK, it will cause guards and even monsters in the wild area to become manic.

There are not many people who are willing to pk.

Some players who like competition prefer to choose the arena in the main city to determine the outcome.

And during arena pk, there is no loss if you die, and it will not be counted into the number of deaths.

Therefore, arena PK is still very popular among players.

Especially now that players are stuck before changing jobs and have no way to complete job transfer tasks.

I can only look for and hone better PK skills.

In the official update notice for the next issue, the upcoming ‘Arena Ladder Ranking’ is given.

The rewards for the ladder list will be the most generous in history.

This is also specifically requested by Blue Star’s official agent.

It is equivalent to a game function customized by Blue Star Server.

Because if you get to the later stages of the game and have to fight players from other galaxies, it will be a large battlefield where everyone can PK.

the other side,

The learning skill mage continued to sigh, "Adventurer, you still have a chance to go to Arcas City to find Ingersoll Darnell and activate the Forgetting Potion mission."

"It's just that the difficulty of this task requires you to be more powerful."

"Maybe it will take a while."

Wu Yan deeply thanked the learning skill mage,

In just one trip, he would have wiped out all his skills as a magician.

The learned skill mage is an ordinary mage who has changed his profession, and his abilities are stronger than the current level 20 mage.

Even so, Wu Yan was tortured enough today.

At this time, Wu Yan took the [Magic Ring (Incomplete)] and looked at it carefully.


[Item name: Magic Ring (Incomplete)]

[Item Grade: Silver]

[Item introduction: This is the inheritance ring from the skill learning mage in the main city No. 1111. Completing it will have unexpected effects]

[Item effect description: Maximum magic value +10%, provides magic value recovery of 2 points/second, and can still be recovered during battle. 】


Wu Yan didn't have any hope at first, because he saw the word "incomplete" from the beginning.

I didn’t expect that this incomplete magic ring was actually silver grade.

There has not been a piece of gold-level jewelry released yet, but there are only a few gold-level weapons.

According to official introduction,

Gold-level jewelry has not been released in this version yet. Players like Wu Yan who have silver jewelry are already a minority among the minority.

Where do most players get jewelry? Even some high-level players only have a few bronze jewelry.

And this [Magic Ring (Incomplete)] actually has two attribute bonuses.

His magic value finally increased a little.

He just checked the consumption of the magic barrier and it is still a bit high. It takes 10 magic points/s to keep this magic barrier running.

His magic value can only last for 2 minutes, if you don’t consider any magic value recovery effect.

Because of his intelligence bonus of 10, he has 1 magic value recovery, plus the 2 magic value recovery of this magic ring.

Wu Yan kept calculating in his mind,

The magic value recovery is still a little lacking. He has to keep the magic barrier running completely intact so that he can feel safe enough.

Now he really only has one skill, a small fireball.

Luckily, the physical attack power of the new silver magic wand has increased by 10 points. He can use the small fireball and the magic wand to tap the monster's health back and forth.

Well, he still needs to find a physical monster to upgrade first.

As soon as Wu Yan solved this problem, he replied to [Xing Tian].

According to their agreement,

he had to go to [Super God Guild] and say hello to several other mages first.

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