All-people online games: Start with full anti-armor

Chapter 53: Learning skills, Magic Explosion Star!

Wu Yan was stunned.

He originally thought that [Leoric] wanted to trigger the mysterious task for him.

Because he always felt that [Leoric] was not a simple 20-level skill learning instructor.

How could an ordinary 20-level NPC know so many things and issue tasks to him in advance?

Being looked at by a pale old man like this,

Wu Yan really couldn't stand it and could only say, "I jumped up from this side."

As he said, Wu Yan went down again and did the same thing, using the sprint jump again and jumped up.

He spread his hands and said, "I came up like this."

Hasn't the NPC seen a lot of things?

Is this kind of jumping also worth being surprised?

[Leoric] staggered to the place where Wu Yan jumped down and came up again, and there was a trace of shock in his eyes.

He thought a lot, because in this young new human mage, he saw what the mage's talent is again.

Therefore, [Leoric] once thought that Wu Yan might have learned the long-lost floating technique in this world, or got a flying prop.

Never expected that

this young new human wizard would jump up directly.

Could it be?

[Leoric] became excited, and his bone-like hand was placed on Wu Yan's shoulder,

"Have you opened the restraint?"


What restraint?

Wu Yan didn't understand, but still answered, "Teacher, I don't know what the restraint is."


Wu Yan changed the subject, "I did receive a bloodline restriction task."

[Leoric] was not surprised to hear this task, but was a little sorry that Wu Yan didn't know the "restraint" he was talking about.

"Bloodline restriction is just one of the branch tasks.", [Leoric] paused, "In the history books recorded in the library, few people have activated this task."

[Leoric] still hesitated. In fact, among the magicians he knew, no one had been able to complete that task.

Wu Yan's heart moved, and he secretly memorized the word "library".

Each main city will have a library, and the content of this library is also different.

After all, they all record the history of this main city.

Wu Yan once couldn't read the library's information because of the boring introduction of the main city's history.

The game "God's Realm Advent" is far more complicated than he imagined, and each design has its own unique intention.

After asking the doubts in his heart, [Leoric] began to carry out the formal task process,

"Adventurer, congratulations on completing the professional skill task, please choose the magic you want to practice.\

,"The same magic book floated in the air again,

Last time, Wu Yan didn't notice that the color of [Magic Explosion Star]'s skill book was different from other skill books.

He remembered that the rules in "God's Realm Advent" mentioned that there is no good or bad skills,

the difference is only in the person who uses it.

It seems that this is just talk, otherwise there would not be such a big difference in appearance in the production of skill books.

[Message reminder: Congratulations to the player for learning the skill "Magic Explosion Star lv2"! 】

After Wu Yan's hand touched the skill book, such a prompt popped up.

He sincerely saluted [Leoric]. The last magic barrier level 2 was already a gift.

This time, the skill was returned to level 2, which seemed to be beyond the scope of the task.

It was the pale mentor's own private intention.

Wu Yan was about to leave,

[Leoric] spoke again, pointing at the magic ring in Wu Yan's hand,

"You haven't asked that big fool to complete it yet?\

,"Wu Yan had forgotten about the magic ring. Maybe subconsciously, whenever he thought of magic recovery, he would think of [Tu Sifang],

which made him a little avoid it.

"Your iron-headed mentor of life skills!", [Leoric] put his wand down, and felt that there were ripples of magic shaking on the floor.

Wu Yan nodded repeatedly, "Just find Master Xiang? Do you need other materials?"

"Go ask him?", When talking about the detailed task, [Leoric] lost interest in continuing to tell.

"Oh, right, mentor." Wu Yan continued to ask, "Teacher, do you know of any monsters that cast spells very quickly?"

Based on his talent, Wu Yan judged that the attribute plundered by this talent must be linked to the attributes of the monster itself.

So Wu Yan had to find monsters with faster casting speeds to plunder the talent of chanting acceleration.

[Leoric]'s deep eyes flashed a glimmer. When talking about magic,

[Leoric] always seemed more energetic, "A monster with a fast casting speed?"

He pondered,

In the mouths of NPCs, they don't like to call monsters like players do, but prefer to call them "monsters" or "strange beasts".

Of course, under the influence of players, NPCs are also learning the language of players.

This is given in the official website of "God's Advent" as a way for NPCs to learn automatically, so players don't think it's too strange.

After about 1~2 minutes of silence,

Wu Yan almost couldn't stand, God knows how [Leoric] could stick to himself without moving.

But in the end [Leoric] said, "I can't remember the location of the monster with a fast casting speed. Let's go to the library."

"There may be your answer there."

It seems that there is quite a lot of information in the library.

After Wu Yan thanked him again, he jumped down from the second floor.

The look on [Leoric's] face just now didn't look like he didn't remember, but like he should have remembered but somehow forgot.

Wu Yan kept an eye on it, maybe there would be other tasks for [Leoric] in the future.

He was not in a hurry to go to the library;

Because [Xing Tian] left him a voice message directly,

Generally, you can only have three opportunities to leave a voice message a day, which is probably a very important matter.

He opened [Xing Tian]'s voice message and said, "Come back quickly, someone is pretending to be you and promoting it on the forum.\

,"Wu Yan is a little confused, pretending to be himself?

There are not many people who know me, so how could someone pretend to be me? This is too strange.

Return to the Super God Guild,

[Xing Tian] took him into a small conference room with a serious look on his face. Several people he knew were already sitting there.

Including, [Blood Eye], [Hidden Kill], [Slaughter in All Directions], and several others.

Wu Yan couldn't help but sigh that [Xing Tian] really knows how to deal with things. He really doesn't like being with too many unknown faces.

After all, he only agreed to be a mage consultant and didn't want to get involved in too many things.

[Xing Tian] closed the door, and then called up the forum part of his game panel.

Then he projected it onto the big screen in the conference room. This was Wu Yan's first time attending a conference.

I really didn’t expect that the technology in this game is more advanced than in reality.

[Xingtian] called up a very popular post,

It clearly says,

"The first kill of the mutated boss, discussing the hardships of undercover Super God Guild for more than 20 days\

,"etc? What is this?

Wu Yan was stunned?

Since when have you been undercover in the Super God Guild for more than 20 days?

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