All People: Potential Stimulated! Start Attribute 999

138. Fear Of Death? Destroyer Skills Activated! (Four More Please Customize!)

Chapter 138 Who are you from the Dragon Kingdom if you are afraid of death? Activate the world-destroying skills!

Don't care about those ranger professionals who are shouting at them angrily.

Those mage professionals at the peak level of sanctuary level immediately released their sanctuary level skills with countless stars up to eight or nine stars towards Gu Feng!

At this moment, the sky above the heads of these sanctuary-level peak-strength mage professionals seems to have been dyed with terrifying and colorful colors by the terrifying skills they released.

See this scene.

The team of Dragon Kingdom professionals who were hiding in the corner were suddenly taken aback!

You know, after they saw all the assassins at the peak level of sanctuary level being counter-killed by Gu Feng, they thought that those alliance teams should have given up their attack.

Even at that moment, they had already forgotten that there were other people in that staggeringly large alliance team!

And these people are the truly terrifying existences!

You must know that although there are many warrior professionals at the peak level of sanctuary level, it is well known that the damage of warrior professionals is basically the lowest among professionals.

As for those professional assassins at the peak strength level of the sanctuary level, although the damage is high, the number is not very large.

Compared with those professional fighters, the number of professional assassins at the peak level of sanctuary level is even less than half!

And the facts have also proved that after those assassin professionals at the peak strength level of the sanctuary level make their shots, they can't shake this superficially [the strength is only at the level of the initial strength of Song You's legendary level!


After noticing that the sky suddenly changed color, those members of the professional team of the Dragon Country who were hiding in the corner panicked instantly!

They didn't even need to think about it, they knew that this must be the group of mage professionals who were hiding in the dark and those at the peak strength of the sanctuary level made their move!

Seeing those mage professionals at the peak level of sanctuary level do their work, they also began to worry about that Dragon Kingdom genius at this moment!

You know, the combat methods of professional mages are really too much!

Compared with those assassin professionals at the peak strength level of the sanctuary level, they only have pure burst damage.

These mage professionals with the peak strength of the sanctuary level even have countless armor-piercing skills.

Thinking of this, they suddenly couldn't help swallowing.

"It's over, I didn't expect those mage professionals with peak sanctuary level strength who were hiding in the dark to do it. This Long Wei would not be directly attacked by these mage professionals with peak sanctuary level strength. Did you kill it?"

"It's hard to say, after all, compared with those assassins at the peak level of the sanctuary level, these mages at the peak level of the sanctuary level have too many methods! Not only are they able to break defenses, but they also have Lots of powerful control skills!"

"That's right, the control and weakening skills of mages are the scariest. Those mage professionals with the peak strength of the sanctuary level can only do a little higher damage, but from the analysis just now, the genius of the Dragon Kingdom The resistance is very exaggerated, but now I meet those Mage professionals who are at the peak strength of the sanctuary level, once they are weakened by armor piercing, his powerful defense may not be of much use!"

"What should we do now, old captain, are we going to help that Dragon Kingdom genius now? After all, if we don't make a move, the current genius who is only at the beginning of the legendary level, Hui Neng will fall to those sanctuary level geniuses here." In the hands of professionals at the peak level of strength!"

"That's right, old captain, or else let's make a move. As long as we can guarantee our own lives, we must give that Dragon Kingdom genius some skills to resist!"

"That's right, if we don't take action now, the genius of the dragon (abdi) kingdom may be killed directly!"

Seeing this scene, the members of the Dragon Kingdom professional team couldn't help but say!

After all, from their point of view.

The talent in front of me is only at the level of the legendary level at the beginning of the dragon country genius mage [certainly can't handle the skills of those gringo mage professionals at the peak level of the sanctuary level!


Before the old captain opened his mouth to speak, the other dragon country professionals who were more afraid of death in the team couldn't help but refute.

"Are you kidding? Didn't you see those attacks, but they were all attacks released by those mage professionals at the peak strength of the sanctuary level? Even if we make a move now, he can't hold Anxi at all. Hurt!"

"Yeah, if you want to go, then you go, such a terrifying damage coverage, let alone our fighters at the peak strength of the sanctuary level, I am afraid that even those warrior professionals at the peak strength of the demigod level, in such a Under the cover of terrifying damage, it is impossible to survive!"

"That's right, I still want to live for a while longer. A professional with the peak strength of the sanctuary level has a lifespan of tens of thousands of years. I have only lived for less than a hundred years now, so I don't want to die so early !"


Seeing the words of these death-afraid Dragon Kingdom professionals, those members who wanted to help Gu Feng resist the damage just now couldn't help pointing at these people and cursing angrily!

To know.

They and this genius mage are from the same country!

Now that he has encountered such a big difficulty, if he doesn't help, he is simply not worthy of being a Dragon Country man!

It's a pity that among those members who they said they wanted to help Gu Feng just now, there is not a single warrior professional at all.

after all……

They also don't have to go forward to resist the damage, if they want to help Gu Feng, basically those warrior professionals release some skills that can resist the damage to Gu Feng.

If they came, I'm afraid that the moment they appeared, they didn't even release their skills, and they were directly killed by the terrifying damage coverage in an instant!


It was at this time.

The moment the old captain was about to speak, the skills released by those mage professionals at the peak level of the sanctuary level, which even dyed the sky in colorful colors, had already come in front of the genius of the Dragon Kingdom!


After seeing the countless skills in front of him, Gu Feng just smiled lightly.

He didn't expect that those foreigners would dare to make a move now.

However, it was precisely because of their shot this time that their positions were completely exposed!

Thinking of this, Gu Feng did not hesitate.

Directly released his own skills!.

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