The waitress girl has worked in this place for such a long time, so it stands to reason that she can be calm about anything she encounters.

But when I saw the price list, I couldn't help but stare round my eyes.

This is the price of millions of alliance coins.

The waitress couldn't help but gasped, and after she regained her composure, she quickly helped Gu Feng finish the next thing. "Two Nine Zero" but looking at Gu Feng's gaze is completely different from before.

It is with fanatical worship.

The other people present were also extremely shocked after hearing the price revealed by the waitress girl.

They feel that Gu Feng is no longer just an ordinary person to them, but a tool full of treasures.

As long as you can kill him, you can get everything he has.

Needless to say, this allure.

Among these sanctuary-level peak powerhouses, Gou Tianxia and Wanshengren stared at Gu Feng even more.

Millions of alliance coins are too tempting.

Gou Tianxia and Wanshengren may not be the kind of existence that would easily make a move, but they were still tempted by these things possessed by Gu Feng.

"How? Shoot?"

Gou Tianxia glanced at it, and the tone of the Wansheng people around him was very concise.

He could see the greed in the eyes of the Halloween man, so he clearly knew that this guy had the same thoughts as himself in his mind.

They all want to get the alliance currency in Gu Feng's hand.

Their strength is incomparably strong, and they also have full confidence in their own strength.

They are sure that as long as they do it this time, they will be able to force Gu Feng to hand over all the alliance coins.


The Halloween man sneered and nodded.

This is a golden opportunity, Gu Feng's strength is simply not enough to keep these alliance coins.

Although Gu Feng hadn't done anything to offend the two of them before, the problem was that he had something that others couldn't refuse.

If you want to blame, blame him for not having enough strength.

If he can have the strength to match it, then these strong men will not dare to covet what he holds...

After receiving the affirmative answer from the Wanshengren, Gou Tianxia also smiled, and then the two walked over slowly, and then blocked Gu Feng's way.

Seeing these two people standing in front of him, Gu Feng frowned slightly.

To be honest, today he is not in the mood to do anything anymore, but it's a pity that these two people don't seem to let him leave easily.

Then there is no way.

These are two sanctuary-level peak powerhouses, and they are both very terrifying existences.

But even so, when Gu Feng faced them, he didn't feel the slightest fear.

After all, it's not like 4.0 didn't deal with a powerhouse of this level before.

Characters like Gu Feng are good at performing miracles, which is to turn the impossible into something that actually happened.

And what happened here naturally attracted the attention of other people.

Among the sanctuary-level peak powerhouses present, there are quite a few people who already have the idea of ​​​​doing it. .

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